Replica Placement Plugins

When you create a new collection or add a replica to an existing collection, Solr needs to first determine on what node to put the replica so cluster resources are allocated in a well-balanced manner (according to some criteria).

The replica placement plugin is the configurable component that determines these placements. It can also enforce additional constraints on operations such as collection or replica removal - for example if the plugin wants some collections to be always co-located on the same nodes, or always present when some other collection is present.

In earlier versions of Solr, this functionality was provided using either per-collection rules, or with the autoscaling framework.

Plugin Configuration

Replica placement plugin configurations are configured either in the solr.xml file, or using the /cluster/plugin API. Any plugin configured in solr.xml will be used as long as no replica placement plugin is defined as a cluster plugin. There can be only one cluster-wide plugin configuration at a time, and it uses a pre-defined plugin name: .placement-plugin.

There are several placement plugins included in the Solr distribution. Additional placement plugins can be added - they have to implement a PlacementPluginFactory interface. The configuration entry may also contain a config element if the plugin implements the ConfigurablePlugin interface.

Placement Plugins Included with Solr

The following placement plugins are available out-of-the-box in Solr 9.0. If no placement plugin is defined in cluster properties, Solr will default to using the plugin configured in system property solr.placementplugin.default or environment variable SOLR_PLACEMENTPLUGIN_DEFAULT. Supported values are simple, random, affinity and minimizecores. If no such property or environment variable is set, the SimplePlacementPlugin is used.

In order to use a plugin its configuration must be added using the /cluster/plugin API. For example, in order to use the AffinityPlacementFactory plugin the following command should be executed:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{
        "name": ".placement-plugin",
        "class": "org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins.AffinityPlacementFactory",
        "config": {
          "minimalFreeDiskGB": 20,
          "prioritizedFreeDiskGB": 100,
          "withCollections": {
            "A_primary": "A_secondary",
            "B_primary": "B_secondary"
          "collectionNodeType": {
            "collection_A": "searchNode,indexNode",
            "collection_B": "analyticsNode"

Similarly, the configuration can be updated or removed.

Placement plugin configuration MUST use the predefined name .placement-plugin. There can be only one (or none) placement configuration defined.


By default Solr 9.0 uses a legacy method for replica placements, the SimplePlacementFactory. This method is used whenever the placement plugin configuration is missing or invalid.

Simple placement simply assigns new replicas to live nodes in a round-robin fashion: first it prepares a sorted list of nodes with the smallest number of existing replicas, especially of the collection. Then for each shard in the request it adds the replicas to consecutive nodes in this order, wrapping around to the first node if the number of replicas is larger than the number of nodes.

This placement strategy doesn’t ensure that no more than 1 replica of a shard is placed on the same node. Also, the round-robin assignment only roughly approximates an even spread of replicas across the nodes.

This was the default non-autoscaling behavior prior to 9.0, at the time called the LegacyAssignStrategy.


This plugin creates random placements, while preventing two replicas of the same shard from being placed on the same node. If there are too few nodes to satisfy these constraints an exception is thrown, and the request is rejected.

Due to its simplistic algorithm this plugin should only be used in simple deployments.

This plugin doesn’t require any configuration.


This plugin creates placements that minimize the number of cores per node across all live nodes, while not placing two replicas of the same shard on the same node. If there are too few nodes to satisfy these constraints an exception is thrown, and the request is rejected.

Due to its simplistic algorithm this plugin should only be used in simple deployments.

This plugin doesn’t require any configuration.


This plugin implements replica placement algorithm that roughly replicates Solr 8.x autoscaling configuration defined here.

The autoscaling specification in the configuration linked above aimed to do the following:

  • spread replicas per shard as evenly as possible across multiple availability zones (given by a system property),

  • assign replicas based on replica type to specific kinds of nodes (another system property), and

  • avoid having more than one replica per shard on the same node.

  • only after the above constraints are satisfied:

    • minimize cores per node, or

    • minimize disk usage.

It also supports additional per-collection constraints:

  • withCollection enforces the placement of co-located collections' replicas on the same nodes, and prevents deletions of collections and replicas that would break this constraint.

  • withCollectionShards same as above but also collocates shards. ie. shardN is placed at the same node where shardN from the referred collection is located. Note: keys of withCollectionShards should be disjoint with withCollection keys.

  • collectionNodeType limits the nodes eligible for placement to only those that match one or more of the specified node types.

See below for more details on these constraints.

Overall strategy of this plugin:

  • The set of nodes in the cluster is obtained. If withCollection or withCollectionShards are defined and applicable to the current collection then this candidate set is filtered so that only eligible nodes remain according to this constraint.

  • The resulting node set is transformed into 3 independent sets (that can overlap) of nodes accepting each of the three replica types (NRT, TLOG, and PULL).

  • For each shard on which placing replicas is required and then for each replica type to place (starting with NRT, then TLOG, then PULL):

    • The set of candidates nodes corresponding to the replica type is used and from that set are removed nodes that already have a replica (of any type) for that shard.

    • If there are not enough nodes, an error is thrown (this is checked further down during processing).

    • The number of (already existing) replicas of the current type on each availability zone (AZ) is collected.

    • Separate the set of available nodes to as many subsets (possibly some are empty) as there are AZs defined for the candidate nodes

    • In each AZ nodes' subset, sort the nodes by increasing total number of cores count.

    • Iterate over the number of replicas to place (for the current replica type for the current shard):

      • Based on the number of replicas per AZ collected previously, pick the non-empty set of nodes having the lowest number of replicas. Then pick the first node in that set. That’s the node the replica is placed on. Remove the node from the set of available nodes for the given AZ and increase the number of replicas placed on that AZ.

    • During this process, the number of cores on the nodes in general is tracked to take into account placement decisions so that not all shards decide to put their replicas on the same nodes (they might though if these are the less loaded nodes).

At the moment the names of availability zone property and the name of the replica type property are not configurable, and set respectively to availability_zone and replica_type.


This plugin supports the following configuration parameters:



Default: 5 Gigabytes

If a node has strictly less GB of free disk than this value, the node is excluded from assignment decisions. Set to 0 or less to disable.



Default: 100 Gigabytes

Replica allocation will assign replicas to nodes with at least this number of GB of free disk space regardless of the number of cores on these nodes rather than assigning replicas to nodes with less than this amount of free disk space if that’s an option (if that’s not an option, replicas can still be assigned to nodes with less than this amount of free space).



Default: none

Defines an additional constraint that primary collections (keys) must be located on the same nodes as the secondary collections (values). The plugin will assume that the secondary collection replicas are already in place and ignore candidate nodes where they are not already present.

See the section withCollection constraint below.



Default: none

Same as withCollection but enforces a shard level constraint. eg. shardN of the primary collection (occurs in a key) is placed only on nodes where shardN of secondary collection (occurs as a value) resides. The same constraint is enforced on deleting when a replica of a secondary collection shardN is deleted. It prevents deletion if primary collection’s shardN is collocated on certain node. Keys should be disjoint with withCollection.



Default: none

This property defines an additional constraint that collections (keys) must be located only on the nodes that are labeled with one or more of the matching "node type" labels (values in the map are comma-separated labels). Nodes are labeled using the node_type system property with the value being an arbitrary comma-separated list of labels. Correspondingly, the plugin configuration can specify that a particular collection must be placed only on the nodes that match at least one of the (comma-separated) labels defined here.

withCollection constraint

This plugin supports enforcing additional constraint named withCollection, which causes replicas of two paired collections to be placed on the same nodes.

Users can define the collection pairs in the plugin configuration, in the config/withCollection element, which is a JSON map where keys are the primary collection names, and the values are the secondary collection names. Currently only 1:1 mapping is supported - however, multiple primary collections may use the same secondary collection, which effectively relaxes this to N:1 mapping.

Unlike previous versions of Solr, this plugin does NOT automatically place replicas of the secondary collection - those replicas are assumed to be already in place, and it’s the responsibility of the user to already place them on the right nodes (most likely simply by using this plugin to create the secondary collection first, with large enough replication factor to ensure that the target node set is populated with secondary replicas).

When a request to compute placements is processed for the primary collection that has a key in the withCollection map, the set of candidate nodes is first filtered to eliminate nodes that don’t contain the replicas of the secondary collection. Please note that this may result in an empty set, and an exception - in this case the sufficient number of secondary replicas needs to be created first.

The plugin preserves this co-location by rejecting delete operation of secondary collections (or their replicas) if they are still in use on the nodes where primary replicas are located - requests to do so will be rejected with errors. In order to delete a secondary collection (or its replicas) from these nodes first the replicas of the primary collection must be removed from the co-located nodes, or the configuration must be changed to remove the co-location mapping for the primary collection.

Example Configurations

This is a simple configuration that uses default values:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{
        "name": ".placement-plugin",
        "class": "org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins.AffinityPlacementFactory"

This configuration specifies the base parameters:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{
        "name": ".placement-plugin",
        "class": "org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins.AffinityPlacementFactory",
        "config": {
          "minimalFreeDiskGB": 20,
          "prioritizedFreeDiskGB": 100

This configuration defines that collection A_primary must be co-located with collection Common_secondary, and collection B_primary must be co-located also with the collection Common_secondary:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{
        "name": ".placement-plugin",
        "class": "org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins.AffinityPlacementFactory",
        "config": {
          "withCollection": {
            "A_primary": "Common_secondary",
            "B_primary": "Common_secondary"

This configuration defines that collection collection_A must be placed only on the nodes with the node_type system property containing either searchNode or indexNode (for example, a node may be labeled as -Dnode_type=searchNode,indexNode,uiNode,zkNode). Similarly, the collection collection_B must be placed only on the nodes that contain the analyticsNode label:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{
        "name": ".placement-plugin",
        "class": "org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins.AffinityPlacementFactory",
        "config": {
          "collectionNodeType": {
            "collection_A": "searchNode,indexNode",
            "collection_B": "analyticsNode"