Task Management

Solr allows users to control their running tasks by monitoring them, specifying tasks as cancellation enabled and allowing cancellation of the same.

This is achieved using the task management interface. Currently, this is supported for queries.

Types of Operations

Task management interface supports the following types of operations:

  1. List all currently running cancellable tasks.

  2. Cancel a specific task.

  3. Query the status of a specific task.

Listing All Active Cancellable Tasks

To list all the active cancellable tasks currently running, please use the following syntax:


Sample Response

{responseHeader={status=0, QTime=11370}, taskList={0=q=%3A&canCancel=true&queryUUID=0&_stateVer_=collection1%3A4&wt=javabin&version=2, 5=q=%3A&canCancel=true&queryUUID=5&_stateVer_=collection1%3A4&wt=javabin&version=2, 7=q=%3A&canCancel=true&queryUUID=7&_stateVer_=collection1%3A4&wt=javabin&version=2}

Cancelling An Active Cancellable Task

To cancel an active task, please use the following syntax:


Sample Response

If the task UUID was found and successfully cancelled:

{responseHeader={status=0, QTime=39}, status=Query with queryID 85 cancelled successfully}

If the task UUID was not found

{responseHeader={status=0, QTime=39}, status=Query with queryID 85 not found}

Check Status of a Specific Task

To check the status of a specific task, please use the following syntax:


taskUUID Parameter

taskUUID parameter can be used to specify a task UUID whose status can be checked.

Sample Response

{responseHeader={status=0, QTime=6128}, taskStatus=foobar:true}