Class ExecutorUtil

  • public class ExecutorUtil
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExecutorUtil

        public ExecutorUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • isTerminated

        public static boolean isTerminated​(ExecutorService pool)
      • shutdownAndAwaitTermination

        public static void shutdownAndAwaitTermination​(ExecutorService pool)
        Shutdown the ExecutorService and wait for 60 seconds for the threads to complete. More detail on the waiting can be found in awaitTermination(ExecutorService).
        pool - The ExecutorService to shut down and wait on
      • shutdownAndAwaitTerminationForever

        public static void shutdownAndAwaitTerminationForever​(ExecutorService pool)
        Shutdown the ExecutorService and wait forever for the threads to complete. More detail on the waiting can be found in awaitTerminationForever(ExecutorService).

        This should likely not be used in close() methods, as we want to time bound when shutting down. However, sometimes ExecutorServices are used to submit a list of tasks and awaiting termination is akin to waiting on the list of Futures to complete. In that case, this method should be used as there is no inherent time bound to waiting on those tasks to complete.

        pool - The ExecutorService to shut down and wait on
      • shutdownNowAndAwaitTermination

        public static void shutdownNowAndAwaitTermination​(ExecutorService pool)
      • awaitTermination

        public static void awaitTermination​(ExecutorService pool)
        Await the termination of an ExecutorService for a default of 60 seconds, then force shutdown the remaining threads and wait another 60 seconds.
        pool - the ExecutorService to wait on
      • awaitTerminationForever

        public static void awaitTerminationForever​(ExecutorService pool)
        Await the termination of an ExecutorService until all threads are complete, or until we are interrupted, at which point the ExecutorService will be interrupted as well.
        pool - the ExecutorService to wait on
      • newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool

        public static ExecutorService newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool​(String name)
        Create a cached thread pool using a named thread factory
      • newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool

        public static ExecutorService newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool​(ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Create a new pool of threads, with no limit for the number of threads. The pool has no task queue. Each submitted task is executed immediately, either by reusing an existing thread if one is available, or by starting a new thread. Unused threads will be closed after 60 seconds.
      • newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool

        public static ExecutorService newMDCAwareCachedThreadPool​(int maxThreads,
                                                                  int queueCapacity,
                                                                  ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Create a new pool of threads. Threads are created for new work if there is room to do so up to maxThreads. Beyond that, the queue is used up to queueCapacity. Beyond that, work is rejected with an exception. Unused threads will be closed after 60 seconds.
      • isSolrServerThread

        public static boolean isSolrServerThread()
      • setServerThreadFlag

        public static void setServerThreadFlag​(Boolean flag)
      • submitAllAndAwaitAggregatingExceptions

        public static <T> Collection<T> submitAllAndAwaitAggregatingExceptions​(ExecutorService service,
                                                                               List<? extends Callable<T>> tasks)
                                                                        throws IOException
        Takes an executor and a list of Callables and executes them returning the results as a list. The method waits for the return of every task even if one of them throws an exception. If any exception happens it will be thrown, wrapped into an IOException, and other following exceptions will be added as `addSuppressed` to the original exception
        Type Parameters:
        T - the response type
        service - executor
        tasks - the list of callables to be executed
        results list
        IOException - in case any exceptions happened