BaseCloudSolrClient |
BaseCloudSolrClient.RouteResponse<T extends LBSolrClient.Req> |
BaseHttpClusterStateProvider |
BaseHttpSolrClient |
BinaryRequestWriter |
A RequestWriter which writes requests in the javabin format
BinaryRequestWriter.BAOS |
BinaryResponseParser |
CloudHttp2SolrClient |
SolrJ client class to communicate with SolrCloud using Http2SolrClient.
CloudHttp2SolrClient.Builder |
CloudSolrClient |
SolrJ client class to communicate with SolrCloud.
CloudSolrClient.Builder |
CloudSolrClient.RouteResponse |
ConcurrentUpdateHttp2SolrClient |
ConcurrentUpdateHttp2SolrClient.Builder |
ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient |
ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient buffers all added documents and writes
them into open HTTP connections.
ConcurrentUpdateSolrClient.Builder |
DelegationTokenHttpSolrClient |
Http2ClusterStateProvider |
Http2SolrClient |
Http2SolrClient.Builder |
Http2SolrClient.OutStream |
HttpClientUtil |
Utility class for creating/configuring httpclient instances.
HttpClientUtil.SchemaRegistryProvider |
HttpClusterStateProvider |
HttpListenerFactory.RequestResponseListener |
HttpSolrClient |
A SolrClient implementation that talks directly to a Solr server via HTTP
HttpSolrClient.Builder |
HttpSolrClient.HttpUriRequestResponse |
InputStreamResponseParser |
Simply puts the InputStream into an entry in a NamedList named "stream".
Krb5HttpClientBuilder |
Kerberos-enabled SolrHttpClientBuilder
LBHttp2SolrClient |
LBHttp2SolrClient or "LoadBalanced LBHttp2SolrClient" is a load balancing wrapper around
Http2SolrClient .
LBHttpSolrClient |
LBHttpSolrClient or "LoadBalanced HttpSolrClient" is a load balancing wrapper around
HttpSolrClient .
LBHttpSolrClient.Builder |
LBHttpSolrClient.Req |
LBHttpSolrClient.Rsp |
LBSolrClient |
LBSolrClient.Req |
LBSolrClient.Rsp |
LBSolrClient.ServerWrapper |
NoOpResponseParser |
Simply puts the entire response into an entry in a NamedList.
PreemptiveAuth |
This HTTP request interceptor adds HTTP authentication credentials to every outgoing
PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory |
HttpClientConfigurer implementation providing support for preemptive Http Basic authentication
PreferenceRule |
SolrClientBuilder<B extends SolrClientBuilder<B>> |
SolrClientCloudManager |
SolrClientNodeStateProvider |
SolrHttpClientBuilder |
Builder class for configuring internal HttpClients.
SolrHttpClientContextBuilder |
SolrHttpClientContextBuilder.AuthSchemeRegistryProvider |
SolrHttpClientContextBuilder.CookieSpecRegistryProvider |
SolrHttpClientContextBuilder.CredentialsProviderProvider |
SolrHttpRequestRetryHandler |
SolrPortAwareCookieSpecFactory |
SolrPortAwareCookieSpecFactory.PortAwareCookieSpec |
SolrPortAwareCookieSpecFactory.PortAwareDomainHandler |
A domain handler to validate and match cookies based on the domain and origin.
StreamingBinaryResponseParser |
A BinaryResponseParser that sends callback events rather then build
a large response
XMLResponseParser |
ZkClientClusterStateProvider |
ZkDistribStateManager |