
This section describes how Solr works with search requests. It covers the following topics:

  • Overview of Searching in Solr: An introduction to searching with Solr.

  • Velocity Search UI: A simple search UI using the VelocityResponseWriter.

  • Relevance: Conceptual information about understanding relevance in search results.

  • Query Syntax and Parsing: A brief conceptual overview of query syntax and parsing. It also contains the following sub-sections:

  • JSON Request API: Overview of Solr’s JSON Request API.

    • JSON Query DSL: Detailed information about a simple yet powerful query language for JSON Request API.

  • JSON Facet API: Overview of Solr’s JSON Facet API.

  • Faceting: Detailed information about categorizing search results based on indexed terms.

  • Highlighting: Detailed information about Solr’s highlighting capabilities, including multiple underlying highlighter implementations.

  • Spell Checking: Detailed information about Solr’s spelling checker.

  • Query Re-Ranking: Detailed information about re-ranking top scoring documents from simple queries using more complex scores.

    • Learning To Rank: How to use LTR to run machine learned ranking models in Solr.

  • Transforming Result Documents: Detailed information about using DocTransformers to add computed information to individual documents

  • Suggester: Detailed information about Solr’s powerful autosuggest component.

  • MoreLikeThis: Detailed information about Solr’s similar results query component.

  • Pagination of Results: Detailed information about fetching paginated results for display in a UI, or for fetching all documents matching a query.

  • Result Grouping: Detailed information about grouping results based on common field values.

  • Result Clustering: Detailed information about grouping search results based on cluster analysis applied to text fields. A bit like "unsupervised" faceting.

  • Spatial Search: How to use Solr’s spatial search capabilities.

  • The Terms Component: Detailed information about accessing indexed terms and the documents that include them.

  • The Term Vector Component: How to get term information about specific documents.

  • The Stats Component: How to return information from numeric fields within a document set.

  • The Query Elevation Component: How to force documents to the top of the results for certain queries.

  • The Tagger Handler: The SolrTextTagger, for basic named entity tagging in text.

  • Response Writers: Detailed information about configuring and using Solr’s response writers.

  • Near Real Time Searching: How to include documents in search results nearly immediately after they are indexed.

  • RealTime Get: How to get the latest version of a document without opening a searcher.

  • Exporting Result Sets: Functionality to export large result sets out of Solr.

  • Streaming Expressions: A stream processing language for Solr, with a suite of functions to perform many types of queries and parallel execution tasks.

  • Parallel SQL Interface: An interface for sending SQL statements to Solr, and using advanced parallel query processing and relational algebra for complex data analysis.

  • The Analytics Component: A framework to compute complex analytics over a result set.