Uses of Class

Packages that use UpdateResponse
org.apache.solr.client.solrj Primary APIs for communicating with a Solr Server from a Java client. 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl Concrete implementations of client API classes. 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request Convenience classes for dealing with various types of Solr requests. 

Uses of UpdateResponse in org.apache.solr.client.solrj

Methods in org.apache.solr.client.solrj that return UpdateResponse
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs)
          Adds a collection of documents
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.add(Collection<SolrInputDocument> docs, int commitWithinMs)
          Adds a collection of documents, specifying max time before they become committed
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.add(SolrInputDocument doc)
          Adds a single document
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.add(SolrInputDocument doc, int commitWithinMs)
          Adds a single document specifying max time before it becomes committed
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.addBean(Object obj)
          Adds a single bean
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.addBean(Object obj, int commitWithinMs)
          Adds a single bean specifying max time before it becomes committed
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.addBeans(Collection<?> beans)
          Adds a collection of beans
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.addBeans(Collection<?> beans, int commitWithinMs)
          Adds a collection of beans specifying max time before they become committed
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.commit()
          Performs an explicit commit, causing pending documents to be committed for indexing
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.commit(boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher)
          Performs an explicit commit, causing pending documents to be committed for indexing
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.commit(boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher, boolean softCommit)
          Performs an explicit commit, causing pending documents to be committed for indexing
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.deleteById(List<String> ids)
          Deletes a list of documents by unique ID
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.deleteById(List<String> ids, int commitWithinMs)
          Deletes a list of documents by unique ID, specifying max time before commit
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.deleteById(String id)
          Deletes a single document by unique ID
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.deleteById(String id, int commitWithinMs)
          Deletes a single document by unique ID, specifying max time before commit
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.deleteByQuery(String query)
          Deletes documents from the index based on a query
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.deleteByQuery(String query, int commitWithinMs)
          Deletes documents from the index based on a query, specifying max time before commit
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.optimize()
          Performs an explicit optimize, causing a merge of all segments to one.
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.optimize(boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher)
          Performs an explicit optimize, causing a merge of all segments to one.
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.optimize(boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher, int maxSegments)
          Performs an explicit optimize, causing a merge of all segments to one.
 UpdateResponse SolrServer.rollback()
          Performs a rollback of all non-committed documents pending.

Uses of UpdateResponse in org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl

Methods in org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl that return UpdateResponse
 UpdateResponse HttpSolrServer.add(Iterator<SolrInputDocument> docIterator)
          Adds the documents supplied by the given iterator.
 UpdateResponse HttpSolrServer.addBeans(Iterator<?> beanIterator)
          Adds the beans supplied by the given iterator.

Uses of UpdateResponse in org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request

Methods in org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request that return UpdateResponse
 UpdateResponse AbstractUpdateRequest.process(SolrServer server)
 UpdateResponse DirectXmlRequest.process(SolrServer server)

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