Class MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder
    extends Object
    Builder class for a MiniSolrCloudCluster
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(int nodeCount,
                       Path baseDir)
        Create a builder
        nodeCount - the number of nodes in the cluster
        baseDir - a base directory for the cluster
    • Method Detail

      • addConfig

        public MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder addConfig​(String configName,
                                                      Path configPath)
        Upload a collection config before tests start
        configName - the config name
        configPath - the path to the config files
      • useOtherCollectionConfigSetExecution

        public MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder useOtherCollectionConfigSetExecution()
        This method makes the MiniSolrCloudCluster use the "other" Collection API execution strategy than it normally would. When some test classes call this method (and some don't) we make sure that a run of multiple tests with a single seed will exercise both code lines (distributed and Overseer based Collection API) so regressions can be spotted faster.

        The real need is for a few tests covering reasonable use cases to call this method. If you're adding a new test, you don't have to call it (but it's ok if you do).

      • withDistributedClusterStateUpdates

        public MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder withDistributedClusterStateUpdates​(boolean distributedCollectionConfigSetApi,
                                                                               boolean distributedClusterStateUpdates)
        Force the cluster Collection and config state API execution as well as the cluster state update strategy to be either Overseer based or distributed. This method can be useful when debugging tests failing in only one of the two modes to have all local runs exhibit the issue, as well obviously for tests that are not compatible with one of the two modes.

        If this method is not called, the strategy being used will be random if the configuration passed to the cluster (solr.xml equivalent) contains a placeholder similar to:

           <str name="distributedClusterStateUpdates">${solr.distributedClusterStateUpdates:false}</str>
           <str name="distributedCollectionConfigSetExecution">${solr.distributedCollectionConfigSetExecution:false}</str>
        For an example of a configuration supporting this setting, see MiniSolrCloudCluster.DEFAULT_CLOUD_SOLR_XML. When a test sets a different solr.xml config (using withSolrXml(java.lang.String)), if the config does not contain the placeholder, the strategy will be defined by the values assigned to useDistributedClusterStateUpdates and useDistributedCollectionConfigSetExecution in CloudConfig.CloudConfigBuilder.
        distributedCollectionConfigSetApi - When true, Collection and Config Set API commands are executed in a distributed way by nodes. When false, they are executed by Overseer.
        distributedClusterStateUpdates - When true, cluster state updates are handled in a distributed way by nodes. When false, cluster state updates are handled by Overseer.

        If distributedCollectionConfigSetApi is true then this parameter must be true.

      • withProperty

        public MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder withProperty​(String propertyName,
                                                         String propertyValue)
        Set a cluster property
        propertyName - the property name
        propertyValue - the property value
      • withTraceIdGenerationDisabled

        public MiniSolrCloudCluster.Builder withTraceIdGenerationDisabled()
        Disables the default/built-in simple trace ID generation/propagation.

        Tracers are registered as global singletons and if for example a test needs to use a MockTracer or a "real" Tracer, it needs to call this method so that the test setup doesn't accidentally reset the Tracer it wants to use.