DocumentObjectBinder binder
String item
SolrQuery.ORDER order
Principal userPrincipal
SolrRequest.METHOD method
String path
Map<K,V> headers
ResponseParser responseParser
StreamingResponseCallback callback
Set<E> queryParams
boolean usev2
boolean useBinaryV2
String basicAuthUser
String basicAuthPwd
String basePath
String id
String path
int requested
String path
String defaultCollection
Random rand
boolean updatesToLeaders
boolean directUpdatesToLeadersOnly
RequestReplicaListTransformerGenerator requestRLTGenerator
boolean parallelUpdates
ExecutorService threadPool
String idField
long retryExpiryTime
List<E> locks
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.BaseCloudSolrClient.StateCache collectionStateCache
ClusterStateProvider stateProvider
LBHttp2SolrClient lbClient
Http2SolrClient myClient
boolean clientIsInternal
ClusterStateProvider stateProvider
LBHttpSolrClient lbClient
boolean shutdownLBHttpSolrServer
org.apache.http.client.HttpClient myClient
boolean clientIsInternal
Http2SolrClient client
String basePath
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.ConcurrentUpdateHttp2SolrClient.CustomBlockingQueue<E> queue
ExecutorService scheduler
Queue<E> runners
int threadCount
boolean shutdownClient
boolean shutdownExecutor
int pollQueueTime
int stallTime
boolean streamDeletes
boolean closed
CountDownLatch lock
HttpSolrClient client
BlockingQueue<E> queue
ExecutorService scheduler
Queue<E> runners
CountDownLatch lock
int threadCount
boolean shutdownExecutor
int pollQueueTime
int stallTime
boolean streamDeletes
boolean internalHttpClient
Integer connectionTimeout
Integer soTimeout
boolean closed
AtomicInteger pollInterrupts
AtomicInteger pollExits
AtomicInteger blockLoops
AtomicInteger emptyQueueLoops
org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient httpClient
Set<E> queryParams
int idleTimeout
ResponseParser parser
RequestWriter requestWriter
List<E> listenerFactory
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.Http2SolrClient.AsyncTracker asyncTracker
String serverBaseUrl
boolean closeClient
String baseUrl
ModifiableSolrParams invariantParams
Parameters that are added to every request regardless. This may be a place to add something like an authentication token.
ResponseParser parser
This parser represents the default Response Parser chosen to parse the response if the parser were not specified as part of the request.
RequestWriter requestWriter
org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient
Boolean followRedirects
boolean useMultiPartPost
boolean internalClient
Set<E> queryParams
Integer connectionTimeout
Integer soTimeout
Http2SolrClient httpClient
org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient
boolean clientIsInternal
ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> urlToClient
HttpSolrClient.Builder httpSolrClientBuilder
Integer connectionTimeout
Integer soTimeout
Map<K,V> aliveServers
Map<K,V> zombieServers
LBSolrClient.ServerWrapper[] aliveServerList
ScheduledExecutorService aliveCheckExecutor
int interval
AtomicInteger counter
ResponseParser parser
RequestWriter requestWriter
Set<E> queryParams
UUID comparatorNodeId
String leftFieldName
String rightFieldName
ComparatorOrder order
ComparatorLambda comparator
Object[] parts
UUID comparatorNodeId
StreamComparator[] comps
UUID comparatorNodeId
UUID equalitorNodeId
StreamEqualitor[] eqs
Comparator<T> sortComparator
String delim from to converter
CorrelationEvaluator.CorrelationType type
SimpleDateFormat parseFormat
DistanceEvaluator.DistanceType type
int bins
String fieldName
int maxIterations
double fuzziness
int maxIterations
boolean robust
boolean scale
String field
double bandwidth
int robustIterations
Pattern pattern
TupleStream in
String[] cols
String[] vars
int size
int maxIterations
Object value
int index
StreamContext streamContext
UUID nodeId
StreamFactory constructingFactory
List<E> containedEvaluators
String functionName
UUID nodeId
StreamContext streamContext
int minTermLength
double minDocFreq
double maxDocFreq
String[] excludes
String zkHost
String collection
StreamContext streamContext
Map<K,V> queryParams
String traverseFrom
String traverseTo
String gather
boolean trackTraversal
boolean useDefaultTraversal
TupleStream tupleStream
Set<E> scatter
Iterator<E> out
Traversal traversal
List<E> metrics
int maxDocFreq
String fromNode
String toNode
String fromField
String toField
int joinBatchSize
int maxDepth
String zkHost
String collection
LinkedList<E> shortestPaths
boolean found
StreamContext streamContext
int threads
SolrParams queryParams
UUID operationNodeId
PriorityQueue<E> priorityQueue
Comparator<T> comp
StreamComparator streamComparator
int size
StreamOperation replacer
PushBackStream leftStream
PushBackStream rightStream
StreamComparator iterationComparator
StreamComparator leftStreamComparator
StreamComparator rightStreamComparator
boolean finished
TupleStream stream
List<E> evaluators
StreamComparator orderBy
LinkedList<E> generatedTuples
TupleStream stream
String name
Tuple tuple
Tuple EOFTuple
String zkHost
String collection
ModifiableSolrParams params
Map<K,V> fieldMappings
StreamComparator comp
boolean trace
String collection
String zkHost
boolean waitFlush
boolean waitSearcher
boolean softCommit
int commitBatchSize
TupleStream tupleSource
long docsSinceCommit
PushBackStream streamA
PushBackStream streamB
TupleStream originalStreamB
StreamEqualitor eq
String[] headers
String currentFile
int lineNumber
TupleStream originalStream
TupleStream tupleStream streamRunner
ArrayBlockingQueue<E> queue
int queueSize
boolean eatTuples
AtomicLong iterations
long startTime
long stopTime
Exception exception
long runInterval
String id
Map<K,V> daemons
boolean terminate
boolean closed
String zkHost
String collection
ModifiableSolrParams params
Map<K,V> fieldMappings
StreamComparator comp
boolean trace
boolean finished
String echo
TupleStream stream
TupleStream evalStream
StreamFactory streamFactory
StreamContext streamContext
TupleStream stream
Exception openException
TupleStream stream
int threads
ExecutorService executorService
StreamFactory streamFactory
StreamContext streamContext
Bucket[] buckets
Metric[] metrics
int rows
int offset
int overfetch
int bucketSizeLimit
boolean refine
String method
FieldComparator[] bucketSorts
List<E> tuples
int index
String zkHost
ModifiableSolrParams params
String collection
boolean resortNeeded
boolean serializeBucketSizeLimit
String zkHost
TupleStream stream
StreamContext streamContext
Iterator<E> tuples
String leftKey
String rightKey
String fieldList
String[] fields
String collection
int batchSize
boolean appendVersion
boolean appendKey
StreamContext streamContext
String name
Iterator<E> tupleIterator
PushBackStream tupleStream
Bucket[] buckets
Metric[] metrics
Iterator<E> tupleIterator
TupleStream stream
RecursiveBooleanEvaluator evaluator
StreamContext streamContext
LinkedList<E> joinedTuples
LinkedList<E> leftTupleGroup
LinkedList<E> rightTupleGroup
PushBackStream streamA
PushBackStream streamB
TupleStream originalStreamB
StreamEqualitor eq
String driverClassName
String connectionUrl
String sqlQuery
StreamComparator definedSort
int fetchSize
Connection connection
Properties connectionProperties
Statement statement
JDBCStream.ResultSetValueSelector[] valueSelectors
ResultSet resultSet
String sep
List<E> streams
StreamEqualitor eq
LinkedList<E> joinedTuples
LinkedList<E> leftTupleGroup
LinkedList<E> rightTupleGroup
TupleStream stream
StreamContext streamContext
Map<K,V> letParams
TupleStream[] streams
TupleStream currentStream
int streamIndex
PushBackStream[] streams
StreamComparator comp
String zkHost
String collection
String modelID
ModelCache modelCache
SolrClientCache solrClientCache
Tuple model
long cacheMillis
boolean finished
TupleStream stream
long count
long start
Tuple eof
TupleStream[] streams
TupleStream currentStream
int streamIndex
TupleStream tupleStream
int workers
PushBackStream highPriorityTasks
PushBackStream tasks
TupleStream currentStream
TupleStream stream
Tuple tuple
TupleStream innerStream
TupleStream stream
StreamComparator comp
int size
PushBackStream stream
StreamEqualitor eq
ReduceOperation op
boolean needsReduce
PushBackStream tupleStream
Bucket[] buckets
Metric[] metrics
HashKey currentKey
Metric[] currentMetrics
boolean finished
TupleStream innerStream
String zkHost
ModifiableSolrParams params
String collection
Iterator<E> documentIterator
StreamComparator comp
TupleStream stream
StreamContext streamContext
Map<K,V> selectedFields
Map<K,V> selectedEvaluators
List<E> operations
String baseUrl
SolrParams params
int numWorkers
int workerID
boolean trace
Map<K,V> fieldMappings
String slice
long checkpoint
org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse closeableHttpResponse
boolean distrib
String user
String password
TupleStream stream
StreamComparator comparator worker
String zkHost
String collection
SolrParams params
Metric[] metrics
String zkHost
Tuple tuple
SolrParams params
String collection
boolean done
boolean doCount
Map<K,V> metricMap
StreamContext streamContext
Map<K,V> entries
Map<K,V> tupleContext
Map<K,V> lets
ConcurrentMap<K,V> objectCache
int workerID
int numWorkers
SolrClientCache clientCache
ModelCache modelCache
StreamFactory streamFactory
SolrParams requestParams
RequestReplicaListTransformerGenerator requestReplicaListTransformerGenerator
String zkHost
String collection
Map<K,V> params
String field
String name
String outcome
int positiveLabel
double threshold
List<E> weights
int maxIterations
int iteration
double error
List<E> idfs
ClassificationEvaluation evaluation
ExecutorService executorService
TupleStream termsStream
List<E> terms
double learningRate
double lastError
UUID streamNodeId
StreamContext streamContext
Map<K,V> stringParams
Map<K,V> evaluatorParams
Map<K,V> streamParams
List<E> fieldNames
Map<K,V> fieldLabels
Tuple tup
Tuple unnestedTuple
Iterator<E> unnestedTuples
boolean finished
TupleStream originalStream
StreamEqualitor originalEqualitor
ReducerStream reducerStream
String collection
String zkHost
int updateBatchSize
boolean pruneVersionField
should be removed from tuples when converting
to Solr Documents.
May be set per expression using the "pruneVersionField"
named operand,
defaults to the value returned by UpdateStream.defaultPruneVersionField()
int batchNumber
long totalDocsIndex
PushBackStream tupleSource
List<E> documentBatch
String coreName
ModifiableSolrParams params
int commitWithin
CollectionParams.CollectionAction action
String collection
String shard
String node
String coreName
String routeKey
String instanceDir
String dataDir
String ulogDir
Properties properties
Replica.Type type
Integer nrtReplicas
Integer tlogReplicas
Integer pullReplicas
String createNodeSet
String asyncId
boolean waitForFinalState
Boolean withSegments
Boolean withFieldInfo
Boolean withCoreInfo
Boolean withSizeInfo
Boolean withRawSizeInfo
Boolean withRawSizeSummary
Boolean withRawSizeDetails
Float rawSizeSamplingPercent
String configName
String createNodeSet
String routerName
String policy
String shards
String routerField
Integer numShards
Integer maxShardsPerNode
Integer nrtReplicas
Integer pullReplicas
Integer tlogReplicas
Properties properties
Boolean autoAddReplicas
String alias
Integer stateFormat
String[] rule
String[] snitch
String withCollection
String aliasName
String routerField
Integer maxCardinality
String mustMatch
CollectionAdminRequest.Create createCollTemplate
String nodeSet
Properties properties
String commitName
String aliasName
String routerField
String start
String interval
TimeZone tz
Integer maxFutureMs
String preemptiveCreateMath
String autoDeleteAge
CollectionAdminRequest.Create createCollTemplate
String aliasName
String node
String commitName
String aliasName
CollectionAdminRequest.Create createCollTemplate
CollectionAdminRequest.RoutedAliasAdminRequest[] dims
String collection
String targetCollection
String splitKey
Integer forwardTimeout
Properties properties
String collection
String target
String requestId
String backupName
Optional<T> repositoryName
String location
String configName
Integer maxShardsPerNode
Integer replicationFactor
Integer nrtReplicas
Integer tlogReplicas
Integer pullReplicas
Boolean autoAddReplicas
Optional<T> createNodeSet
Optional<T> createNodeSetShuffle
Properties properties
String node
ConfigSetParams.ConfigSetAction action
String configSetName
String baseConfigSetName
Properties properties
String core
String other
boolean isIndexInfoNeeded
CoreAdminParams.CoreAdminAction action
String instanceDir
String configName
String schemaName
String dataDir
String ulogDir
String configSet
String collection
Integer numShards
String shardId
String roles
String coreNodeName
Boolean loadOnStartup
Boolean isTransient
String collectionConfigName
String commitName
String commitName
String state
boolean deleteIndex
boolean deleteDataDir
boolean deleteInstanceDir
String token
String renewer
String token
String xml
SolrParams params
SolrParams params
SimpleSolrResponse response
RequestWriter.ContentWriter contentWriter
SolrParams query
ModifiableSolrParams params
RequestWriter.ContentWriter contentWriter
Object payload
SolrParams solrParams
boolean useBinary
String collection
String mimeType
boolean forceV2
boolean isPerCollectionRequest
ResponseParser parser
String jsonString
SolrParams params
String _name
long _count
FacetField _ff
String name
Object min
Object max
Object sum
Long count
Long countDistinct
Collection<E> distinctValues
Long missing
Object mean
Double sumOfSquares
Double stddev
Long cardinality
Map<K,V> facets
Map<K,V> percentiles
String _groupValue
SolrDocumentList _result
NamedList<T> _header
SolrDocumentList _results
NamedList<T> _sortvalues
NamedList<T> _facetInfo
NamedList<T> _debugInfo
NamedList<T> _highlightingInfo
NamedList<T> _spellInfo
List<E> _clusterInfo
NamedList<T> _jsonFacetingInfo
Map<K,V> _suggestInfo
NamedList<T> _statsInfo
NamedList<T> _termsInfo
NamedList<T> _moreLikeThisInfo
String _cursorMarkNext
NamedList<T> _groupedInfo
GroupResponse _groupResponse
NamedList<T> _expandedInfo
Map<K,V> _expandedResults
Map<K,V> _facetQuery
List<E> _facetFields
List<E> _limitingFacets
List<E> _facetDates
List<E> _facetRanges
NamedList<T> _facetPivot
List<E> _intervalFacets
Map<K,V> _highlighting
SpellCheckResponse _spellResponse
ClusteringResponse _clusterResponse
NestableJsonFacet _jsonFacetingResponse
SuggesterResponse _suggestResponse
TermsResponse _termsResponse
Map<K,V> _fieldStatsInfo
Map<K,V> _debugMap
Map<K,V> _explainMap
SchemaRepresentation schemaRepresentation
FieldTypeRepresentation fieldType
String schemaName
float schemaVersion
String uniqueKey
long numFound
long start
Float maxScore
SolrParams params
SolrParams defaults
SolrParams params
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