SQL Query Language
The Solr SQL Module brings the power of SQL querying to Solr by seamlessly combining SQL with Solr’s full-text search capabilities. Both MapReduce style and JSON Facet API aggregations are supported, which means that SQL querying can be used to support both high query volume and high cardinality use cases.
This is provided via the sql
Solr Module that needs to be enabled before use.
SQL Architecture
The SQL interface allows sending a SQL query to Solr and getting documents streamed back in response. Under the covers, Solr’s SQL interface uses the Apache Calcite SQL engine to translate SQL queries to physical query plans implemented as Streaming Expressions.
More information about how to Solr supports SQL queries for Solr is described in the Configuration section below.
Solr Collections and DB Tables
In a standard SELECT
statement such as SELECT <expressions> FROM <table>
, the table names correspond to Solr collection names.
Table names are case insensitive.
Column names in the SQL query map directly to fields in the Solr index for the collection being queried.
These identifiers are case sensitive.
Aliases are supported, and can be referenced in the ORDER BY
syntax to indicate all fields is only supported for queries with a LIMIT
The score
field can be used only with queries that contain a LIMIT
For example, we could index Solr’s sample documents and then construct an SQL query like this:
SELECT name_exact as name, manu as mfr, price as retail FROM techproducts ORDER BY retail DESC
The collection in Solr we are using is "techproducts", and we’ve asked for the "name_exact", manu" and "price" fields to be returned, with the aliased name "retail" being sorted upon to show most expensive to least expensive products.
Solr SQL Syntax
Solr supports a broad range of SQL syntax.
SQL Parser is Case Insensitive
The SQL parser being used by Solr to translate the SQL statements is case insensitive. However, for ease of reading, all examples on this page use capitalized keywords. |
SELECT * is only supported when using LIMIT
In general, you should project the fields you need to return for each query explicitly and avoid using |
Escaping Reserved Words
The SQL parser will return an error if a reserved word is used in the SQL query. Reserved words can be escaped and included in the query using the back tick. For example:
select `from` from emails
SELECT Statements
Solr supports limited and unlimited select queries.
The syntax between the two types of queries are identical except for the LIMIT
clause in the SQL statement.
However, they have very different execution plans and different requirements for how the data is stored.
The sections below explores both types of queries.
WHERE Clause and Boolean Predicates
The WHERE clause must have a field on one side of the predicate.
Two constants |
clause allows Solr’s search syntax to be injected into the SQL query.
In the example:
WHERE fieldC = 'term1 term2'
The predicate above will execute a full text search for the phrase 'term1 term2' in fieldC.
To execute a non-phrase query, simply add parens inside of the single quotes. For example:
WHERE fieldC = '(term1 term2)'
The predicate above searches for term1
OR term2
in fieldC
The Solr range query syntax can be used as follows:
WHERE fieldC = '[0 TO 100]'
Complex boolean queries can be specified as follows:
WHERE ((fieldC = 'term1' AND fieldA = 'term2') OR (fieldB = 'term3'))
To specify NOT queries, you use the AND NOT
syntax as follows:
WHERE (fieldA = 'term1') AND NOT (fieldB = 'term2')
Supported WHERE Operators
The SQL query interface supports and pushes down most common SQL operators, specifically:
Operator | Description | Example | Solr Query |
= |
Equals |
<> |
Does not equal |
> |
Greater than |
>= |
Greater than or equals |
< |
Less than |
<= |
Less than or equals |
IN |
Specify multiple values (shorthand for multiple OR clasues) |
Wildcard match on string or text fields |
Range match |
Match columns with null value |
(*:* -field:*) |
Match columns with value |
instead of!=
for not equals -
IN, LIKE, BETWEEN support the NOT keyword to find rows where the condition is not true, such as
fielda NOT LIKE 'day%'
String literals must be wrapped in single-quotes; double-quotes indicate database objects and not a string literal.
A simplistic LIKE can be used with an asterisk wildcard, such as
field = 'sam*'
; this is Solr specific and not part of the SQL standard. -
The maximum number of values for an
clause is limited by themaxBooleanClauses
configured for your collection. -
When performing ANDed range queries over a multi-valued field, Apache Calcite short-circuits to zero results if the ANDed predicates appear to be disjoint sets. For example, b_is <= 2 AND b_is >= 5 appears to Calcite to be disjoint sets, which they are from a single-valued field perspective. However, this may not be the case with multi-valued fields, as Solr might match documents. The work-around is to use Solr query syntax directly inside of an equals expression wrapped in parens: b_is = '(+[5 TO *] +[* TO 2])'
clause maps directly to Solr fields.
Multiple ORDER BY
fields and directions are supported.
The score
field is accepted in the ORDER BY
clause in queries where a limit is specified.
clause contains the exact fields in the GROUP BY
clause, then there is no-limit placed on the returned results.
clause contains different fields than the GROUP BY
clause, a limit of 100 is automatically applied.
To increase this limit you must specify a value in the LIMIT
Order by fields are case sensitive.
Queries that specify an ORDER BY
clause may also use the OFFSET
(0-based index) and FETCH
operators to page through results; OFFSET
without FETCH
is not supported and generates an exception.
For example, the following query requests the second page of 10 results:
Paging with SQL suffers the same performance penalty of paging in Solr queries using start
and rows
where the distributed query must
over-fetch OFFSET
documents from each shard and then sort the results from each shard to generate the page of results returned to the client.
Consequently, this feature should only be used for small OFFSET / FETCH sizes, such as paging up to 10,000 documents per shard.
Solr SQL does not enforce any hard limits but the deeper you go into the results,
each subsequent page request takes longer and consumes more resources.
Solr’s cursorMark
feature for deep paging is not supported in SQL; use a SQL query without a LIMIT
to stream large result sets through the /export
handler instead.
is not intended for deep-paging type use cases.
LIMIT Clause
Limits the result set to the specified size.
In the example above the clause LIMIT 100
will limit the result set to 100 records.
There are a few differences to note between limited and unlimited queries:
Limited queries support
in the field list andORDER BY
. Unlimited queries do not. -
Limited queries allow any stored field in the field list. Unlimited queries require the fields to be stored as a DocValues field.
Limited queries allow any indexed field in the
list. Unlimited queries require the fields to be stored as a DocValues field. -
If a field is indexed but not stored or has docValues, you can filter on the field but you cannot return it in results.
The SQL interface supports both MapReduce and Facet implementations for SELECT DISTINCT
The MapReduce implementation shuffles tuples to worker nodes where the Distinct operation is performed. This implementation can perform the Distinct operation over extremely high cardinality fields.
The Facet implementation pushes down the Distinct operation into the search engine using the JSON Facet API. This implementation is designed for high performance, high QPS scenarios on low-to-moderate cardinality fields.
The aggregationMode
parameter is available in the both the JDBC driver and HTTP interface to choose the underlying implementation (map_reduce
or facet
The SQL syntax is identical for both implementations:
SELECT distinct fieldA as fa, fieldB as fb FROM tableA ORDER BY fa desc, fb desc
Statistical Functions
The SQL interface supports simple statistics calculated on numeric fields.
The supported functions are COUNT(*)
, and AVG
Because these functions never require data to be shuffled, the aggregations are pushed down into the search engine and are generated by the Stats Component.
SELECT COUNT(*) as count, SUM(fieldB) as sum FROM tableA WHERE fieldC = 'Hello'
metric uses Solr’s HyperLogLog (hll) statistical function to compute an approximate cardinality for the given field and should be used when query performance is important and an exact count is not needed.
GROUP BY Aggregations
The SQL interface also supports GROUP BY
aggregate queries.
queries, the SQL interface supports both a MapReduce implementation and a Facet implementation.
The MapReduce implementation can build aggregations over extremely high cardinality fields.
The Facet implementations provides high performance aggregation over fields with moderate levels of cardinality.
Basic GROUP BY with Aggregates
Here is a basic example of a GROUP BY query that requests aggregations:
SELECT fieldA as fa, fieldB as fb, COUNT(*) as count, SUM(fieldC) as sum, AVG(fieldY) as avg
FROM tableA
WHERE fieldC = 'term1 term2'
GROUP BY fa, fb
HAVING sum > 1000
ORDER BY sum asc
Let’s break this down into pieces:
Column Identifiers and Aliases
The Column Identifiers can contain both fields in the Solr index and aggregate functions. The supported aggregate functions are:
: Counts the number of records over a set of buckets. -
: Sums a numeric field over over a set of buckets. -
: Averages a numeric field over a set of buckets. -
: Returns the min value of a numeric field over a set of buckets. -
: Returns the max value of a numerics over a set of buckets.
The non-function fields in the field list determine the fields to calculate the aggregations over.
Computing the number of distinct values for a specific field within each group using COUNT(DISTINCT <field>)
is not currently supported by Solr;
only COUNT(*)
can be computed for each GROUP BY dimension.
clause may contain any function listed in the field list.
Complex HAVING
clauses such as this are supported:
SELECT fieldA, fieldB, COUNT(*), SUM(fieldC), AVG(fieldY)
FROM tableA
WHERE fieldC = 'term1 term2'
GROUP BY fieldA, fieldB
HAVING ((SUM(fieldC) > 1000) AND (AVG(fieldY) <= 10))
Aggregation Modes
The SQL feature of Solr can work with aggregations (grouping of results) in two ways:
: This is the default aggregation mode, which uses the JSON Facet API or StatsComponent for aggregations. In this scenario the aggregations logic is pushed down into the search engine and only the aggregates are sent across the network. This is Solr’s normal mode of operation. This is fast when the cardinality of GROUP BY fields is low to moderate. But it breaks down when you have high cardinality fields in the GROUP BY field. -
: This implementation shuffles tuples to worker nodes and performs the aggregation on the worker nodes. It involves sorting and partitioning the entire result set and sending it to worker nodes. In this approach the tuples arrive at the worker nodes sorted by the GROUP BY fields. The worker nodes can then rollup the aggregates one group at a time. This allows for unlimited cardinality aggregation, but you pay the price of sending the entire result set across the network to worker nodes.
These modes are defined with the aggregationMode
property when sending the request to Solr.
The choice between aggregation modes depends on the cardinality of the fields you are working with. If you have low-to-moderate cardinality in the fields you are grouping by, the 'facet' aggregation mode will give you a higher performance because only the final groups are returned, very similar to how facets work today. If, however, you have high cardinality in the fields, the "map_reduce" aggregation mode with worker nodes provide a much more performant option.
The request handlers used for the SQL interface are configured to load implicitly, meaning there is little to do to start using this feature.
/sql Request Handler
The /sql
handler is the front end of the Parallel SQL interface.
All SQL queries are sent to the /sql
handler to be processed.
The handler also coordinates the distributed MapReduce jobs when running GROUP BY
queries in map_reduce
By default the /sql
handler will choose worker nodes from its own collection to handle the distributed operations.
In this default scenario the collection where the /sql
handler resides acts as the default worker collection for MapReduce queries.
By default, the /sql
request handler is configured as an implicit handler, meaning that it is always enabled in every Solr installation and no further configuration is required.
Authorization for SQL Requests
If your Solr cluster is configured to use the Rule-Based Authorization Plugins,
then you need to grant GET
and POST
permissions on the /sql
, /select
, and /export
endpoints for all collections you intend to execute SQL queries against.
The /select
endpoint is used for LIMIT
queries, whereas the /export
handler is used for queries without a LIMIT
, so in most cases, you’ll want to grant access to both.
If you’re using a worker collection for the /sql
handler, then you only need to grant access to the /sql
endpoint for the worker collection and not the collections in the data tier.
Behind the scenes, the SQL handler also sends requests using the internal Solr server identity to the /admin/luke
endpoint to get schema metadata for a collection.
Consequently, you do not need to grant explicit permission to the /admin/luke
endpoint for users to execute SQL queries.
As described below in the section Best Practices, you may want to set up a separate collection for parallelized SQL queries. If you have high cardinality fields and a large amount of data, please be sure to review that section and consider using a separate collection. |
/stream and /export Request Handlers
The Streaming API is an extensible parallel computing framework for SolrCloud. Streaming Expressions provide a query language and a serialization format for the Streaming API.
The Streaming API provides support for fast MapReduce allowing it to perform parallel relational algebra on extremely large data sets. Under the covers the SQL interface parses SQL queries using the Apache Calcite SQL Parser. It then translates the queries to the parallel query plan. The parallel query plan is expressed using the Streaming API and Streaming Expressions.
Like the /sql
request handler, the /stream
and /export
request handlers are configured as implicit handlers, and no further configuration is required.
In some cases, fields used in SQL queries must be configured as DocValue fields.
If queries are unlimited, all fields must be DocValue fields.
If queries are limited (with the limit
clause) then fields do not have to be have DocValues enabled.
Multi-valued Fields
Multi-valued fields in the project list will be returned as a |
Sending Queries
The SQL Interface provides a basic JDBC driver and an HTTP interface to perform queries.
JDBC Driver
The JDBC Driver ships with SolrJ. Below is sample code for creating a connection and executing a query with the JDBC driver:
Connection con = null;
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:solr://" + zkHost + "?collection=collection1&aggregationMode=map_reduce&numWorkers=2");
stmt = con.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT a_s, sum(a_f) as sum FROM collection1 GROUP BY a_s ORDER BY sum desc");
while(rs.next()) {
String a_s = rs.getString("a_s");
double s = rs.getDouble("sum");
} finally {
The connection URL must contain the zkHost
and the collection
The collection must be a valid SolrCloud collection at the specified ZooKeeper host.
The collection must also be configured with the /sql
The aggregationMode
and numWorkers
parameters are optional.
HTTP Interface
Solr accepts SQL queries through the /sql
Below is a sample curl command performing a SQL aggregate query in facet mode:
curl --data-urlencode 'stmt=SELECT to, count(*) FROM collection4 GROUP BY to ORDER BY count(*) desc LIMIT 10' http://localhost:8983/solr/collection4/sql?aggregationMode=facet
Below is sample result set:
Notice that the result set is an array of tuples with key/value pairs that match the SQL column list. The final tuple contains the EOF flag which signals the end of the stream.
Best Practices
Separate Worker Collection
It makes sense to create a separate SolrCloud worker collection just for the /sql
This collection can be created using SolrCloud’s standard collection API.
Since this collection only exists to handle /sql
requests and provide a pool of worker nodes, this collection does not need to hold any data.
Worker nodes are selected randomly from the entire pool of available nodes in the /sql
handler’s collection.
So to grow this collection dynamically replicas can be added to existing shards.
New replicas will automatically be put to work after they’ve been added.
Parallel SQL Queries
An earlier section describes how the SQL interface translates the SQL statement to a streaming expression.
One of the parameters of the request is the aggregationMode
, which defines if the query should use a MapReduce-like shuffling technique or push the operation down into the search engine.
Parallelized Queries
The Parallel SQL architecture consists of three logical tiers: a SQL tier, a Worker tier, and a Data Table tier. By default the SQL and Worker tiers are collapsed into the same physical SolrCloud collection.
SQL Tier
The SQL tier is where the /sql
handler resides.
The /sql
handler takes the SQL query and translates it to a parallel query plan.
It then selects worker nodes to execute the plan and sends the query plan to each worker node to be run in parallel.
Once the query plan has been executed by the worker nodes, the /sql
handler then performs the final merge of the tuples returned by the worker nodes.
Worker Tier
The workers in the worker tier receive the query plan from the /sql
handler and execute the parallel query plan.
The parallel execution plan includes the queries that need to be made on the Data Table tier and the relational algebra needed to satisfy the query.
Each worker node assigned to the query is shuffled 1/N of the tuples from the Data Tables.
The worker nodes execute the query plan and stream tuples back to the worker nodes.
Data Table Tier
The Data Table tier is where the tables reside. Each table is its own SolrCloud collection. The Data Table layer receives queries from the worker nodes and emits tuples (search results). The Data Table tier also handles the initial sorting and partitioning of tuples sent to the workers. This means the tuples are always sorted and partitioned before they hit the network. The partitioned tuples are sent directly to the correct worker nodes in the proper sort order, ready to be reduced.

The image above shows the three tiers broken out into different SolrCloud collections for clarity.
In practice the /sql
handler and worker collection by default share the same collection.
The image shows the network flow for a single Parallel SQL Query (SQL over MapReduce).
This network flow is used when map_reduce aggregation mode is used for GROUP BY aggregations or the SELECT DISTINCT query.
The traditional SolrCloud network flow (without workers) is used when the facet aggregation mode is used.
Below is a description of the flow:
The client sends a SQL query to the
handler. The request is handled by a single/sql
handler instance. -
handler parses the SQL query and creates the parallel query plan. -
The query plan is sent to worker nodes (in green).
The worker nodes execute the plan in parallel. The diagram shows each worker node contacting a collection in the Data Table tier (in blue).
The collection in the Data Table tier is the table from the SQL query. Notice that the collection has five shards each with 3 replicas.
Notice that each worker contacts one replica from each shard. Because there are 5 workers, each worker is returned 1/5 of the search results from each shard. The partitioning is done inside of the Data Table tier so there is no duplication of data across the network.
Also notice with this design ALL replicas in the data layer are shuffling (sorting & partitioning) data simultaneously. As the number of shards, replicas and workers grows this design allows for a massive amount of computing power to be applied to a single query.
The worker nodes process the tuples returned from the Data Table tier in parallel. The worker nodes perform the relational algebra needed to satisfy the query plan.
The worker nodes stream tuples back to the
handler where the final merge is done, and finally the tuples are streamed back to the client.
SQL Clients and Database Visualization Tools
The SQL interface supports queries sent from SQL clients and database visualization tools.
This Guide contains documentation to configure the following tools and clients:
Generic Clients
For most Java-based clients, the following jars will need to be placed on the client classpath:
SolrJ dependency
s found in$SOLR_TIP/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/*
. In the Solr distribution these dependencies are not separated from Solr’s dependencies, so you must include all or manually choose the exact set that is needed. Please refer to the maven release for the exact dependencies needed for your version. -
The SolrJ
found at$SOLR_TIP/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/solr-solrj-<version>.jar
If you are using Maven, the org.apache.solr.solr-solrj
artifact contains the required jars.
Once the jars are available on the classpath, the Solr JDBC driver name is org.apache.solr.client.solrj.io.sql.DriverImpl
and a connection can be made with the following connection string format:
There are other parameters that can be optionally added to the connection string like aggregationMode
and numWorkers