APIs and implementations for use in UpdateRequestProcessorChain
sSee: Description
Interface | Description |
DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory |
A marker interface for denoting that a factory is responsible for handling
distributed communication of updates across a SolrCloud cluster.
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector |
Interface for identifying which fields should be mutated
ScriptEngineCustomizer |
Enables customization of a script engine.
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory.RunAlways |
A marker interface for UpdateRequestProcessorFactory implementations indicating that
the factory should be used even if the update.distrib parameter would otherwise cause
it to not be run.
Class | Description |
AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
Base class that can be extended by any
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory designed to add a default value
to the document in an AddUpdateCommand when that field is not
already specified. |
AddSchemaFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory |
This processor will dynamically add fields to the schema if an input document contains
one or more fields that don't match any field or dynamic field in the schema.
AllValuesOrNoneFieldMutatingUpdateProcessor |
Abstract subclass of FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor for implementing
UpdateProcessors that will mutate all individual values of a selected
field independently.
AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger | |
AtomicUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that will convert conventional field-value document to atomic update document
CdcrUpdateProcessor |
DistributedUpdateProcessor to force peer sync logic
for every updates. |
CdcrUpdateProcessorFactory |
Factory for
CdcrUpdateProcessor . |
ClassificationUpdateProcessorFactory |
This class implements an UpdateProcessorFactory for the Classification Update Processor.
ClassificationUpdateProcessorParams | |
CloneFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Clones the values found in any matching
source field into
a configured dest field. |
ConcatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Concatenates multiple values for fields matching the specified
conditions using a configurable
delimiter which defaults
to ", ". |
CountFieldValuesUpdateProcessorFactory |
Replaces any list of values for a field matching the specified
conditions with the the count of the number of values for that field.
DefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that adds a constant default value to any document
being added that does not already have a value in the specified field.
DistributedUpdateProcessor | |
DistributedUpdateProcessor.RequestReplicationTracker |
Keeps track of the replication factor achieved for a distributed update request
originated in this distributed update processor.
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory |
Factory for
DistributedUpdateProcessor . |
DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory |
This Factory generates an UpdateProcessor that helps to enforce Version
constraints on documents based on per-document version numbers using a configured
name of a
versionField . |
DocExpirationUpdateProcessorFactory |
Update Processor Factory for managing automatic "expiration" of documents.
FieldLengthUpdateProcessorFactory |
Replaces any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified
conditions with the lengths of those CharSequences (as an Integer).
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor |
Reusable base class for UpdateProcessors that will consider
AddUpdateCommands and mutate the values associated with configured
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory |
Base class for implementing Factories for FieldMutatingUpdateProcessors and
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory.SelectorParams | |
FieldNameMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory |
In the FieldNameMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory configured below,
fields names will be mutated if the name contains space.
FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessor |
Abstract subclass of FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor for implementing
UpdateProcessors that will mutate all individual values of a selected
field independently
FieldValueSubsetUpdateProcessorFactory |
Base class for processors that want to mutate selected fields to only
keep a subset of the original values.
FirstFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
Keeps only the first value of fields matching the specified
HTMLStripFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Strips all HTML Markup in any CharSequence values
found in fields matching the specified conditions.
IgnoreCommitOptimizeUpdateProcessorFactory |
Gives system administrators a way to ignore explicit commit or optimize requests from clients.
IgnoreFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Ignores & removes fields matching the specified
conditions from any document being added to the index.
LastFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
Keeps only the last value of fields matching the specified
LogUpdateProcessorFactory |
A logging processor.
Lookup3Signature | |
MaxFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that keeps only the the maximum value from any selected
fields where multiple values are found.
MD5Signature | |
MinFieldValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that keeps only the the minimum value from any selected
fields where multiple values are found.
NoOpDistributingUpdateProcessorFactory |
A No-Op implementation of DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory that
allways returns null.
ParseBooleanFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values
into Boolean values.
ParseDateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values
into Date values.
ParseDoubleFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values
into Double values.
ParseFloatFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values
into Float values.
ParseIntFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values
into Integer values.
ParseLongFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Attempts to mutate selected fields that have only CharSequence-typed values
into Long values.
ParseNumericFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Abstract base class for numeric parsing update processor factories.
PreAnalyzedUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that parses configured fields of any document being added
PreAnalyzedField with the configured format parser. |
RegexpBoostProcessor |
A processor which will match content of "inputField" against regular expressions
found in "boostFilename", and if it matches will return the corresponding boost
value from the file and output this to "boostField" as a double value.
RegexpBoostProcessorFactory |
Factory which creates RegexBoostProcessors
RegexReplaceProcessorFactory |
An updated processor that applies a configured regex to any
CharSequence values found in the selected fields, and replaces
any matches with the configured replacement string.
RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Removes any values found which are CharSequence with a length of 0.
RunUpdateProcessorFactory |
Executes the update commands using the underlying UpdateHandler.
Signature | |
SignatureUpdateProcessorFactory | |
SimpleUpdateProcessorFactory |
A base class for writing a very simple UpdateProcessor without worrying too much about the API.
SkipExistingDocumentsProcessorFactory |
This Factory generates an UpdateProcessor that will (by default) skip inserting new documents
if there already exists a document with the same uniqueKey value in the index.
StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update request processor factory that enables the use of update
processors implemented as scripts which can be loaded by the
SolrResourceLoader (usually via the conf dir for
the SolrCore). |
TemplateUpdateProcessorFactory |
Adds new fields to documents based on a template pattern specified via Template.field
request parameters (multi-valued) or 'field' value specified in initArgs.
TemplateUpdateProcessorFactory.Resolved | |
TextProfileSignature |
This implementation is copied from Apache Nutch.
TimestampUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that adds a newly generated
Date value
of "NOW" to any document being added that does not already have a value
in the specified field. |
TolerantUpdateProcessor |
Suppresses errors for individual add/delete commands within a single request.
TolerantUpdateProcessorFactory |
Suppresses errors for individual add/delete commands within a single request.
TrimFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Trims leading and trailing whitespace from any CharSequence values
found in fields matching the specified conditions and returns the
resulting String.
TruncateFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Truncates any CharSequence values found in fields matching the specified
conditions to a maximum character length.
UniqFieldsUpdateProcessorFactory |
Removes duplicate values found in fields matching the specified conditions.
UpdateRequestProcessor |
This is a good place for subclassed update handlers to process the document before it is
UpdateRequestProcessorChain |
Manages a chain of UpdateRequestProcessorFactories.
UpdateRequestProcessorChain.ProcessorInfo | |
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory |
A factory to generate an UpdateRequestProcessor for each request.
URLClassifyProcessor |
Update processor which examines a URL and outputs to various other fields
characteristics of that URL, including length, number of path levels, whether
it is a top level URL (levels==0), whether it looks like a landing/index page,
a canonical representation of the URL (e.g.
URLClassifyProcessorFactory |
Creates URLClassifyProcessor
UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory |
An update processor that adds a newly generated
UUID value
to any document being added that does not already have a value in the
specified field. |
Enum | Description |
ClassificationUpdateProcessorFactory.Algorithm | |
DistributedUpdateProcessor.DistribPhase |
Values this processor supports for the
Exception | Description |
DistributedUpdateProcessor.DistributedUpdatesAsyncException |
APIs and implementations for use in UpdateRequestProcessorChain
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