Class DynamicFieldCollectionResource

  extended by org.restlet.resource.Resource
      extended by org.restlet.resource.UniformResource
          extended by org.restlet.resource.ServerResource
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DynamicFieldCollectionResource
extends org.restlet.resource.ServerResource
implements GETable

This class responds to requests at /solr/(corename)/schema/dynamicfields

To restrict the set of dynamic fields in the response, specify a comma and/or space separated list of dynamic field patterns in the "fl" query parameter.

Field Summary
protected static String INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_PARAM
protected static String SHOW_DEFAULTS
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void doInit()
          Pulls the "fl" param from the request and splits it to get the requested list of fields.
 org.restlet.representation.Representation get()
protected  String getContentType()
protected  SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getFieldProperties(SchemaField field)
          Get the properties for a given field.
protected  LinkedHashSet<String> getRequestedFields()
protected  IndexSchema getSchema()
protected  SolrCore getSolrCore()
protected  SolrQueryRequest getSolrRequest()
protected  SolrQueryResponse getSolrResponse()
protected  void handleException(org.slf4j.Logger log)
          If there is an exception on the SolrResponse: error info is added to the SolrResponse; the response status code is set to the error code from the exception; and the exception message is added to the list of things to be logged.
protected  void handlePostExecution(org.slf4j.Logger log)
          Deal with an exception on the SolrResponse, fill in response header info, and log the accumulated messages on the SolrResponse.
protected static String urlDecode(String str)
          Decode URL-encoded strings as UTF-8, and avoid converting "+" to space
Methods inherited from class org.restlet.resource.ServerResource
abort, commit, delete, delete, describeVariants, doCatch, doConditionalHandle, doError, doHandle, doHandle, doNegotiatedHandle, get, getAttribute, getInfo, getInfo, getOnSent, getPreferredVariant, getVariants, getVariants, handle, hasAnnotations, head, head, isAnnotated, isAutoCommitting, isCommitted, isConditional, isExisting, isInRole, isNegotiated, options, options, post, post, put, put, redirectPermanent, redirectPermanent, redirectSeeOther, redirectSeeOther, redirectTemporary, redirectTemporary, setAllowedMethods, setAnnotated, setAttribute, setAutoCommitting, setChallengeRequests, setCommitted, setConditional, setCookieSettings, setDimensions, setExisting, setLocationRef, setLocationRef, setNegotiated, setOnSent, setProxyChallengeRequests, setServerInfo, setStatus, setStatus, setStatus, setStatus, updateAllowedMethods, updateDimensions
Methods inherited from class org.restlet.resource.Resource
doError, doRelease, getAllowedMethods, getApplication, getChallengeRequests, getChallengeResponse, getClientInfo, getConditions, getConnegService, getContext, getConverterService, getCookies, getCookieSettings, getDimensions, getHostRef, getLocationRef, getLogger, getMatrix, getMatrixValue, getMaxForwards, getMetadataService, getMethod, getOriginalRef, getProtocol, getProxyChallengeRequests, getProxyChallengeResponse, getQuery, getQueryValue, getRanges, getReference, getReferrerRef, getRequest, getRequestAttributes, getRequestCacheDirectives, getRequestEntity, getResponse, getResponseAttributes, getResponseCacheDirectives, getResponseEntity, getRootRef, getServerInfo, getStatus, getStatusService, init, isConfidential, isLoggable, release, setApplication, setQueryValue, setRequest, setResponse, toObject, toRepresentation, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final String INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_PARAM
See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final String SHOW_DEFAULTS
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DynamicFieldCollectionResource()
Method Detail


public void doInit()
            throws org.restlet.resource.ResourceException
Pulls the "fl" param from the request and splits it to get the requested list of fields. The (Dynamic)FieldCollectionResource classes will then restrict the fields sent back in the response to those on this list. The (Dynamic)FieldResource classes ignore this list, since the (dynamic) field is specified in the URL path, rather than in a query parameter.

Also pulls the "showDefaults" param from the request, for use by all subclasses to include default values from the associated field type in the response. By default this param is off.



public org.restlet.representation.Representation get()
Specified by:
get in interface GETable
get in class org.restlet.resource.ServerResource


protected LinkedHashSet<String> getRequestedFields()


protected SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getFieldProperties(SchemaField field)
Get the properties for a given field.

field - not required to exist in the schema


protected SolrCore getSolrCore()


protected IndexSchema getSchema()


protected SolrQueryRequest getSolrRequest()


protected SolrQueryResponse getSolrResponse()


protected String getContentType()


protected void handlePostExecution(org.slf4j.Logger log)
Deal with an exception on the SolrResponse, fill in response header info, and log the accumulated messages on the SolrResponse.


protected void handleException(org.slf4j.Logger log)
If there is an exception on the SolrResponse:


protected static String urlDecode(String str)
                           throws UnsupportedEncodingException
Decode URL-encoded strings as UTF-8, and avoid converting "+" to space


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