Stream implementations for the Streaming Aggregation API
Interface Summary Interface Description JDBCStream.ResultSetValueSelector ParallelMetricsRollup Indicates the underlying stream source supports parallelizing metrics computation across collections using a rollup of metrics from each collection.TupleStreamParser -
Class Summary Class Description BiJoinStream Joins leftStream with rightStream based on anStreamEqualitor
.CalculatorStream CartesianProductStream CellStream CloudSolrStream Connects to Zookeeper to pick replicas from a specific collection to send the query to.CommitStream Sends a commit message to a SolrCloud collectionComplementStream Emits tuples from streamA which do not exist in streamB.CsvStream DaemonStream DeepRandomStream Connects to Zookeeper to pick replicas from a specific collection to send the query to.DeleteStream Uses tuples to identify the uniqueKey values of documents to be deletedDrillStream EchoStream EvalStream ExceptionStream ExecutorStream The executor function wraps a stream with Tuples containing Streaming Expressions and executes them in parallel.ExecutorStream.StreamTask Facet2DStream FacetStream The FacetStream abstracts the output from the JSON facet API as a Stream of Tuples.FeaturesSelectionStream FeaturesSelectionStream.FeaturesSelectionCall FetchStream Iterates over a stream and fetches additional fields from a specified collection.GetStream HashJoinStream Takes two streams (fullStream and hashStream) and joins them similar to an InnerJoinStream.HashRollupStream HavingStream The HavingStream iterates over an internal stream and applies a BooleanOperation to each tuple.InnerJoinStream Joins leftStream with rightStream based on an Equalitor.IntersectStream Emits tuples from streamA which also exist in streamB.JavabinTupleStreamParser JDBCStream Connects to a datasource using a registered JDBC driver and execute a query.JoinStream Defines a JoinStream which can hold N streams, all joined with the same equalitorJSONTupleStream KnnStream LeftOuterJoinStream Joins leftStream with rightStream based on an Equalitor.LetStream ListStream MergeStream Merges two or more streams together ordering the Tuples based on a Comparator.ModelStream The ModelStream retrieves a stored model from a Solr Cloud collection.NoOpStream A simple no-operation stream.NullStream The NullStream Iterates over a TupleStream and eats the tuples.OuterHashJoinStream Takes two streams (fullStream and hashStream) and joins them similar to an LeftOuterJoinStream.ParallelListStream ParallelListStream.StreamIndex ParallelListStream.StreamOpener ParallelStream The ParallelStream decorates a TupleStream implementation and pushes it to N workers for parallel execution.PlotStream PriorityStream The priority function wraps two topics that represent high priority and low priority task queues.PushBackStream A TupleStream that allows a single Tuple to be pushed back onto the stream after it's been read.RandomFacadeStream RandomStream The RandomStream emits a stream of pseudo random Tuples that match the query parameters.RankStream Iterates over a TupleStream and Ranks the topN tuples based on a Comparator.ReducerStream Iterates over a TupleStream and buffers Tuples that are equal based on a comparator.RollupStream ScoreNodesStream Iterates over a gatherNodes() expression and scores the Tuples based on tf-idf.SearchFacadeStream Connects to Zookeeper to pick replicas from a specific collection to send the query to.SearchStream SelectStream Selects fields from the incoming stream and applies optional field renaming.ShuffleStream SignificantTermsStream SignificantTermsStream.SignificantTermsCall SolrStream Queries a single Solr instance and maps SolrDocs to a Stream of Tuples.SortStream The SortStream emits a stream of Tuples sorted by a Comparator.SqlStream StatsStream StreamContext The StreamContext is passed to TupleStreams using the TupleStream.setStreamContext() method.StreamExecutorHelper TextLogitStream TextLogitStream.LogitCall TextLogitStream.TermsStream TimeSeriesStream TopicStream TsvStream TupleStream TupStream UniqueStream The UniqueStream emits a unique stream of Tuples based on a Comparator.UpdateStream Sends tuples emitted by a wrappedTupleStream
as updates to a SolrCloud collection.ZplotStream -
Exception Summary Exception Description SolrStream.HandledException TupleStream.IgnoreException