Cross Datacenter Replication

Solr Cross DC is a simple cross-data-center fail-over solution for Apache Solr.


Apache Solr CrossDC is a robust fail-over solution for Apache Solr, facilitating seamless replication of Solr updates across multiple data centers. It provides high availability and disaster recovery for your Solr clusters via three key components

CrossDC Solr Module

A suite of Solr plugins responsible for intercepting Solr requests in the source Solr instance, and then sending them to a distributed queue:

  • MirroringUpdateProcessor plugin intercepts indexing updates,

  • MirroringCollectionsHandler plugin intercepts collection admin requests,

  • MirroringConfigSetsHandler plugin intercepts ConfigSet management requests.

CrossDC Manager

A separate application that pulls mirrored requests from the distributed queue and forwards them to a Solr cluster in the backup data center.

Apache Kafka

A distributed queue system that links the Module and Manager.

Setup Procedure

Implementing the Solr CrossDC involves the following steps:

  1. Apache Kafka Cluster: Ensure the availability of an Apache Kafka cluster. This acts as the distributed queue interconnecting data centers.

  2. CrossDC Solr Module: Install this Solr Module on each node in your Solr cluster (in both primary and backup data centers).

    • Configure solrconfig.xml to reference the new MirroringUpdateProcessor and set it up with the Kafka cluster.

    • Optionally configure the solr.xml to use MirroringCollectionsHandler and MirroringConfigSetsHandler if necessary.

  3. CrossDC Manager: Install this application in the backup data center, then configure it to connect to both the Kafka and backup Solr clusters.

Detailed Configuration & Startup

CrossDC Solr Module

Mirroring Updates

  1. Install the cross-dc Solr Module.

  2. Add the new UpdateProcessor in your ConfigSet’s solrconfig.xml:

       <updateRequestProcessorChain  name="mirrorUpdateChain" default="true">

         <processor class="solr.MirroringUpdateRequestProcessorFactory">
           <str name="bootstrapServers">${solr.crossdc.bootstrapServers:}</str>
           <str name="topicName">${solr.crossdc.topicName:}</str>

         <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
         <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
  1. Add an external version constraint UpdateProcessor to the update chain added to solrconfig.xml to accept user-provided update versions. See the documentation for both UpdateRequestProcessorFactories and the DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessor.

       <updateRequestProcessorChain  name="mirrorUpdateChain" default="true">

         <processor class="solr.MirroringUpdateRequestProcessorFactory">
           <str name="bootstrapServers">${solr.crossdc.bootstrapServers:}</str>
           <str name="topicName">${solr.crossdc.topicName:}</str>

         <processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
           <bool name="ignoreOldUpdates">true</bool>
           <str name="versionField">my_version_l</str>
           <str name="deleteVersionParam">del_version</str>

         <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
         <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />
  1. Start or restart your Solr clusters.

Mirroring Collection Admin Requests

Add the following line to solr.xml:

 <str name="collectionsHandler">solr.MirroringCollectionsHandler</str>

In addition to the general properties that determine distributed queue parameters, this handler supports the following properties:


comma-separated list of collections for which the admin commands will be mirrored. If this list is empty or the property is not set then admin commands for all collections will be mirrored.

Mirroring ConfigSet Admin Requests

Add the following line to solr.xml:

 <str name="configSetsHandler">solr.MirroringConfigSetsHandler</str>

Configuration Properties for the CrossDC Solr Module:

The required configuration properties are:


list of servers used to connect to the Kafka cluster.


Kafka topicName used to indicate which Kafka queue the Solr updates will be pushed on. This topic must already exist.

Optional configuration properties:

solr.crossdc.batchSizeBytes <integer>

maximum batch size in bytes for the Kafka queue

solr.crossdc.bufferMemoryBytes <integer>

memory allocated by the MirroringURP in total for buffering

solr.crossdc.lingerMs <integer>

amount of time that the MirroringURP will wait to add to a batch

solr.crossdc.requestTimeoutMS <integer>

request timeout for the MirroringURP

solr.crossdc.indexUnmirrorableDocs <boolean>

if set to True, updates that are too large for the Kafka queue will still be indexed on the primary.

solr.crossdc.enableDataCompression <boolean>

whether to use compression for data sent over the Kafka queue - can be none (default), gzip, snappy, lz4, or zstd

solr.crossdc.numRetries <integer>

Setting a value greater than zero will cause the MirroringURP to resend any record whose send fails with a potentially transient error.

solr.crossdc.retryBackoffMs <integer>

The amount of time to wait before attempting to retry a failed request to a given topic partition.

solr.crossdc.deliveryTimeoutMS <integer>

Updates sent to the Kafka queue will be failed before the number of retries has been exhausted if the timeout configured by expires first

solr.crossdc.maxRequestSizeBytes <integer>

The maximum size of a Kafka queue request in bytes - limits the number of requests that will be sent over the queue in a single batch. solr.crossdc.dlqTopicName <string>: If not empty then requests that failed processing maxAttempts times will be sent to a "dead letter queue" topic in Kafka (must exist if configured).

solr.crossdc.mirrorCommits <boolean>

If true then standalone commit requests will be mirrored, otherwise they will be processed only locally.

solr.crossdc.expandDbq <enum>

If set to expand (default) then Delete-By-Query will be expanded before mirroring into series of Delete-By-Id, which may help with correct processing of out-of-order requests on the consumer side. If set to none then Delete-By-Query requests will be mirrored as-is.

CrossDC Manager

  1. Start the Manager process using the included start script at solr/cross-dc-manager/bin/cross-dc-manager (or cross-dc-manager.cmd for Windows).

    • The Manager can also be run via the docker image. The cross-dc-manager script will be found on the $PATH.

  2. Configure the CrossDC Manager with Java system properties using the JAVA_OPTS environment variable.

API Endpoints

Currently the following endpoints are exposed (on local port configured using port property, default is 8090):

/metrics - (GET)

This endpoint returns JSON-formatted metrics describing various aspects of document processing in Consumer.

/threads - (GET)

Returns a plain-text thread dump of the JVM running the Consumer application.

Configuration Properties for the CrossDC Manager:

The required configuration properties are:


list of Kafka bootstrap servers.


Kafka topicName used to indicate which Kafka queue the Solr updates will be pushed to. This can be a comma separated list for the Manager if you would like to consume multiple topics.


Zookeeper connection string used to connect to Solr.

Optional configuration properties:

solr.crossdc.consumerProcessingThreads <integer>

The number of threads used by the manager to concurrently process updates from the Kafka queue.

port <integer>

Local port for the API endpoints. Default is 8090.

solr.crossdc.collapseUpdates <enum>

When set to all then all incoming update requests (up to maxCollapseRecords) will be collapsed into a single UpdateRequest, as long as their parameters are identical. When set to partial (default) then only requests without deletions will be collapsed - requests with any delete ops will be sent individually in order to preserve ordering of updates. When set to none the incoming update requests will be sent individually without any collapsing. NOTE: requests of other types than UPDATE are never collapsed.

solr.crossdc.maxCollapseRecords <integer>

Maximum number of incoming update request to collapse into a single outgoing request. Default is 500.

Optional configuration properties used when the manager must retry by putting updates back on the Kafka queue:


maximum batch size in bytes for the Kafka queue


memory allocated by the Manager in total for buffering


amount of time that the ProManagerducer will wait to add to a batch


request timeout for the Manager


the maximum delay between invocations of poll() when using consumer group management.

Central Configuration Option

Manage configuration centrally in Solr’s Zookeeper cluster by placing a properties file called in the root Solr Zookeeper znode, eg, /solr/ The solr.crossdc.bootstrapServers and solr.crossdc.topicName properties can be included in this file.

  • For the CrossDC Solr Module, all crossdc configuration properties can be placed here.

  • For the CrossDC Manager application you can also configure all crossdc properties here, however you will need to set the zkConnectString as a system property so that the manager knows where to find the file.

Disabling CrossDC via Configuration

To make the Cross DC UpdateProcessor optional in a common solrconfig.xml, use the enabled attribute. Setting the solr.crossdc.enabled system property or Collection Property to false will turn the processor into a NOOP in the chain for either the whole Solr Node (via system property) or Solr Collection (via collection property).

       <updateRequestProcessorChain  name="mirrorUpdateChain" default="true">

         <processor class="solr.MirroringUpdateRequestProcessorFactory">
           <bool name="enabled">${solr.crossdc.enabled:true}</bool>
           <str name="bootstrapServers">${solr.crossdc.bootstrapServers:}</str>
           <str name="topicName">${solr.crossdc.topicName:}</str>

         <processor class="solr.LogUpdateProcessorFactory" />
         <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory" />


  • When solr.crossdc.expandDbq property is set to expand (default) then Delete-By-Query converts to a series of Delete-By-Id, which can be much less efficient for queries matching large numbers of documents. Setting this property to none results in forwarding a real Delete-By-Query - this reduces the amount of data to mirror but may cause different results due to the potential re-ordering of failed & re-submitted requests between Consumer and the target Solr.

  • When solr.crossdc.collapseUpdates is set to all then multiple requests containing a mix of add and delete ops will be collapsed into a single outgoing request. This will cause the original ordering of add / delete ops to be lost (because Solr processing of an update request always processes all add ops first, and only then the delete ops), which may affect the final outcome when some of the ops refer to the same document ids.