All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AddReplicaPropertyApi AddReplicaPropertyRequestBody AliasPropertyApis V2 API definitions for managing and inspecting properties for collection aliasesApiMetadata AsyncJerseyResponse BackupDeletionData BackupDeletionResponseBody BalanceReplicasApi BalanceReplicasRequestBody BalanceShardUniqueApi V2 API definition for insuring that a specified per-shard property is distributed evenly amongst the physical nodes comprising a collection.BalanceShardUniqueRequestBody CategoryRoutedAliasProperties ClusterFileStoreApis ClusterPropertyApis Definitions for v2 JAX-RS cluster properties APIs.ClusterPropertyDetails CollectionBackupApi V2 API definition for creating a new "backup" of a specified collectionCollectionBackupApi.Create CollectionBackupApi.Restore CollectionBackupDetails CollectionPropertyApi V2 API definitions for modifying collection-level properties.CollectionSnapshotApis V2 API definitions for creating, accessing, and deleting collection-level snapshots.CollectionSnapshotApis.Create CollectionSnapshotApis.Delete CollectionSnapshotApis.List Constants Constants CoreApiParameters Concisely collects the parameters shared by APIs that interact with contents of a specific core.CoreSnapshotApi V2 API definitions for Creating, Listing, and Deleting Core Snapshots.CreateAliasApi CreateAliasRequestBody CreateCollectionApi V2 API definition for creating a SolrCloud collectionCreateCollectionBackupDetails CreateCollectionBackupRequestBody CreateCollectionBackupResponseBody CreateCollectionRequestBody Request body for v2 "create collection" requestsCreateCollectionRouterProperties CreateCollectionSnapshotRequestBody CreateCollectionSnapshotResponse CreateCoreBackupApi CreateCoreBackupRequestBody CreateCoreSnapshotResponse CreateReplicaApi V2 API definition for adding a new replica to an existing shard.CreateReplicaRequestBody CreateShardApi V2 API definition for creating a new shard in a collection.CreateShardRequestBody DeleteAliasApi DeleteCollectionApi DeleteCollectionBackupApi DeleteCollectionSnapshotResponse The Response forCollectionSnapshotApis.Delete
DeleteNodeApi DeleteNodeRequestBody DeleteReplicaApi V2 API definition for deleting one or more existing replicas from one or more shards.DeleteReplicaPropertyApi V2 API definition for removing a property from a collection replicaDeleteShardApi V2 API definition for deleting a particular shard from its collection.DeleteSnapshotResponse ErrorInfo A value type representing an error.ErrorInfo.ErrorMetadata ExperimentalResponse SolrJerseyResponse
implementation with a warning field indicating that the format may changeFileListResponse Response body for the `GET /api/cores/coreName/replication/files` APIFileMetaData FileStoreDirectoryListingResponse One of several possible responses fromNodeFileStoreApis.getFile(String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
FileStoreEntryMetadata Represents the metadata for a single filestore file or directoryFileStoreJsonFileResponse One of several possible responses fromNodeFileStoreApis.getFile(String, Boolean, String, Boolean)
FlexibleSolrJerseyResponse ASolrJerseyResponse
which can accept any top-level properties.ForceLeaderApi V2 API definition for triggering a leader election on a particular collection and shard.GetAliasByNameResponse GetAliasPropertyResponse GetAllAliasPropertiesResponse GetClusterPropertyResponse GetNodeCommandStatusApi V2 API for checking the status of a core-level asynchronous command.GetNodeCommandStatusResponse GetPublicKeyApi V2 API definition to fetch the public key of the receiving node.GetSchemaApi GetSchemaApi.Fields IndexType IndexVersionResponse Response body for the `GET /api/cores/coreName/replication/indexversion` APIInstallCoreDataApi V2 API definition for installing an offline index to a single core of a shard.InstallCoreDataRequestBody InstallShardDataApi V2 API definition allowing users to import offline-constructed index into a shard.InstallShardDataRequestBody ListAliasesApi V2 API definition for listing and inspecting collection aliasesListAliasesResponse ListClusterPropertiesResponse ListCollectionBackupsApi V2 API definitions for collection-backup "listing".ListCollectionBackupsResponse ListCollectionsApi ListCollectionSnapshotsResponse The Response for the v2 "list collection snapshots" APIListCollectionsResponse ListConfigsetsApi V2 API definition for listing configsets.ListConfigsetsResponse ListCoreSnapshotsResponse ListLevelsResponse Response format for the 'GET /api/node/logging/levels' API.LoggingResponse Generic logging response that includes the name of the log watcher (e.g.LogLevelChange A user-requested modification in the level that a specified logger reports at.LogLevelInfo Representation of a single logger and its current state.LogMessageInfo Metadata about the log messages returned by the 'GET /api/node/logging/messages' APILogMessagesResponse Response format for the 'GET /api/node/logging/messages' API.MergeIndexesApi V2 API for merging one or more indexes(either from multiple Solr cores or multiple index directories) to another index.MergeIndexesRequestBody Request body for endpointsMergeIndexesApi
MigrateReplicasApi V2 API definition for migrating replicas from a set of nodes to another set of nodes.MigrateReplicasRequestBody NodeFileStoreApis V2 APIs for fetching filestore files, syncing them across nodes, or fetching related metadata.NodeLoggingApis PublicKeyResponse PurgeUnusedFilesRequestBody Request body for theDeleteCollectionBackupApi.garbageCollectUnusedBackupFiles(String, PurgeUnusedFilesRequestBody)
API.PurgeUnusedResponse PurgeUnusedResponse.PurgeUnusedStats ReflectWritable A marker interface used by v2 POJOs to indicate they contain annotations that can be written out via reflection.ReloadCollectionApi V2 API definition for reloading collections.ReloadCollectionRequestBody ReloadCoreApi V2 API definition for reloading an individual core.ReloadCoreRequestBody RenameCollectionApi V2 API definition for "renaming" an existing collectionRenameCollectionRequestBody RenameCoreApi V2 API definition for renaming a Solr core.RenameCoreRequestBody ReplaceNodeApi V2 API definition for recreating replicas in one node (the source) on another node(s) (the target).ReplaceNodeRequestBody ReplicationApis ReplicationBackupApis V2 endpoint for Backup API used for User-Managed clusters and Single-Node Installation.ReplicationBackupRequestBody ReplicationBackupResponse Response for the v2 "replication backup" APIRestoreCollectionRequestBody Request body for the v2 "restore collection" API.RestoreCoreApi V2 API definition for restoring a previously taken backup to a coreRestoreCoreRequestBody RoutedAliasProperties ScaleCollectionRequestBody Request body used byDeleteReplicaApi
SchemaGetDynamicFieldInfoResponse SchemaGetFieldInfoResponse SchemaGetFieldTypeInfoResponse SchemaInfoResponse SchemaListCopyFieldsResponse SchemaListDynamicFieldsResponse SchemaListFieldsResponse SchemaListFieldTypesResponse SchemaNameResponse SchemaSimilarityResponse SchemaUniqueKeyResponse SchemaVersionResponse SchemaZkVersionResponse SelectApi V2 API implementation shim for Solr's querying or otherwise inspecting documents in a core or collection.SetClusterPropertyRequestBody SetThresholdRequestBody The request body for the 'PUT /api/node/logging/messages/threshold' API.SnapshotInformation Contained inListCoreSnapshotsResponse
, this holds information for a given core's SnapshotSolrJerseyResponse Base response-body POJO to be used by Jersey resources.SolrJerseyResponse.ResponseHeader SolrVersion Simple Solr version representation backed by a Semantic Versioning library.StoreApiParameters Concisely collects the parameters shared by APIs that interact with contents of a specific core OR collection.SubResponseAccumulatingJerseyResponse Represents API responses composed of the responses of various sub-requests.SwapCoresApi V2 API for swapping two existing Solr cores.SwapCoresRequestBody SyncShardApi V2 API definition for triggering a shard-sync operation within a particular collection and shard.TimeRoutedAliasProperties UnloadCoreApi V2 API definition for unloading a Solr core.UnloadCoreRequestBody UpdateAliasPropertiesRequestBody UpdateAliasPropertyRequestBody UpdateCollectionPropertyRequestBody UploadToFileStoreResponse ZooKeeperFileResponse ZooKeeperListChildrenResponse ZooKeeperReadApis V2 API definitions for Solr's ZooKeeper ready-proxy endpointZooKeeperStat Represents the data returned by a ZooKeeper 'stat' call