org.apache.solr |
Commonly reused classes and interfaces (deprecated package, do not add new classes)
org.apache.solr.analysis |
Factories and classes specific to text analysis and the creation of TokenStream s
org.apache.solr.api |
Commonly used classes for Solr V2 API.
org.apache.solr.cli |
Solr Command Line Interface classes
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded |
SolrJ client implementations for embedded solr access.
| |
Classes for dealing with ZooKeeper when operating in SolrCloud mode.
| |
Package related to internal implementations of the SolrCloud collections api
| |
Classes for updating cluster state in SolrCloud mode.
org.apache.solr.cluster |
This package contains the interfaces giving access to cluster state, including nodes, collections
and the structure of the collections (shards and replicas).
| |
Interfaces defining support for cluster-level event generation and processing.
| |
org.apache.solr.cluster.placement |
This package contains interfaces visible by plugins (i.e.
org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.impl |
Implementation classes (not visible to plugins, subject to change at any time) for the interfaces
in org.apache.solr.cluster.placement and to make them work with the rest of Solr.
org.apache.solr.cluster.placement.plugins |
Sample plugin implementations.
org.apache.solr.core |
Core classes implementing Solr internals and the management of SolrCore s
org.apache.solr.core.backup |
Core classes for Solr's Backup/Restore functionality
org.apache.solr.core.backup.repository |
BackupRepository Providing backup/restore
repository interfaces to plug different storage systems
org.apache.solr.core.snapshots |
Core classes for Solr's persistent snapshots functionality
org.apache.solr.filestore |
Implementation of File Store.
org.apache.solr.handler |
org.apache.solr.handler.admin |
org.apache.solr.handler.admin.api |
V2 API implementations for "admin" APIs.
org.apache.solr.handler.api |
V2 utilities useful for all API implementations.
org.apache.solr.handler.component |
org.apache.solr.handler.configsets |
V2 API classes for performing CRUD operations on configsets.
org.apache.solr.handler.designer |
org.apache.solr.handler.export |
Solr's Export Handler Functionality
org.apache.solr.handler.loader |
org.apache.solr.handler.tagger |
org.apache.solr.highlight |
org.apache.solr.index |
Indexing related classes.
org.apache.solr.internal.csv |
Internal classes used for reading/writing CSV
org.apache.solr.jersey |
Jersey integration code
org.apache.solr.jersey.container |
Adapter code used to convert the native Jetty request/response abstractions into the objects
required by Jersey
org.apache.solr.legacy |
Deprecated stuff!
org.apache.solr.logging |
org.apache.solr.logging.jul |
org.apache.solr.logging.log4j2 |
org.apache.solr.metrics |
org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters |
This package houses 'pluggable' metric reporters that inherit from the SolrMetricReporter class.
org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.jmx |
org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.solr |
org.apache.solr.packagemanager |
This package contains Package Manager (CLI) implementation
org.apache.solr.parser |
Solr native variant of the Lucene
Classic QueryParser
org.apache.solr.pkg |
Package management implementation
org.apache.solr.query |
Solr Queries
org.apache.solr.request |
APIs and classes for dealing with Solr requests
org.apache.solr.request.json |
JSON related classes
org.apache.solr.request.macro |
Parameter substitution / macro expansion.
org.apache.solr.response |
org.apache.solr.response.transform |
APIs and implementations of DocTransformer for
modifying documents in Solr request responses
| |
Solr RESTful APIs.
| |
Provides RESTful API access to managed resources in the Solr Schema.
| |
Analysis-related functionality for RESTful API access to managed resources related to the schema,
such as stopwords, protected words, and synonyms.
org.apache.solr.schema |
| |
| |
APIs and classes for the JSON Facet API.
| |
Solr implementations of ValueSource for function
| |
Solr implementations of ValueSource for distance based
function queries.
| |
APIs and classes for implementing result grouping
| |
Grouping related Collector s
| |
Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping
| |
Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping
| |
Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping
| |
Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping
| |
Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping
| |
APIs and classes for transforming result grouping results into the appropriate response format
| |
Classes related to joins.
| |
APIs and classes for implementing MoreLikeThis (mlt) QueryParser.
| |
APIs and classes for implementing Neural (Dense Retrieval) QueryParsers.
| |
Factories for various built-in Lucene ranking models.
| |
APIs and Classes implementing the Stats component used for document frequency calculations.
| |
Commonly used classes for Solr security framework.
org.apache.solr.servlet |
Servlet related classes for powering the Solr HTTP API
org.apache.solr.servlet.cache |
Caching related classes used in the Solr HTTP API
org.apache.solr.spelling |
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest |
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.fst |
Factories for FST and Analyzing based Suggester s
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.jaspell |
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst |
org.apache.solr.uninverting |
Support for creating docvalues on-the-fly from the inverted index at runtime.
org.apache.solr.update |
APIs and classes for managing index updates
org.apache.solr.update.processor |
org.apache.solr.util |
Common utility classes used throughout Solr
org.apache.solr.util.circuitbreaker |
Support for triggering exceptions on excessive resource usage
org.apache.solr.util.configuration |
Common Util APIs related to Solr configuration.
org.apache.solr.util.configuration.providers |
org.apache.solr.util.hll |
A fork of Java-HyperLogLog package
tweaked not to depend on fastutil and with cleanups to make it lean and clean.
org.apache.solr.util.plugin |
org.apache.solr.util.stats |
Utilities for collecting statistics
org.apache.solr.util.tracing |
Tracing related utilities
org.apache.solr.util.vector |
Utilities for dense vector search