Class KafkaCrossDcConsumer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class KafkaCrossDcConsumer
    extends Consumer.CrossDcConsumer
    This is a Java class called KafkaCrossDcConsumer, which is part of the Apache Solr framework. It consumes messages from Kafka and mirrors them into a Solr instance. It uses a KafkaConsumer object to subscribe to one or more topics and receive ConsumerRecords that contain MirroredSolrRequest objects. The SolrMessageProcessor handles each MirroredSolrRequest and sends the resulting UpdateRequest to the CloudSolrClient for indexing. A ThreadPoolExecutor is used to handle the update requests asynchronously. The KafkaCrossDcConsumer also handles offset management, committing offsets to Kafka and can seek to specific offsets for error recovery. The class provides methods to start and top the consumer thread.
    • Field Detail

      • solrClient

        protected final org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient solrClient
    • Constructor Detail

      • KafkaCrossDcConsumer

        public KafkaCrossDcConsumer​(KafkaCrossDcConf conf,
                                    CountDownLatch startLatch)
        conf - The Kafka consumer configuration
        startLatch - To inform the caller when the Consumer has started
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run()
        This is where the magic happens.
        1. Polls and gets the packets from the queue
        2. Extract the MirroredSolrRequest objects
        3. Send the request to the MirroredSolrRequestHandler that has the processing, retry, error handling logic.
      • sendBatch

        public void sendBatch​(org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrRequest<?> solrReqBatch,
                              MirroredSolrRequest.Type type,
                              org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord<String,​MirroredSolrRequest<?>> lastRecord,
                              org.apache.solr.crossdc.manager.consumer.PartitionManager.WorkUnit workUnit)
      • shutdown

        public final void shutdown()
        Shutdown the Kafka consumer by calling wakeup.
      • createSolrClient

        protected org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient createSolrClient​(KafkaCrossDcConf conf)