Interface DocSet

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BitDocSet, DocSlice, HashDocSet, SortedIntDocSet

public interface DocSet

DocSet represents an unordered set of Lucene Document Ids.

WARNING: Any DocSet returned from SolrIndexSearcher should not be modified as it may have been retrieved from a cache and could be shared.

solr 0.9

Field Summary
static DocSet EMPTY
Method Summary
 void add(int doc)
          Adds the specified document if it is not currently in the DocSet (optional operation).
 void addAllTo(DocSet target)
          Adds all the docs from this set to the target set.
 void addUnique(int doc)
          Adds a document the caller knows is not currently in the DocSet (optional operation).
 DocSet andNot(DocSet other)
          Returns the documents in this set that are not in the other set.
 int andNotSize(DocSet other)
          Returns the number of documents in this set that are not in the other set.
 boolean exists(int docid)
          Returns true if a document is in the DocSet.
 Filter getTopFilter()
          Returns a Filter for use in Lucene search methods, assuming this DocSet was generated from the top-level MultiReader that the Lucene search methods will be invoked with.
 DocSet intersection(DocSet other)
          Returns the intersection of this set with another set.
 int intersectionSize(DocSet other)
          Returns the number of documents of the intersection of this set with another set.
 boolean intersects(DocSet other)
          Returns true if these sets have any elements in common
 DocIterator iterator()
          Returns an iterator that may be used to iterate over all of the documents in the set.
 long memSize()
          Returns the approximate amount of memory taken by this DocSet.
 int size()
          Returns the number of documents in the set.
 DocSet union(DocSet other)
          Returns the union of this set with another set.
 int unionSize(DocSet other)
          Returns the number of documents of the union of this set with another set.

Field Detail


static final DocSet EMPTY
Method Detail


void add(int doc)
Adds the specified document if it is not currently in the DocSet (optional operation).

SolrException - if the implementation does not allow modifications
See Also:


void addUnique(int doc)
Adds a document the caller knows is not currently in the DocSet (optional operation).

This method may be faster then add(doc) in some implementaions provided the caller is certain of the precondition.

SolrException - if the implementation does not allow modifications
See Also:


int size()
Returns the number of documents in the set.


boolean exists(int docid)
Returns true if a document is in the DocSet.


DocIterator iterator()
Returns an iterator that may be used to iterate over all of the documents in the set.

The order of the documents returned by this iterator is non-deterministic, and any scoring information is meaningless


long memSize()
Returns the approximate amount of memory taken by this DocSet. This is only an approximation and doesn't take into account java object overhead.

the approximate memory consumption in bytes


DocSet intersection(DocSet other)
Returns the intersection of this set with another set. Neither set is modified - a new DocSet is created and returned.

a DocSet representing the intersection


int intersectionSize(DocSet other)
Returns the number of documents of the intersection of this set with another set. May be more efficient than actually creating the intersection and then getting it's size.


boolean intersects(DocSet other)
Returns true if these sets have any elements in common


DocSet union(DocSet other)
Returns the union of this set with another set. Neither set is modified - a new DocSet is created and returned.

a DocSet representing the union


int unionSize(DocSet other)
Returns the number of documents of the union of this set with another set. May be more efficient than actually creating the union and then getting it's size.


DocSet andNot(DocSet other)
Returns the documents in this set that are not in the other set. Neither set is modified - a new DocSet is created and returned.

a DocSet representing this AND NOT other


int andNotSize(DocSet other)
Returns the number of documents in this set that are not in the other set.


Filter getTopFilter()
Returns a Filter for use in Lucene search methods, assuming this DocSet was generated from the top-level MultiReader that the Lucene search methods will be invoked with.


void addAllTo(DocSet target)
Adds all the docs from this set to the target set. The target should be sized large enough to accommodate all of the documents before calling this method.

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