ZooKeeper Access Control

This section describes using ZooKeeper access control lists (ACLs) with Solr.

For information about ZooKeeper ACLs, see the ZooKeeper ACL documentation.

About ZooKeeper ACLs

SolrCloud uses ZooKeeper for shared information and for coordination.

This section describes how to configure Solr to add more restrictive ACLs to the ZooKeeper content it creates, and how to tell Solr about the credentials required to access the content in ZooKeeper. If you want to use ACLs in your ZooKeeper nodes, you will have to activate this functionality; by default, Solr behavior is open-unsafe ACL everywhere and uses no credentials.

Content stored in ZooKeeper is critical to the operation of a SolrCloud cluster. Open access to SolrCloud content on ZooKeeper could lead to a variety of problems. For example:

  • Changing configuration might cause Solr to fail or behave in an unintended way.

  • Changing cluster state information into something wrong or inconsistent might very well make a SolrCloud cluster behave strangely.

  • Adding a delete-collection job to be carried out by the Overseer will cause data to be deleted from the cluster.

You may want to enable ZooKeeper ACLs with Solr if you grant access to your ZooKeeper ensemble to entities you do not trust, or if you want to reduce risk of bad actions resulting from, for example:

  • Malware that found its way into your system.

  • Other systems using the same ZooKeeper ensemble (a "bad thing" might be done by accident).

You might even want to limit read-access, if you think there is stuff in ZooKeeper that not everyone should know about. Or you might just in general work on a need-to-know basis.

Protecting ZooKeeper itself could mean many different things. This section is about protecting Solr content in ZooKeeper. ZooKeeper content basically lives persisted on disk and (partly) in memory of the ZooKeeper processes. This section is not about protecting ZooKeeper data at storage or ZooKeeper process levels - that’s for ZooKeeper to deal with.

But this content is also available to "the outside" via the ZooKeeper API. Outside processes can connect to ZooKeeper and create/update/delete/read content. For example, a Solr node in a SolrCloud cluster wants to create/update/delete/read, and a SolrJ client wants to read from the cluster. It is the responsibility of the outside processes that create/update content to setup ACLs on the content. ACLs describe who is allowed to read, update, delete, create, etc. Each piece of information (znode/content) in ZooKeeper has its own set of ACLs, and inheritance or sharing is not possible. The default behavior in Solr is to add one ACL on all the content it creates - one ACL that gives anyone the permission to do anything (in ZooKeeper terms this is called "the open-unsafe ACL").

Solr to Zookeeper ACLs Workflow

  • Solr to Zookeeper credentials and ACLs are controlled through 3 interfaces: ZkCredentialsInjector, ZkCredentialsProvider and ZkACLProvider.

  • The classes implementing these 3 interfaces are passed to Solr via System Properties using the properties names defined in solr.xml (see Configuring solr.xml for details). The following are the default properties names: zkCredentialsInjector, zkACLProvider and zkCredentialsProvider. See below sections for details.

  • The dataflow is as follow: Credentials source → ZkCredentialsInjectorZkCredentialsProvider/ZkACLProvider → Zookeeper.

ZkCredentialsInjector gets the credentials from some source which in turn get injected into ZkCredentialsProvider and ZkACLProvider. The "source" here can be System Properties, a file, a Secret Manager, or any other local or remote source.

  • Two sets of roles are supported:

    • ALL user: A user that is allowed to do everything (corresponding to all of CREATE, READ, WRITE, DELETE, and ADMIN).

    • READ user: A ready-only user that is only allowed to perform read operations.

  • We always protect access to content by limiting to two users - an admin-user and a readonly-user - AND we always connect with credentials corresponding to this same admin-user, basically so that we can do anything to the content/znodes we create ourselves.

You can give the readonly credentials to "clients" of your SolrCloud cluster - e.g., to be used by SolrJ clients. They will be able to read whatever is necessary to run a functioning SolrJ client, but they will not be able to modify any content in ZooKeeper.

How to Enable ACLs

  • We want to be able to:

    1. Control the credentials Solr uses for its ZooKeeper connections. The credentials are used to get permission to perform operations in ZooKeeper.

    2. Control which ACLs Solr will add to znodes (ZooKeeper files/folders) it creates in ZooKeeper.

    3. Control it "from the outside", so that you do not have to modify and/or recompile Solr code to turn this on.

Solr nodes, clients, and tools (e.g., SolrCLI) always use a java class called SolrZkClient to deal with their ZooKeeper stuff. The implementation of the solution described here is all about changing SolrZkClient. If you use SolrZkClient in your application, the descriptions below will be true for your application too.

  • Controlling credentials and ACLs is done in 3 steps: Set a ZkCredentialsInjector that reads the credentials from some source and then inject them into a ZkCredentialsProvider that Solr uses to connect to Zookeeper. ZkACLProvider uses the same credentials to set the ACLs.

We will describe these 3 steps in details before giving some ready to use examples.

  1. Set the ZkCredentialsInjector.

  2. Set the ZkCredentialsProvider.

  3. Set the ZkACLProvider.

Set a Credentials Injector

  • A credentials injector gets the credentials from an external source and injects them into Solr.

    • You control which credentials will be injected by configuring zkCredentialsInjector property in the <solrcloud> section of solr.xml to the name of a class (on the classpath) implementing the ZkCredentialsInjector interface.
      server/solr/solr.xml file in the Solr distribution defines the`zkCredentialsInjector` such that it will take on the value of the same-named zkCredentialsInjector system property if it is defined (e.g., by uncommenting the SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS environment variable definition in solr.in.sh/.cmd- see below), or if not, default to the DefaultZkCredentialsInjector implementation.

Out of the Box Credentials Injector Implementations

  • Solr comes with the following ZkCredentialsInjectors:

    • org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DefaultZkCredentialsInjector: Its getCredentials() method returns a list of length zero, or "no credentials used". This is the default.

    • org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector: The username and password are defined by system properties name:`zkDigestUsername` and zkDigestPassword. This set of credentials will be added to the list of credentials returned by getCredentials() if both username and password are provided.

      • If the one set of credentials above is not added to the list, this implementation will fall back to default behavior and use the (empty) credentials list from DefaultZkCredentialsInjector.

      • Alternatively, you can set the zkDigestCredentialsFile system property to load zkDigestUsername and zkDigestPassword from a file instead of exposing the credentials as system properties. The provided file must be a Java properties file and contain both the zkDigestUsername and zkDigestPassword properties.

      • Usage (See full example later in the page):

-DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD
-DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD

# Or using a Java property file containing the credentials:
  • You can create your own credentials injector by implementing ZkCredentialsInjector and pass it through System Properties using zkCredentialsInjector name:


After the credentials are injected they are then used in the ZkCredentialsProvider.

Set a Credential Provider

ZkCredentialsProvider gets the credentials from the ZkCredentialsInjector and uses them to connect to Zookeeper.

  • You control which credentials will be used by configuring zkCredentialsProvider property in the <solrcloud> section of solr.xml to the name of a class (on the classpath) implementing the ZkCredentialsProvider interface.
    server/solr/solr.xml file in the Solr distribution defines the`zkCredentialsProvider`such that it will take on the value of the same-named zkCredentialsProvider system property if it is defined (e.g., by uncommenting the SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS environment variable definition in solr.in.sh/.cmd- see below), or if not, default to the DefaultZkCredentialsProvider implementation.

Out of the Box credentials Implementations

You can always make you own implementation, but Solr comes with two implementations:

  • No credentials:

org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DefaultZkCredentialsProvider: Its getCredentials() returns a list of length zero, or "no credentials used". This is the default.

  • digest scheme based credentialsProvider:

org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkCredentialsProvider: The used scheme is digest and it gets the ALL user credentials (perms=all) from the specified ZkCredentialsInjector.

If a ZkCredentialsInjector with an ALL user ( having both username and password provided) is not defined, it will fall back to default behavior and use the (empty) credentials list from DefaultZkCredentialsProvider.

Set an ACL Provider

  • You control which ACLs will be added by configuring zkACLProvider property in the <solrcloud> section of solr.xml to the name of a class (on the classpath) implementing the ZkACLProvider interface.
    server/solr/solr.xml file in the Solr distribution defines the`zkACLProvider`such that it will take on the value of the same-named zkACLProvider system property if it is defined (e.g., by uncommenting the SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS environment variable definition in solr.in.sh/.cmd- see below), or if not, default to the DefaultZkACLProvider implementation.

Out of the Box ACL Implementations

You can always make you own implementation, but Solr comes with:

  • org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DefaultZkACLProvider: It returns a list of length one for all zNodePath-s. The single ACL entry in the list is "open-unsafe". This is the default.

  • org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkACLProvider: This lets you define your ACLs using the defined ZkCredentialsInjector. Its getACLsToAdd() implementation will apply only admin ACLs to pre-defined sensitive paths as defined by SecurityAwareZkACLProvider (/security.json and /security/*) and both admin and user ACLs to the rest of the contents. The all and read users are injected through the ZkCredentialsInjector described earlier in the page.

  • org.apache.solr.common.cloud.SaslZkACLProvider: Requires SASL authentication. Gives all permissions for the user specified in system property solr.authorization.superuser (default:`solr`) when using SASL, and gives read permissions for anyone else. Designed for a setup where configurations have already been set up and will not be modified, or where configuration changes are controlled via Solr APIs. This provider will be useful for administration in a kerberos environment. In such an environment, the administrator wants Solr to authenticate to ZooKeeper using SASL, since this is only way to authenticate with ZooKeeper via Kerberos.

  • If none of the above ACLs is added to the list, the (empty) ACL list of DefaultZkACLProvider will be used by default.


Below examples are for digest scheme.

 <str name="zkCredentialsInjector">${zkCredentialsInjector:org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DefaultZkCredentialsInjector}</str>

Through System Properties

  • ZK credentials are passed through System Properties via DzkDigestUsername, DzkDigestPassword, DzkDigestReadonlyUsername and DzkDigestReadonlyPassword properties names.

# Settings for ZK ACL
SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS="-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkACLProvider \
  -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkCredentialsProvider \
  -DzkCredentialsInjector=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector \
  -DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD \
  -DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD"

Through a File

  • Create a Java property files, for example named zookeepercredentials.properties containing the credentials in the following format:

  • Pass the file path via System Properties:

# Settings for ZK ACL
SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS="-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkACLProvider \
  -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkCredentialsProvider \
  -DzkCredentialsInjector=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector \

Through a Custom Credentials Injector

  • Alternatively, you can create your own credentials injector by implementing ZkCredentialsInjector and pass it through system props using DzkCredentialsInjector variable name.

# Settings for ZK ACL
SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS="-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkACLProvider \
  -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkCredentialsProvider \

ZooKeeper ACLs in Solr CLI

These Solr scripts can enable use of ZooKeeper ACLs by setting the appropriate system properties.

  • Example using VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector:

Uncomment the following and replace the passwords with ones you choose to enable the parameters and ACL credentials providers in the following files:

# Settings for ZK ACL
#SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS="-DzkACLProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkACLProvider \
#  -DzkCredentialsProvider=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.DigestZkCredentialsProvider \
#  -DzkCredentialsInjector=org.apache.solr.common.cloud.VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector \
#  -DzkDigestUsername=admin-user -DzkDigestPassword=CHANGEME-ADMIN-PASSWORD \
#  -DzkDigestReadonlyUsername=readonly-user -DzkDigestReadonlyPassword=CHANGEME-READONLY-PASSWORD"

Changing ACL Schemes

Over the lifetime of operating your Solr cluster, you may decide to move from an unsecured ZooKeeper to a secured instance. Changing the configured zkACLProvider in solr.xml will ensure that newly created nodes are secure, but will not protect the already existing data.

To modify all existing ACLs, you can use the bin/solr zk updateacls command with Solr’s CLI. First uncomment the SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS environment variable definition in solr.in.* and fill in the passwords for the admin-user and the readonly-user as described above in ZooKeeper ACLs in Solr CLI.

Then run the command below appropriate for your operating system:

$ bin/solr zk updateacls /zk-path

Changing ACLs in ZooKeeper should only be done while your SolrCloud cluster is stopped. Attempting to do so while Solr is running may result in inconsistent state and some nodes becoming inaccessible.

The VM properties zkCredentialsInjector, zkACLProvider and zkCredentialsProvider, included in the SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS environment variable in solr.in.*, control the conversion:

  • The Credentials Injector reads the credentials and pass them to the Credentials Provider. When omitted, the process will use no credentials (suitable for an unsecure configuration).

  • The Credentials Provider uses the credentials of the user with admin privileges on the nodes. When omitted, the process will use no credentials (suitable for an unsecure configuration).

  • The ACL Provider will be used to compute the new ACLs. When omitted, the process will set all permissions to all users, removing any security present.

The uncommented SOLR_ZK_CREDS_AND_ACLS environment variable in solr.in.* sets the credentials and ACL providers to the VMParamsZkCredentialsInjector, DigestZkCredentialsProvider and DigestZkACLProvider implementations, described earlier in the page.