Solr Blog Posts

Welcome to the Apache Solr Blog, where we periodically showcase Solr-related articles, tutorials, and other content.

Have something to share? We're always looking for new articles! If you have one you'd like to contribute, or would like to link out to an external post, create a PR using the instructions here.

Benchmark Apache Solr Performance With Apache JMeter

Published: 15 July 2024

This blog post shows an example of how to create an Apache Solr performance test using the Apache JMeter tool. Written by Ilaria Petreti, Information Retrieval/Machine Learning Engineer at Sease.

Community Over Code EU 2024 Apache Lucene/Solr Birds Of A Feather

Published: 1 July 2024

This blog post is a summary of the Apache Lucene/Solr Birds of a Feather from Community Over Code EU 2024 in Bratislava, Slovakia. Written by Alessandro Benedetti, Director at Sease and Apache Solr Committer and PMC member.

Hybrid Search with Apache Solr

Published: 17 June 2024

This blog post shows how to run a hybrid search (keyword-based search + vectors) in Apache Solr with code examples and explanations. Written by Alessandro Benedetti, Director at Sease and Apache Solr Committer and PMC member.

How To: Contribute to the Apache Solr Blog

Published: 23 April 2024

You have a brilliant idea for Solr's new blog. But what next? How does the blog work, and how can writers contribute posts?

Welcome to the Apache Solr Blog

Published: 22 April 2024

We have a blog? What is it, and why do we have it?