Class ClusterStateUtil

  • public class ClusterStateUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterStateUtil

        public ClusterStateUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • waitForAllActiveAndLiveReplicas

        public static boolean waitForAllActiveAndLiveReplicas​( zkStateReader,
                                                              int timeoutInMs)
        Wait to see *all* cores live and active.
        zkStateReader - to use for ClusterState
        timeoutInMs - how long to wait before giving up
        false if timed out
      • waitForAllActiveAndLiveReplicas

        public static boolean waitForAllActiveAndLiveReplicas​( zkStateReader,
                                                              String collection,
                                                              int timeoutInMs)
        Wait to see *all* cores live and active.
        zkStateReader - to use for ClusterState
        collection - to look at
        timeoutInMs - how long to wait before giving up
        false if timed out
      • waitForAllReplicasNotLive

        public static boolean waitForAllReplicasNotLive​( zkStateReader,
                                                        int timeoutInMs)
      • waitForAllReplicasNotLive

        public static boolean waitForAllReplicasNotLive​( zkStateReader,
                                                        String collection,
                                                        int timeoutInMs)
      • getLiveAndActiveReplicaCount

        public static int getLiveAndActiveReplicaCount​( zkStateReader,
                                                       String collection)
      • replicasOfActiveSlicesStream

        public static Stream<> replicasOfActiveSlicesStream​( collectionState)
      • waitForLiveAndActiveReplicaCount

        public static boolean waitForLiveAndActiveReplicaCount​( zkStateReader,
                                                               String collection,
                                                               int replicaCount,
                                                               int timeoutInMs)
      • waitFor

        public static boolean waitFor​( zkStateReader,
                                      String collection,
                                      long timeout,
                                      TimeUnit timeUnit,
        Calls ZkStateReader.waitForState(String, long, TimeUnit, CollectionStatePredicate) but has an alternative implementation if collection is null, in which the predicate must match *all* collections. Returns whether the predicate matches or not in the allotted time; does *NOT* throw TimeoutException.
      • toDebugAllStatesString

        public static String toDebugAllStatesString​( clusterState)
        Produces a String of all the collection states for debugging. ZK may be consulted.