Package org.apache.solr.common.util

Common utility classes reused on both clients & server.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
Base64 Static methods for translating Base64 encoded strings to byte arrays and vice-versa.
ContentStreamBase Three concrete implementations for ContentStream - one for File/URL/String
ContentStreamBase.ByteArrayStream Construct a ContentStream from a File
ContentStreamBase.FileStream Construct a ContentStream from a File
ContentStreamBase.StringStream Construct a ContentStream from a String
ContentStreamBase.URLStream Construct a ContentStream from a URL This uses a URLConnection to get the content stream
DataInputInputStream An abstract DataInput that extends InputStream
DateUtil This class has some code from HttpClient DateUtil.
FastInputStream Single threaded buffered InputStream Internal Solr use only, subject to change.
FastOutputStream Single threaded buffered OutputStream Internal Solr use only, subject to change.
Hash Fast, well distributed, cross-platform hash functions.
IteratorChain<E> Chain several Iterators, so that this iterates over all of them in sequence.
JavaBinCodec The class is designed to optimaly serialize/deserialize any supported types in Solr response.
NamedList<T> A simple container class for modeling an ordered list of name/value pairs.
NamedList.NamedListEntry<T> Helper class implementing Map.Entry<String, T> to store the key-value relationship in NamedList (the keys of which are String-s)
SimpleOrderedMap<T> SimpleOrderedMap is a NamedList where access by key is more important than maintaining order when it comes to representing the held data in other forms, as ResponseWriters normally do.

Package org.apache.solr.common.util Description

Common utility classes reused on both clients & server.

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