Class SolrException

    • Method Detail

      • code

        public int code()
        The HTTP Status code associated with this Exception. For SolrExceptions thrown by Solr "Server Side", this should be a valid SolrException.ErrorCode, however client side exceptions may contain an arbitrary error code based on the behavior of the Servlet Container hosting Solr, or any HTTP Proxies that may exist between the client and the server.
        The HTTP Status code associated with this Exception
      • setMetadata

        public void setMetadata​(String key,
                                String value)
      • getThrowable

        public String getThrowable()
      • getRootThrowable

        public String getRootThrowable()
      • log

        public void log​(org.slf4j.Logger log)
        Use the Logger directly
        This method was initially created to aid in testing situations that were known to cause ERRORs. It should no longer be used by any new code.
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger log,
                               Throwable e)
        Use the Logger directly
        This method was initially created to aid in testing situations that were known to cause ERRORs. It should no longer be used by any new code.
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger log,
                               String msg,
                               Throwable e)
        Use the Logger directly
        This method was initially created to aid in testing situations that were known to cause ERRORs. It should no longer be used by any new code.
      • log

        public static void log​(org.slf4j.Logger log,
                               String msg)
        Use the Logger directly
        This method was initially created to aid in testing situations that were known to cause ERRORs. It should no longer be used by any new code.
      • wrapLuceneTragicExceptionIfNecessary

        public static SolrException wrapLuceneTragicExceptionIfNecessary​(Exception e)
        Ensure that the provided tragic exception is wrapped in a 5xx SolrException

        Tragic exceptions (those that Lucene's IndexWriter uses to signify it has become inoperable) are expected to have a 5xx error code. This method takes an input tragic exception and adds the expected wrapper, if necessary.

        e - the exception to check the code on. If not a SolrException, then this method acts as a no-op.
      • logInfoWithMdc

        public void logInfoWithMdc​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                   String msg)
      • logDebugWithMdc

        public void logDebugWithMdc​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                    String msg)
      • logWarnWithMdc

        public void logWarnWithMdc​(org.slf4j.Logger logger,
                                   String msg)