Solr Operator™ News
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25 March 2025, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.9.1 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.9.1.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, and optimizations, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.9.1 Release Highlights:
- initContainers can once again connect to ZooKeeper when Solr 9.8.x images are used
- podReadinessGates on existing solrcloud resources are now properly updated following an operator upgrade
- 'setup-zk' initContainer no longer emits "No such file or directory" warning
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
22 January 2025, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.9.0 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.9.0, available for immediate download at:
The Apache Solr Operator is the official and recommended way of managing your Solr ecosystem on Kubernetes.
Please report any feedback to the mailing lists
Solr Operator v0.9.0 Release Highlights:
- Security Configuration: 0.9.0 gives users greater control over their security configuration than ever before, including new settings to specify the "securityContext" used by each Solr container and an "imagePullSecret" to use when pulling the operator image.
- Resource Cleanup: The operator now safely cleans up ingresses and node-services as necessary when externalAddressability settings are modified.
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
12 April 2024, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.8.1 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.8.1.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.8.1 Release Highlights:
- Miscellaneous bugfixes and hardening for the "managed scaling" feature adding in v0.8.0.
- Init-containers now avoid writing to "/tmp" and other root FS locations, to better support "read-only" root filesystems
- SolrPrometheusExporter no longer fails liveness probes when the SolrCloud is too large
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
20 October 2023, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.8.0 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.8.0.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.8.0 Release Highlights:
- The minimum supported version of Solr has been set to Solr 8.11
- The minimum Kubernetes version supported is now v1.22
- Managed scale up and scale down are now supported for SolrClouds.
- By default, when scaling down a SolrCloud, replicas will be migrated off Pods before they are deleted.
- By default, when scaling up a SolrCloud, replicas will be balanced across all Pods after the SolrCloud has been scaled up. (Only supported for Solr 9.3+)
- SSL bugs with Solr 9 have been fixed, and v0.8.0 will successfully support SSL for Solr 8.11 and 9.4+
- Solr 8.11 features are now supported by default, such as maxBooleanClauses, metrics disabling, health endpoint for readinessCheck
- Keystore/Truststore passwords can be explicitly set in the SolrCloud CRD for mountedDir SSL. This enables the use of the CertManager CSI Driver with Solr.
- Rolling Updates for SolrClouds using ephemeral storage are now safer and replicas are balanced at the end of the operation to ensure optimal resource utilization.
- Replica balancing is only supported when Solr 9.3+ is used.
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
21 July 2023, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.7.1 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.7.1.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.7.1 Release Highlights:
- The Kubernetes API client has been upgraded to fix a bug found when running on Kubernetes v1.27
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
24 April 2023, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.7.0 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.7.0.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.7.0 Release Highlights:
- The minimum Kubernetes version supported is now v1.21.
- The required Zookeeper Operator version has been upgraded to v0.2.15.
- Clusterwide PodDisruptionBudgets are now created for SolrClouds by default.
- During a rolling restart/update, SolrCloud pods are now taken out of the common service endpoint before they are decommissioned. This should improve request reliability during rolling restarts.
- Many missing Provided Zookeeper options have been added.
- Using volume backupRepositories now initialize faster on pod creation and work with custom user/fsGroup.
- Default SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter Pod probes have been improved.
- Bug fixed in non-recurring backups.
- Bug fixed with custom persistent data volume names.
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
14 August 2022, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.6.0 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.6.0.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.6.0 Release Highlights:
- Users are now able to specify resource constraints for all init-containers.
- The default Solr image version used in newly created solrcloud's has been updated from 8.9 to 8.11
- solrcloud now has a 'solrZkOpts' field, allowing users to specify any system properties needed to connect to their ZooKeeper cluster.
- Users running in GKE can now omit the 'gcsCredentialSecret' field from the GCS backup repositories, and fallback on "Workload Identity" and other "credential-less" authentication mechanisms offered by Google Cloud.
For an exhaustive list of updates, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
21 March 2022, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.5.1 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.5.1.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.5.1 Release Highlights:
- Copy from the draft release notes
- Upgrade GoLang to 1.17
- Fix security vulnerabilities introduced by dependencies, notably and
- Resource checking for pods across all generated resources has been fixed, will not overwrite equivalent resources with different units
- Necessary step for GKE Autopilot and the Vertical Pod Autoscaler
- Ability to run sidecars of the Solr Operator that use the root user, when installing via the Helm Chart
- The zk.external option in the solr helm chart is now functional
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
16 November 2021, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.5.0 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.5.0.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.5.0 Release Highlights:
- Support for Kubernetes v1.22+ (including the new Ingress APIs)
- Support for cloud-native backups, and multiple backup repositories per-SolrCloud
- GCS and S3 Backup Repositories are now fully supported (require Solr 8.9 and Solr 8.10 respectively)
- SolrCloud Backup option has been removed from SolrCloud.spec.dataStorage.backupRestoreOptions, please use SolrCloud.spec.backupRepositories instead
- When upgrading, the Solr Operator will automatically migrate the information to the new location
- SolrBackup Persistence has been removed
- Please keep the data in the shared volume, or use a cloud-native backup repository instead (e.g. GCS, S3)
- Any persistence options provided will be removed and ignored
- Introducing recurring/scheduled backup support in SolrBackup resource
- Ability to bootstrap a custom Solr security.xml from a Secret
- Fix for managed SolrCloud upgrades across multiple SolrCloud resources (with a shared zookeeper connection string)
- Easy enablement of Solr Modules and additional libraries for SolrCloud
- Pod Lifecycle is now customizable for SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter
- SolrCloud can now be run across availability zones with support for PodSpreadTopologyConstraints
- Augment the available Pod customization options for provided Zookeeper Clusters
- The Solr Operator now runs with liveness and readiness probes by default
- The Solr Operator now provides a metrics endpoint, that is enabled by default when using the Solr Operator Helm chart
- Leader election is now enabled for the Solr Operator by default, and supports multiple namespace watching
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
13 September 2021, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.4.0 available
The Apache Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.4.0.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.4.0 Release Highlights:
- A new Helm chart for templating the Solr resource.
- Users must still run the Solr Operator, preferably through the Solr Operator Helm chart.
- Support for hostpath for the Solr data volume when in ephemeral mode
- Scheduled restarts of Solr Clouds and Solr Prometheus Exporters
- The default version of Solr has been upgraded to 8.9
- Allow for custom service accounts to be used when running Solr
- Upgrade the Zookeeper Operator dependency to v0.2.12
- Allow for ephemeral storage when running a provided Zookeeper cluster
- The storage type for Zookeeper will default to the option chosen for Solr
- Enable configuration of provided Zookeeper Config options
- Use a more secure base image for the Solr Operator
- The PrometheusExporter now accepts custom pod probes (liveness, readiness, startup)
- Fix permissions in the default bootstrapped security.json
- Allow for terminating the Solr TLS at the ingress
- Allow for loading in TLS information from a mounted directory (SolrCloud and SolrPrometheusExporter)
- SolrCloud now supports separate server and client certs for mTLS
- The Solr Operator supports hot-reloading of TLS client certs used to connect to Solr (enabled by default)
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the change log on ArtifactHub or view the git history in the solr-operator repo.
29 April 2021, Apache Solr Operator™ v0.3.0 available
The Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Solr Operator v0.3.0.
The Apache Solr Operator is a safe and easy way of managing a Solr ecosystem in Kubernetes.
This release contains numerous bug fixes, optimizations, and improvements, some of which are highlighted below. The release is available for immediate download at:
Solr Operator v0.3.0 Release Highlights:
- The Solr Operator is now an Apache project managed by the Apache Solr PMC.
- The CRDs are now under the group instead of
- The Solr Operator now fully supports running Solr in a secure and locked down way:
- Basic Auth support is now built in when requested in the SolrCloud CRD
- Solr can be run with TLS (optional mTLS, if provided to the operator)
- More helm chart options are provided to customize running the Solr Operator
- The Zookeeper Operator is now up-to-date with the most recent release, v0.2.9.
- It can now be installed as a helm-chart dependency with the Solr Operator.
- Users can now provide custom Solr log4j.xml and Prometheus Exporter config xml configMaps
- Fixed a bug in custom probes for Solr pods
- Solr pod shutdown is more graceful, has better coordination between Kubernetes and Solr.
- SolrCloud can now be used with the Kubernetes HPA to autoscale Solr Cloud pods.
A summary of important changes is published in the documentation at:
For the most exhaustive list, see the full release notes in the Github Releases or by viewing the git history in the solr-operator repo.
14 January 2021, Solr Operator donated to Apache Solr
The Apache Software Foundation's board today accepted Bloomberg's donation of the Solr Operator as a sub-project of the Apache Solr project.
What's the background?
The Solr Operator is software that manages an environment to run Solr and related services on Kubernetes.
It was created and open sourced by Bloomberg in early 2019.
How does this affect users?
The Solr Operator repo is now maintained by the Apache Solr PMC, and lives at a new location:
- The code base can now be found under the apache organization on Github, apache/solr-operator.
- The Solr Operator has a section on the solr website gets a new website at
- The Solr Operator Docker image will now be available at apache/solr-operator.
Old versions, released before the project was donated to Apache, can still be found at bloomberg/solr-operator.
- The Helm charts for installing the Solr Operator now live in the Apache Solr helm repo.
How does this affect developers?
Developers will not need to make many changes to their workflow.
Make sure to run the new make prepare
command before submitting a PR and you should be good to go.