Interface NavigableObject

    • Method Detail

      • _get

        default Object _get​(String path,
                            Object def)
        Get a child object value using json path. This usually ends up in String split operations use a list of strings where performance is important
        path - the full path to that object such as a/b/c[4]/d etc
        def - the default
        the found value or default
      • _getStr

        default String _getStr​(String path,
                               String def)
        get the value as a String. useful in tests
        path - the full path
        def - default value
      • _forEachEntry

        default void _forEachEntry​(String path,
                                   BiConsumer fun)
        Iterate through the entries of a navigable Object at a certain path
        path - the json path
      • _forEachEntry

        default void _forEachEntry​(List<String> path,
                                   BiConsumer fun)
        Iterate through the entries of a navigable Object at a certain path
        path - the json path
      • _forEachEntry

        default void _forEachEntry​(BiConsumer fun)
        Iterate through each entry in this object
      • _get

        default Object _get​(List<String> path,
                            Object def)
        Get a child object value using json path
        path - the full path to that object such as ["a","b","c[4]","d"] etc
        def - the default
        the found value or default
      • _size

        default int _size()