Class MetricImpl<T>

    • Field Detail


        public final Function<Object,​T> IDENTITY_CONVERTER
        Identity converter. It returns the raw value unchanged IFF the value's type can be cast to the generic type of this attribute, otherwise it returns null.

        public static final Function<Object,​Double> BYTES_TO_GB_CONVERTER
        Bytes to gigabytes converter. Supports converting number or string representations of raw values expressed in bytes.
      • name

        protected final String name
      • internalName

        protected final String internalName
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricImpl

        public MetricImpl​(String name,
                          String internalName)
        Create a metric attribute.
        name - short-hand name that identifies this attribute.
        internalName - internal name of a Solr metric.
      • MetricImpl

        public MetricImpl​(String name,
                          String internalName,
                          Function<Object,​T> converter)
        Create a metric attribute.
        name - short-hand name that identifies this attribute.
        internalName - internal name of a Solr metric.
        converter - optional raw value converter. If null then IDENTITY_CONVERTER will be used.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Metric
        Return the short-hand name that identifies this attribute.
        Specified by:
        getName in interface Metric<T>
      • getInternalName

        public String getInternalName()
        Description copied from interface: Metric
        Return the internal name of a Solr metric associated with this attribute.
        Specified by:
        getInternalName in interface Metric<T>
      • convert

        public T convert​(Object value)
        Description copied from interface: Metric
        Convert raw value. This may involve changing raw value type or units.
        Specified by:
        convert in interface Metric<T>
        value - raw value
        converted value
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object