Class RequestMetricHandling

  • public class RequestMetricHandling
    extends Object
    A request and response filter used to initialize and report per-request metrics.

    Currently, Jersey resources that have a corresponding v1 API produce the same metrics as their v1 equivalent and rely on the v1 requestHandler instance to do so. Solr facilitates this by building a map of the JAX-RS resources to requestHandler mapping (a PluginBag.JaxrsResourceToHandlerMappings), and using that to look up the associated request handler (if one exists) in pre- and post- filters

    This isn't ideal, as requestHandler's don't really "fit" conceptually here. But it's unavoidable while we want our v2 APIs to exactly match the metrics produced by v1 calls, and while metrics are bundled in with requestHandlers as they are currently.

    See Also:
    RequestMetricHandling.PreRequestMetricsFilter, RequestMetricHandling.PostRequestMetricsFilter
    • Constructor Detail

      • RequestMetricHandling

        public RequestMetricHandling()