Class UnInvertedField

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class UnInvertedField
    extends DocTermOrds
    Final form of the un-inverted field: Each document points to a list of term numbers that are contained in that document.

    Term numbers are in sorted order, and are encoded as variable-length deltas from the previous term number. Real term numbers start at 2 since 0 and 1 are reserved. A term number of 0 signals the end of the termNumber list.

    There is a single int[maxDoc()] which either contains a pointer into a byte[] for the termNumber lists, or directly contains the termNumber list if it fits in the 4 bytes of an integer. If the first byte in the integer is 1, the next 3 bytes are a pointer into a byte[] where the termNumber list starts.

    There are actually 256 byte arrays, to compensate for the fact that the pointers into the byte arrays are only 3 bytes long. The correct byte array for a document is a function of its id.

    To save space and speed up faceting, any term that matches enough documents will not be un-inverted... it will be skipped while building the un-inverted field structure, and will use a set intersection method during faceting.

    To further save memory, the terms (the actual string values) are not all stored in memory, but a TermIndex is used to convert term numbers to term values only for the terms needed after faceting has completed. Only every 128th term value is stored, along with its corresponding term number, and this is used as an index to find the closest term and iterate until the desired number is hit (very much like Lucene's own internal term index).