Class SolrMetricManager

  • public class SolrMetricManager
    extends Object
    This class maintains a repository of named MetricRegistry instances, and provides several helper methods for managing various aspects of metrics reporting:
    • registry creation, clearing and removal,
    • creation of most common metric implementations,
    • management of SolrMetricReporter-s specific to a named registry.
    MetricRegistry instances are automatically created when first referenced by name. Similarly, instances of Metric implementations, such as Meter, Counter, Timer and Histogram are automatically created and registered under hierarchical names, in a specified registry, when meter(SolrInfoBean, String, String, String...) and other similar methods are called.

    This class enforces a common prefix (REGISTRY_NAME_PREFIX) in all registry names.

    Solr uses several different registries for collecting metrics belonging to different groups, using SolrInfoBean.Group as the main name of the registry (plus the above-mentioned prefix). Instances of SolrMetricManager are created for each CoreContainer, and most registries are local to each instance, with the exception of two global registries: solr.jetty and solr.jvm, which are shared between all CoreContainer-s

    • Field Detail


        public static final String REGISTRY_NAME_PREFIX
        Common prefix for all registry names that Solr uses.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String JETTY_REGISTRY
        Registry name for Jetty-specific metrics. This name is also subject to overrides controlled by system properties. This registry is shared between instances of SolrMetricManager.

        public static final String JVM_REGISTRY
        Registry name for JVM-specific metrics. This name is also subject to overrides controlled by system properties. This registry is shared between instances of SolrMetricManager.

        public static final int DEFAULT_CLOUD_REPORTER_PERIOD
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • SolrMetricManager

        public SolrMetricManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getCounterSupplier

        public com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry.MetricSupplier<com.codahale.metrics.Counter> getCounterSupplier()
      • getMeterSupplier

        public com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry.MetricSupplier<com.codahale.metrics.Meter> getMeterSupplier()
      • getTimerSupplier

        public com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry.MetricSupplier<com.codahale.metrics.Timer> getTimerSupplier()
      • getHistogramSupplier

        public com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry.MetricSupplier<com.codahale.metrics.Histogram> getHistogramSupplier()
      • registryNames

        public Set<String> registryNames()
        Return a set of existing registry names.
      • hasRegistry

        public boolean hasRegistry​(String name)
        Check whether a registry with a given name already exists.
        name - registry name
        true if this name points to a registry that already exists, false otherwise
      • registryNames

        public Set<String> registryNames​(String... patterns)
                                  throws PatternSyntaxException
        Return set of existing registry names that match a regex pattern
        patterns - regex patterns. NOTE: users need to make sure that patterns that don't start with a wildcard use the full registry name starting with REGISTRY_NAME_PREFIX
        set of existing registry names where at least one pattern matched.
      • registry

        public com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry registry​(String registry)
        Get (or create if not present) a named registry
        registry - name of the registry
        existing or newly created registry
      • removeRegistry

        public void removeRegistry​(String registry)
        Remove a named registry.
        registry - name of the registry to remove
      • swapRegistries

        public void swapRegistries​(String registry1,
                                   String registry2)
        Swap registries. This is useful eg. during SolrCore rename or swap operations. NOTE: this operation is not supported for shared registries.
        registry1 - source registry
        registry2 - target registry. Note: when used after core rename the target registry doesn't exist, so the swap operation will only rename the existing registry without creating an empty one under the previous name.
      • registerAll

        public void registerAll​(String registry,
                                com.codahale.metrics.MetricSet metrics,
                                SolrMetricManager.ResolutionStrategy strategy,
                                String... metricPath)
                         throws Exception
        Register all metrics in the provided MetricSet, optionally skipping those that already exist.
        registry - registry name
        metrics - metric set to register
        strategy - the conflict resolution strategy to use if the named metric already exists.
        metricPath - (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
        Exception - if a metric with this name already exists.
      • clearRegistry

        public void clearRegistry​(String registry)
        Remove all metrics from a specified registry.
        registry - registry name
      • clearMetrics

        public Set<String> clearMetrics​(String registry,
                                        String... metricPath)
        Remove some metrics from a named registry
        registry - registry name
        metricPath - (optional) top-most metric name path elements. If empty then this is equivalent to calling clearRegistry(String), otherwise non-empty elements will be joined using dotted notation to form a fully-qualified prefix. Metrics with names that start with the prefix will be removed.
        set of metrics names that have been removed.
      • getMetrics

        public Map<String,​com.codahale.metrics.Metric> getMetrics​(String registry,
                                                                        com.codahale.metrics.MetricFilter metricFilter)
        Retrieve matching metrics and their names.
        registry - registry name.
        metricFilter - filter (null is equivalent to MetricFilter.ALL).
        map of matching names and metrics
      • meter

        public com.codahale.metrics.Meter meter​(SolrInfoBean info,
                                                String registry,
                                                String metricName,
                                                String... metricPath)
        Create or get an existing named Meter
        registry - registry name
        metricName - metric name, either final name or a fully-qualified name using dotted notation
        metricPath - (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
        existing or a newly created Meter
      • timer

        public com.codahale.metrics.Timer timer​(SolrInfoBean info,
                                                String registry,
                                                String metricName,
                                                String... metricPath)
        Create or get an existing named Timer
        registry - registry name
        metricName - metric name, either final name or a fully-qualified name using dotted notation
        metricPath - (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
        existing or a newly created Timer
      • counter

        public com.codahale.metrics.Counter counter​(SolrInfoBean info,
                                                    String registry,
                                                    String metricName,
                                                    String... metricPath)
        Create or get an existing named Counter
        registry - registry name
        metricName - metric name, either final name or a fully-qualified name using dotted notation
        metricPath - (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
        existing or a newly created Counter
      • histogram

        public com.codahale.metrics.Histogram histogram​(SolrInfoBean info,
                                                        String registry,
                                                        String metricName,
                                                        String... metricPath)
        Create or get an existing named Histogram
        registry - registry name
        metricName - metric name, either final name or a fully-qualified name using dotted notation
        metricPath - (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
        existing or a newly created Histogram
      • registerMetric

        public void registerMetric​(SolrInfoBean info,
                                   String registry,
                                   com.codahale.metrics.Metric metric,
                                   boolean force,
                                   String metricName,
                                   String... metricPath)
        Register an instance of Metric.
        registry - registry name
        metric - metric instance
        force - if true then an already existing metric with the same name will be replaced. When false and a metric with the same name already exists an exception will be thrown.
        metricName - metric name, either final name or a fully-qualified name using dotted notation
        metricPath - (optional) additional top-most metric name path elements
      • registerGauge

        public void registerGauge​(SolrInfoBean info,
                                  String registry,
                                  com.codahale.metrics.Gauge<?> gauge,
                                  String tag,
                                  boolean force,
                                  String metricName,
                                  String... metricPath)
      • unregisterGauges

        public int unregisterGauges​(String registryName,
                                    String tagSegment)
      • mkName

        public static String mkName​(String name,
                                    String... path)
        This method creates a hierarchical name with arbitrary levels of hierarchy
        name - the final segment of the name, must not be null or empty.
        path - optional path segments, starting from the top level. Empty or null segments will be skipped.
        fully-qualified name using dotted notation, with all valid hierarchy segments prepended to the name.
      • enforcePrefix

        public static String enforcePrefix​(String name)
        Enforces the leading REGISTRY_NAME_PREFIX in a name.
        name - input name, possibly without the prefix
        original name if it contained the prefix, or the input name with the prefix prepended.
      • getRegistryName

        public static String getRegistryName​(SolrInfoBean.Group group,
                                             String... names)
        Helper method to construct a properly prefixed registry name based on the group.
        group - reporting group
        names - optional child elements of the registry name. If exactly one element is provided and it already contains the required prefix and group name then this value will be used, and the group parameter will be ignored.
        fully-qualified and prefixed registry name, with overrides applied.
      • loadReporters

        public void loadReporters​(PluginInfo[] pluginInfos,
                                  SolrResourceLoader loader,
                                  CoreContainer coreContainer,
                                  SolrCore solrCore,
                                  String tag,
                                  SolrInfoBean.Group group,
                                  String... registryNames)
        Create and register SolrMetricReporter-s specific to a SolrInfoBean.Group. Note: reporters that specify neither "group" nor "registry" attributes are treated as universal - they will always be loaded for any group. These two attributes may also contain multiple comma- or whitespace-separated values, in which case the reporter will be loaded for any matching value from the list. If both attributes are present then only "group" attribute will be processed.
        pluginInfos - plugin configurations
        loader - resource loader
        coreContainer - core container
        solrCore - optional solr core
        tag - optional tag for the reporters, to distinguish reporters logically created for different parent component instances.
        group - selected group, not null
        registryNames - optional child registry name elements
      • loadReporter

        public void loadReporter​(String registry,
                                 SolrResourceLoader loader,
                                 CoreContainer coreContainer,
                                 SolrCore solrCore,
                                 PluginInfo pluginInfo,
                                 String tag)
                          throws Exception
        Create and register an instance of SolrMetricReporter.
        registry - reporter is associated with this registry
        loader - loader to use when creating an instance of the reporter
        coreContainer - core container
        solrCore - optional solr core
        pluginInfo - plugin configuration. Plugin "name" and "class" attributes are required.
        tag - optional tag for the reporter, to distinguish reporters logically created for different parent component instances.
        Exception - if any argument is missing or invalid
      • closeReporter

        public boolean closeReporter​(String registry,
                                     String name,
                                     String tag)
        Close and unregister a named SolrMetricReporter for a registry.
        registry - registry name
        name - reporter name
        tag - optional tag for the reporter, to distinguish reporters logically created for different parent component instances.
        true if a named reporter existed and was closed.
      • closeReporters

        public Set<String> closeReporters​(String registry)
        Close and unregister all SolrMetricReporter-s for a registry.
        registry - registry name
        names of closed reporters
      • closeReporters

        public Set<String> closeReporters​(String registry,
                                          String tag)
        Close and unregister all SolrMetricReporter-s for a registry.
        registry - registry name
        tag - optional tag for the reporter, to distinguish reporters logically created for different parent component instances.
        names of closed reporters
      • getReporters

        public Map<String,​SolrMetricReporter> getReporters​(String registry)
        Get a map of reporters for a registry. Keys are reporter names, values are reporter instances.
        registry - registry name
        map of reporters and their names, may be empty but never null
      • loadShardReporters

        public void loadShardReporters​(PluginInfo[] pluginInfos,
                                       SolrCore core)