Text to Vector

This module brings the power of Large Language Models (*LLM*s) to Solr. More specifically, it provides a text-to-vector capability, used on documents or queries, via integrating with popular external services that do this. The state-of-the-art of such services use an LLM, hence the name of this module. Without this module, vectors must be supplied to Solr for indexing & searching, possibly coordinating with such services.

Main Concepts

From Text to Vector

The aim of encoding text to numerical vectors is to represent text in a way that semantically similar sentences are encoded to vectors close in a vector space. Vector distance metrics (algorithms) can then be used to compute a pairwise similarity, producing a score.

Large Language Models

Specific Large Language Models are able to encode text to a numerical vector.

For additional information you can refer to this blog post.

Text to Vector Online Services

Training, fine-tuning and operating such Large Language Models is expensive.

Many companies focus on this aspect and let users access APIs to encode the text (at the price of a license fee).

Apache Solr uses LangChain4j to connect to such apis.

This module sends your documents and queries off to some hosted service on the internet. There are cost, privacy, performance, and service availability implications on such a strong dependency that should be diligently examined before employing this module in a serious way.

At the moment a subset of the text vectorisation services supported by LangChain4j is supported by Solr.

Disclaimer: Apache Solr is in no way affiliated to any of these corporations or services.

If you want to add support for additional services or improve the support for the existing ones, feel free to contribute:


This is provided via the llm Solr Module that needs to be enabled before use.

LLM Configuration

You need to register / configure the plugins provided by the LLM module that you want to use. This is done in solrconfig.xml.

  • Declaration of the knn_text_to_vector query parser.

    <queryParser name="knn_text_to_vector" class="org.apache.solr.llm.texttovector.search.TextToVectorQParserPlugin"/>

Text to Vector Lifecycle


  • A model encodes text to a vector.

  • A model in Solr is a reference to an external API that runs the Large Language Model responsible for text vectorisation.

the Solr vectorisation model specifies the parameters to access the APIs, the model doesn’t run internally in Solr

A model is described by these parameters:



Default: none

The model implementation. Accepted values:

  • dev.langchain4j.model.huggingface.HuggingFaceEmbeddingModel.

  • dev.langchain4j.model.mistralai.MistralAiEmbeddingModel.

  • dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiEmbeddingModel.

  • dev.langchain4j.model.cohere.CohereEmbeddingModel.



Default: none

The identifier of your model, this is used by any component that intends to use the model (knn_text_to_vector query parser).



Default: none

Each model class has potentially different params. Many are shared but for the full set of parameters of the model you are interested in please refer to the official documentation of the LangChain4j version included in Solr: Vectorisationm Models in LangChain4j.

Supported Models

Apache Solr uses LangChain4j to support text vectorisation. The models currently supported are:

  • Hugging Face

  • MistralAI

  • OpenAI

  • Cohere

  "class": "dev.langchain4j.model.huggingface.HuggingFaceEmbeddingModel",
  "name": "<a-name-for-your-model>",
  "params": {
    "accessToken": "<your-huggingface-api-key>",
    "modelId": "<a-huggingface-vectorisation-model>"
  "class": "dev.langchain4j.model.mistralai.MistralAiEmbeddingModel",
  "name": "<a-name-for-your-model>",
  "params": {
    "baseUrl": "https://api.mistral.ai/v1",
    "apiKey": "<your-mistralAI-api-key>",
    "modelName": "<a-mistralAI-vectorisation-model>",
    "timeout": 60,
    "logRequests": true,
    "logResponses": true,
    "maxRetries": 5
  "class": "dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiEmbeddingModel",
  "name": "<a-name-for-your-model>",
  "params": {
    "baseUrl": "https://api.openai.com/v1",
    "apiKey": "<your-openAI-api-key>",
    "modelName": "<a-openAI-vectorisation-model>",
    "timeout": 60,
    "logRequests": true,
    "logResponses": true,
    "maxRetries": 5
  "class": "dev.langchain4j.model.cohere.CohereEmbeddingModel",
  "name": "<a-name-for-your-model>",
  "params": {
    "baseUrl": "https://api.cohere.ai/v1/",
    "apiKey": "<your-cohere-api-key>",
    "modelName": "<a-cohere-vectorisation-model>",
    "inputType": "search_document",
    "timeout": 60,
    "logRequests": true,
    "logResponses": true

Uploading a Model

To upload the model in a /path/myModel.json file, please run:

curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/schema/text-to-vector-model-store' --data-binary "@/path/myModel.json" -H 'Content-type:application/json'

To view all models:


To delete the currentModel model:

curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/schema/text-to-vector-model-store/currentModel'

To view the model you just uploaded please open the following URL in a browser:

Example: /path/myModel.json
  "class": "dev.langchain4j.model.openai.OpenAiEmbeddingModel",
  "name": "openai-1",
  "params": {
    "baseUrl": "https://api.openai.com/v1",
    "apiKey": "apiKey-openAI",
    "modelName": "text-embedding-3-small",
    "timeout": 60,
    "logRequests": true,
    "logResponses": true,
    "maxRetries": 5

Running a Text-to-Vector Query

To run a query that embeds your query text, using a model you previously uploaded is simple:

?q={!knn_text_to_vector model=a-model f=vector topK=10}hello world query

The search results retrieved are the k=10 nearest documents to the vector encoded from the query hello world query, using the model a-model.

For more details on how to work with vector search query parsers in Apache Solr, please refer to the dedicated page: Dense Vector Search