Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description Common classes for autoscaling parsing filtering nodes and sortingorg.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl Concrete implementations of client API Stream implementations for the Streaming Aggregation APIorg.apache.solr.client.solrj.request Convenience classes for dealing with various types of Solr Classes to handle query routing preferencesorg.apache.solr.client.solrj.util Utilities for Solr client Common Solr Cloud and ZooKeeper related classes reused on both clients & Common utility classes reused on both clients & server. -
Classes in used by Class Description ClusterState Immutable state of the cloud.ClusterState.CollectionRef DocCollection Models a Collection in zookeeper (but that Java name is obviously taken, hence "DocCollection")Replica Replica.State The replica's state.Replica.Type ReplicaPosition -
Classes in used by org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl Class Description ClusterState Immutable state of the cloud.ClusterState.CollectionRef CollectionStatePredicate Interface to determine if a set of liveNodes and a collection's state matches some expecatations.CollectionStateWatcher Callback registered withZkStateReader.registerCollectionStateWatcher(String, CollectionStateWatcher)
and called whenever there is a change in the collection state or in the list of liveNodes.DocCollection Models a Collection in zookeeper (but that Java name is obviously taken, hence "DocCollection")DocCollectionWatcher Callback registered withZkStateReader.registerDocCollectionWatcher(String, DocCollectionWatcher)
and called whenever the DocCollection changes.DocRouter Class to partition int range into n ranges.SolrZkClient All Solr ZooKeeper interactions should go through this class rather than ZooKeeper.ZkStateReader -
Classes in used by Class Description Slice A Slice contains immutable information about a logical shard (all replicas that share the same shard id).ZkStateReader -
Classes in used by org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request Class Description DocCollection Models a Collection in zookeeper (but that Java name is obviously taken, hence "DocCollection")DocRouter Class to partition int range into n ranges.Replica.State The replica's state.Replica.Type -
Classes in used by org.apache.solr.client.solrj.routing Class Description NodesSysPropsCacher Caching other nodes system properties. -
Classes in used by org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util Class Description Slice A Slice contains immutable information about a logical shard (all replicas that share the same shard id). -
Classes in used by Class Description Aliases Holds collection aliases -- virtual collections that point to one or more other collections.BeforeReconnect CloudCollectionsListener Callback registered withZkStateReader.registerCloudCollectionsListener(CloudCollectionsListener)
and called whenever the cloud's set of collections changes.ClusterPropertiesListener Listener that can be used withZkStateReader.registerClusterPropertiesListener(ClusterPropertiesListener)
and called whenever the cluster properties changes.ClusterState Immutable state of the cloud.ClusterState.CollectionRef CollectionPropsWatcher Callback registered withZkStateReader.registerCollectionPropsWatcher(String, CollectionPropsWatcher)
and called whenever the collection properties change.CollectionStatePredicate Interface to determine if a set of liveNodes and a collection's state matches some expecatations.CollectionStateWatcher Callback registered withZkStateReader.registerCollectionStateWatcher(String, CollectionStateWatcher)
and called whenever there is a change in the collection state or in the list of liveNodes.ConnectionManager ConnectionManager.IsClosed DefaultZkCredentialsProvider DocCollection Models a Collection in zookeeper (but that Java name is obviously taken, hence "DocCollection")DocCollectionWatcher Callback registered withZkStateReader.registerDocCollectionWatcher(String, DocCollectionWatcher)
and called whenever the DocCollection changes.DocRouter Class to partition int range into n ranges.DocRouter.Range HashBasedRouter LiveNodesListener Listener that can be used withZkStateReader.registerLiveNodesListener(LiveNodesListener)
and called whenever the live nodes set changes.LiveNodesPredicate Interface to determine if live nodes matches a required stateOnReconnect Implementations are expected to implement a correct hashCode and equals method needed to uniquely identify the listener as listeners are managed in a Set.Replica Replica.State The replica's state.Replica.Type ReplicaPosition RoutingRule Used for routing docs with particular keys into another collectionSecurityAwareZkACLProvider ZkACLProvider
capable of returning a different set ofACL
s for security-related znodes (default: subtree under /security) vs non-security-related znodes.Slice A Slice contains immutable information about a logical shard (all replicas that share the same shard id).Slice.State The slice's state.SolrZkClient All Solr ZooKeeper interactions should go through this class rather than ZooKeeper.SolrZooKeeper ZkACLProvider ZkClientConnectionStrategy ZkClientConnectionStrategy.ConnectedListener ZkClientConnectionStrategy.DisconnectedListener ZkClientConnectionStrategy.ZkUpdate ZkConfigManager Class that manages named configs in ZookeeperZkCoreNodeProps ZkCredentialsProvider ZkCredentialsProvider.ZkCredentials ZkDynamicConfig Class holding the dynamic config of a Zookeeper ensemble as fetched from znode/zookeeper/config
.ZkDynamicConfig.Server Object representing one line in Zk dynamic configZkMaintenanceUtils.VISIT_ORDER ZkMaintenanceUtils.ZkVisitor ZkNodeProps ZkNodeProps contains generic immutable properties.ZkOperation A callback object which can be used for implementing retry-able operations.ZkStateReader ZkStateReader.AliasesManager A class to manage the aliases instance, including watching for changes.ZkStateReader.ConfigData -
Classes in used by org.apache.solr.common.util Class Description SolrZkClient All Solr ZooKeeper interactions should go through this class rather than ZooKeeper.