public abstract class BaseSolrResource
extends org.restlet.resource.ServerResource
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This class serves as an adapter between Restlet and Solr's response writers.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static String |
static String |
Modifier | Constructor and Description |
protected |
BaseSolrResource() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Pulls the SolrQueryRequest constructed in SolrDispatchFilter
from the SolrRequestInfo thread local, then gets the SolrCore
and IndexSchema and sets up the response.
String |
getContentType() |
IndexSchema |
getSchema() |
SolrCore |
getSolrCore() |
SolrQueryRequest |
getSolrRequest() |
SolrQueryResponse |
getSolrResponse() |
protected int |
getUpdateTimeoutSecs() |
protected void |
handleException(org.slf4j.Logger log)
If there is an exception on the SolrResponse:
error info is added to the SolrResponse;
the response status code is set to the error code from the exception; and
the exception message is added to the list of things to be logged.
protected void |
handlePostExecution(org.slf4j.Logger log)
Deal with an exception on the SolrResponse, fill in response header info,
and log the accumulated messages on the SolrResponse.
protected static String |
urlDecode(String str)
Decode URL-encoded strings as UTF-8, and avoid converting "+" to space
abort, commit, delete, delete, describeVariants, doCatch, doConditionalHandle, doError, doHandle, doHandle, doNegotiatedHandle, get, get, getAttribute, getDescription, getInfo, getInfo, getName, getOnSent, getPreferredVariant, getRole, getVariants, getVariants, handle, hasAnnotations, head, head, isAnnotated, isAutoCommitting, isCommitted, isConditional, isExisting, isInRole, isNegotiated, options, options, patch, patch, post, post, put, put, redirectPermanent, redirectPermanent, redirectSeeOther, redirectSeeOther, redirectTemporary, redirectTemporary, setAllowedMethods, setAnnotated, setAttribute, setAutoCommitting, setChallengeRequests, setCommitted, setConditional, setCookieSettings, setDescription, setDimensions, setExisting, setLocationRef, setLocationRef, setName, setNegotiated, setOnSent, setProxyChallengeRequests, setServerInfo, setStatus, setStatus, setStatus, setStatus, updateAllowedMethods, updateDimensions
doError, doRelease, getAllowedMethods, getApplication, getChallengeRequests, getChallengeResponse, getClientInfo, getConditions, getConnegService, getContext, getConverterService, getCookies, getCookieSettings, getDimensions, getHostRef, getLocationRef, getLogger, getMatrix, getMatrixValue, getMaxForwards, getMetadataService, getMethod, getOriginalRef, getProtocol, getProxyChallengeRequests, getProxyChallengeResponse, getQuery, getQueryValue, getRanges, getReference, getReferrerRef, getRequest, getRequestAttributes, getRequestCacheDirectives, getRequestEntity, getResponse, getResponseAttributes, getResponseCacheDirectives, getResponseEntity, getRootRef, getServerInfo, getStatus, getStatusService, init, isConfidential, isLoggable, release, setApplication, setQueryValue, setRequest, setResponse, toBoolean, toByte, toDouble, toFloat, toInteger, toLong, toObject, toRepresentation, toRepresentation, toRepresentation, toShort, toString
protected static final String SHOW_DEFAULTS
public static final String UPDATE_TIMEOUT_SECS
public SolrCore getSolrCore()
public IndexSchema getSchema()
public SolrQueryRequest getSolrRequest()
public SolrQueryResponse getSolrResponse()
public String getContentType()
protected int getUpdateTimeoutSecs()
public void doInit() throws org.restlet.resource.ResourceException
If an error occurs during initialization, setExisting(false) is called and an error status code and message is set; in this case, Restlet will not continue servicing the request (by calling the method annotated to associate it with GET, etc., but rather will send an error response.
in class org.restlet.resource.Resource
protected void handlePostExecution(org.slf4j.Logger log)
protected void handleException(org.slf4j.Logger log)
protected static String urlDecode(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
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