Class CommonTestInjection

  • public class CommonTestInjection
    extends Object
    Allows random faults to be injected in running code during test runs across all solr packages.
    NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommonTestInjection

        public CommonTestInjection()
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public static void reset()
      • setAdditionalProps

        public static void setAdditionalProps​(Map<String,​String> additionalSystemProps)
      • injectAdditionalProps

        public static Map<String,​String> injectAdditionalProps()
      • setDelay

        public static void setDelay​(Integer delay)
        Set test delay (sleep) in unit of milliseconds
        delay - delay in milliseconds, null to remove such delay
      • injectDelay

        public static boolean injectDelay()
        Inject an artificial delay(sleep) into the code
      • injectBreakpoint

        public static boolean injectBreakpoint​(String key,
                                               Object... args)
        Injects a breakpoint that pauses the existing code execution, executes the code defined in the breakpoint implementation and then resumes afterward. The breakpoint implementation is looked up by the corresponding key used in CommonTestInjection.BreakpointSetter.setImplementation(String, Breakpoint)

        An example usages :

        1. Inject a precise wait until a race condition is fulfilled before proceeding with original code execution
        2. Inject a flag to catch exception statement which handles the exception without re-throwing. This could verify caught exception does get triggered

        This should always be a part of an assert statement (ie assert injectBreakpoint(key)) such that it will be skipped for normal code execution

        key - could simply be the fully qualified class name or more granular like class name + other id (such as method name). This should only be set by corresponding unit test cases with CommonTestInjection#setBreakpoint
        args - optional arguments list to be passed to the Breakpoint
        See Also:
        CommonTestInjection.BreakpointSetter.setImplementation(String, Breakpoint)