Class HttpSolrClient.Builder

    • Field Detail

      • baseSolrUrl

        protected String baseSolrUrl
      • compression

        protected boolean compression
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
      • Builder

        public Builder​(String baseSolrUrl)
        Create a Builder object, based on the provided Solr URL.

        Two different paths can be specified as a part of this URL:

        1) A path pointing directly at a particular core

           SolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient.Builder("http://my-solr-server:8983/solr/core1").build();
           QueryResponse resp = client.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        Note that when a core is provided in the base URL, queries and other requests can be made without mentioning the core explicitly. However, the client can only send requests to that core.

        2) The path of the root Solr path ("/solr")

           SolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient.Builder("http://my-solr-server:8983/solr").build();
           QueryResponse resp = client.query("core1", new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        In this case the client is more flexible and can be used to send requests to any cores. This flexibility though requires that the core be specified on all requests.

        By default, compression is not enabled on created HttpSolrClient objects.

    • Method Detail

      • withBaseSolrUrl

        public HttpSolrClient.Builder withBaseSolrUrl​(String baseSolrUrl)
        Specify the base-url for the created client to use when sending requests to Solr.

        Two different paths can be specified as a part of this URL:

        1) A path pointing directly at a particular core

           SolrClient client = builder.withBaseSolrUrl("http://my-solr-server:8983/solr/core1").build();
           QueryResponse resp = client.query(new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        Note that when a core is provided in the base URL, queries and other requests can be made without mentioning the core explicitly. However, the client can only send requests to that core.

        2) The path of the root Solr path ("/solr")

           SolrClient client = builder.withBaseSolrUrl("http://my-solr-server:8983/solr").build();
           QueryResponse resp = client.query("core1", new SolrQuery("*:*"));
        In this case the client is more flexible and can be used to send requests to any cores. This flexibility though requires that the core is specified on all requests.
      • withKerberosDelegationToken

        public HttpSolrClient.Builder withKerberosDelegationToken​(String delegationToken)
        Use a delegation token for authenticating via the KerberosPlugin
      • withInvariantParams

        public HttpSolrClient.Builder withInvariantParams​(ModifiableSolrParams params)
        Adds to the set of params that the created HttpSolrClient will add on all requests
        params - a set of parameters to add to the invariant-params list. These params must be unique and may not duplicate a param already in the invariant list.