Interface SolrRequestHandler

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AdminHandlers, AnalysisRequestHandlerBase, BinaryUpdateRequestHandler, CollectionsHandler, ContentStreamHandlerBase, CoreAdminHandler, CSVRequestHandler, DocumentAnalysisRequestHandler, DumpRequestHandler, FieldAnalysisRequestHandler, FileFloatSource.ReloadCacheRequestHandler, InfoHandler, JsonUpdateRequestHandler, LoggingHandler, LukeRequestHandler, MoreLikeThisHandler, PingRequestHandler, PluginInfoHandler, PropertiesRequestHandler, RealTimeGetHandler, ReplicationHandler, RequestHandlerBase, RequestHandlers.LazyRequestHandlerWrapper, SearchHandler, ShowFileRequestHandler, SolrInfoMBeanHandler, StandardRequestHandler, SystemInfoHandler, ThreadDumpHandler, UpdateRequestHandler, XmlUpdateRequestHandler, XsltUpdateRequestHandler

public interface SolrRequestHandler
extends SolrInfoMBean

Implementations of SolrRequestHandler are called to handle query requests. Different SolrRequestHandlers are registered with the SolrCore. One way to register a SolrRequestHandler with the core is thorugh the solrconfig.xml file.

Example solrconfig.xml entry to register a SolrRequestHandler implementation to handle all queries with a Request Handler of "/test":

<requestHandler name="/test" class="solr.tst.TestRequestHandler" />

A single instance of any registered SolrRequestHandler is created via the default constructor and is reused for all relevant queries.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.apache.solr.core.SolrInfoMBean
Method Summary
 void handleRequest(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp)
          Handles a query request, this method must be thread safe.
 void init(NamedList args)
          init will be called just once, immediately after creation.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.solr.core.SolrInfoMBean
getCategory, getDescription, getDocs, getName, getSource, getStatistics, getVersion

Method Detail


void init(NamedList args)
init will be called just once, immediately after creation.

The args are user-level initialization parameters that may be specified when declaring a request handler in solrconfig.xml


void handleRequest(SolrQueryRequest req,
                   SolrQueryResponse rsp)
Handles a query request, this method must be thread safe.

Information about the request may be obtained from req and response information may be set using rsp.

There are no mandatory actions that handleRequest must perform. An empty handleRequest implementation would fulfill all interface obligations.

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