All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsoluteValueFunction |
An absolute value mapping function.
AbstractSolrQueryFacet |
Solr Query Facets are AnalyticsFacets that are calculated after the document streaming phase has
occurred in the AnalyticsDriver (during which StreamingFacets and overall expressions are
AddFunction |
An addition mapping function.
AnalyticsComponent |
Deprecated. |
AnalyticsDriver |
AnalyticsExpression |
A wrapper for a top-level analytics expression.
AnalyticsFacet |
An abstract Facet to break up Analytics data over.
AnalyticsField |
An analytics wrapper for Solr Fields.
AnalyticsGroupingManager |
The manager for faceted analytics.
AnalyticsHandler |
Handler for Analytics shard requests.
AnalyticsRequestManager |
The manager of an entire analytics request.
AnalyticsRequestManager.StreamingInfo |
Class to encapsulate all necessary data for collecting StreamingFacet s.
AnalyticsRequestParser |
Class to manage the parsing of new-style analytics requests.
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsExpressionSortRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsFacetRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsFacetValueSortRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsGroupingRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsPivotFacetRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsPivotRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsQueryFacetRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsRangeFacetRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsSortCriteriaRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsSortRequest |
AnalyticsRequestParser.AnalyticsValueFacetRequest |
AnalyticsResponseHeadings |
Holds the headers for analytics responses.
AnalyticsShardRequestManager |
This class manages the requesting of shard responses from all shards in the queried collection.
AnalyticsShardResponseParser |
This parser initiates a merge of an Analytics Shard Response, sent from the AnalyticsHandler .
AnalyticsShardResponseWriter |
Writes the reduction data of a analytics shard request to a bit-stream to send to the originating
AnalyticsShardResponseWriter.AnalyticsResponse |
Manages the streaming of analytics reduction data if no exception occurred.
AnalyticsValue |
A single-valued analytics value.
AnalyticsValue.AbstractAnalyticsValue |
An abstract base for AnalyticsValue that automatically casts to castable types.
AnalyticsValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value, the super-type of all Analytics value types.
AnalyticsValueStream.AbstractAnalyticsValueStream |
AnalyticsValueStream.ExpressionType |
The types of expressions.
BooleanArrayReservation |
BooleanCheckedDataReader |
BooleanCheckedDataWriter |
BooleanCheckedReservation |
BooleanConsumer |
Represents an operation that accepts a single boolean -valued argument and returns no
BooleanDataArrayReader |
BooleanDataArrayWriter |
BooleanDataReader |
BooleanDataWriter |
BooleanField |
An analytics wrapper for a single-valued BoolField with DocValues enabled.
BooleanMultiField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued BoolField with DocValues enabled.
BooleanReservation |
BooleanValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as a boolean.
BooleanValue.AbstractBooleanValue |
BooleanValue.CastingBooleanValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a BooleanValue should be able to cast to.
BooleanValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a boolean.
BooleanValueStream.AbstractBooleanValueStream |
BooleanValueStream.CastingBooleanValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a BooleanValueStream should be able to
cast to.
BottomFunction |
A bottom mapping function, returning the lowest value found.
ComparableValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be compared and used to sort a facet.
ComparisonFunction |
Contains all comparable functions.
ComparisonFunction.CompResultFunction |
ComparisonFunction.GTEFunction |
A comparison function that tests whether the first parameter is greater than or equal to the
second parameter
ComparisonFunction.GTFunction |
A comparison function that tests whether the first parameter is greater than the second
ComparisonFunction.LTEFunction |
A comparison function that tests whether the first parameter is less than or equal to the
second parameter
ComparisonFunction.LTFunction |
A comparison function that tests whether the first parameter is less than the second parameter
ConcatFunction |
A concatenation mapping function, combining the string values of the given parameters.
ConcatFunction.SeparatedConcatFunction |
A concatenation mapping function, combining the string values of the given parameters with a
given separating string.
ConstantBooleanValue |
ConstantComparator |
A results comparator that compares constants.
ConstantDateValue |
ConstantDoubleValue |
ConstantFloatValue |
ConstantIntValue |
ConstantLongValue |
ConstantStringValue |
ConstantValue |
The parent class of all constant Analytics values.
CountCollector |
CountCollector.CountData |
CountCollector.ExpressionCountCollector |
Represents a count(expr) expression.
CountCollector.TotalCountCollector |
Represents a count() expression.
CountFunction |
A reduction function which either counts the number of values that the parameter expression
contains, or the number of documents returned if no parameter is given.
DateField |
DateMathFunction |
A mapping function that computes date math.
DateMultiPointField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued DatePointField with DocValues enabled.
DateMultiTrieField |
DateParseFunction |
A mapping function that converts long or string representations of dates to actual date objects.
DateValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as a date.
DateValue.AbstractDateValue |
DateValue.CastingDateValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a DateValue should be able to cast to.
DateValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a date.
DateValueStream.AbstractDateValueStream |
DateValueStream.CastingDateValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a DateValueStream should be able to cast
DecimalNumericConversionFunction |
An abstract decimal numeric converting mapping function.
DecimalNumericConversionFunction.CeilingFunction |
A numeric mapping function that returns the ceiling of the input.
DecimalNumericConversionFunction.ConvertDoubleFunction |
DecimalNumericConversionFunction.ConvertFloatFunction |
DecimalNumericConversionFunction.FloorFunction |
A numeric mapping function that returns the floor of the input.
DecimalNumericConversionFunction.RoundFunction |
A numeric mapping function that returns the rounded input.
DelegatingComparator |
A comparator used to sort the facet-value buckets of facet, using the delegate comparator if two
values are equal.
DivideFunction |
A division mapping function.
DocCountFunction |
A reduction function which either counts the number of Solr Documents for which the parameter
expression exists, or the number of documents returned if no parameter is given.
DoubleArrayReservation |
DoubleCheckedDataReader |
DoubleCheckedDataWriter |
DoubleCheckedReservation |
DoubleDataArrayReader |
DoubleDataArrayWriter |
DoubleDataReader |
DoubleDataWriter |
DoubleField |
DoubleMultiPointField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued DoublePointField with DocValues enabled.
DoubleMultiTrieField |
DoubleReservation |
DoubleValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as a date.
DoubleValue.AbstractDoubleValue |
DoubleValue.CastingDoubleValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a DoubleValue should be able to cast to.
DoubleValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a boolean.
DoubleValueStream.AbstractDoubleValueStream |
DoubleValueStream.CastingDoubleValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a DoubleValueStream should be able to
cast to.
EqualFunction |
An equals mapping function, returning whether two values are equal.
ExistsFunction |
A mapping function to test if a value.
ExpressionCalculator |
ExpressionComparator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A comparator used to sort the facet-value buckets of facet.
ExpressionFactory |
A factory to parse and create expressions, and capture information about those expressions along
the way.
ExpressionFactory.ConstantFunction |
Used to initialize analytics constants.
ExpressionFactory.CreatorFunction |
Used for system analytics functions for initialization.
FacetRangeGenerator<T extends Comparable<T>> |
FacetRangeGenerator.FacetRange |
FacetResultsComparator |
A comparator used to sort the buckets of facet.
FacetValueComparator |
A results comparator that compares the name of facet value buckets, which is the string value of
the facet value.
FillMissingFunction |
A mapping function to fill all non-existing values with a given value.
FilterFunction |
A mapping function to filter a Value or ValueStream.
FloatArrayReservation |
FloatCheckedDataReader |
FloatCheckedDataWriter |
FloatCheckedReservation |
FloatConsumer |
Represents an operation that accepts a single float -valued argument and returns no
FloatDataArrayReader |
FloatDataArrayWriter |
FloatDataReader |
FloatDataWriter |
FloatField |
FloatMultiPointField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued FloatPointField with DocValues enabled.
FloatMultiTrieField |
FloatReservation |
FloatSupplier |
Represents a supplier of float -valued results.
FloatValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as a float.
FloatValue.AbstractFloatValue |
FloatValue.CastingFloatValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a FloatValue should be able to cast to.
FloatValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a float.
FloatValueStream.AbstractFloatValueStream |
FloatValueStream.CastingFloatValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a FloatValueStream should be able to cast
IfFunction |
An if-else mapping function.
IntArrayReservation |
IntCheckedDataReader |
IntCheckedDataWriter |
IntCheckedReservation |
IntDataArrayReader |
IntDataArrayWriter |
IntDataReader |
IntDataWriter |
IntField |
IntMultiPointField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued IntPointField with DocValues enabled.
IntMultiTrieField |
IntReservation |
IntValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as an int.
IntValue.AbstractIntValue |
IntValue.CastingIntValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a IntValue should be able to cast to.
IntValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a int.
IntValueStream.AbstractIntValueStream |
IntValueStream.CastingIntValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a IntValueStream should be able to cast
LambdaFunction |
Lambda Functions are used to easily create basic mapping functions.
LambdaFunction.BoolInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.BoolInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.BoolInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.BoolInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.BoolInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.BoolInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.DoubleInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.DoubleInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.DoubleInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.DoubleInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.DoubleInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.DoubleInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.FloatInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.FloatInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.FloatInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.FloatInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.FloatInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.FloatInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.IntInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.IntInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.IntInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.IntInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.IntInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.IntInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.LongInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.LongInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.LongInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.LongInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.LongInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.LongInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.StringInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.StringInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.StringInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.StringInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.StringInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.StringInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoBoolInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoBoolInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoBoolInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoBoolInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoBoolInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoBoolInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoDoubleInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoDoubleInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoDoubleInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoDoubleInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoDoubleInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoDoubleInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoFloatInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoFloatInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoFloatInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoFloatInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoFloatInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoFloatInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoIntInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoIntInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoIntInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoIntInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoIntInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoIntInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoLongInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoLongInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoLongInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoLongInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoLongInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoLongInStringOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoStringInBoolOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoStringInDoubleOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoStringInFloatOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoStringInIntOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoStringInLongOutLambda |
LambdaFunction.TwoStringInStringOutLambda |
LogFunction |
A logarithm mapping function.
LogicFunction |
Contains all logical mapping functions.
LogicFunction.AndFunction |
A mapping function for the logical operation AND.
LogicFunction.OrFunction |
A mapping function for the logical operation OR.
LongArrayReservation |
LongCheckedDataReader |
LongCheckedDataWriter |
LongCheckedReservation |
LongDataArrayReader |
LongDataArrayWriter |
LongDataReader |
LongDataWriter |
LongField |
LongMultiPointField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued LongPointField with DocValues enabled.
LongMultiTrieField |
LongReservation |
LongValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as a long.
LongValue.AbstractLongValue |
LongValue.CastingLongValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a LongValue should be able to cast to.
LongValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a long.
LongValueStream.AbstractLongValueStream |
LongValueStream.CastingLongValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a LongValueStream should be able to cast
MaxCollector<T extends ReductionData> |
Collector of max values.
MaxCollector.DoubleMaxCollector |
MaxCollector.DoubleMaxCollector.MaxData |
MaxCollector.FloatMaxCollector |
MaxCollector.FloatMaxCollector.MaxData |
MaxCollector.IntMaxCollector |
MaxCollector.IntMaxCollector.MaxData |
MaxCollector.LongMaxCollector |
MaxCollector.LongMaxCollector.MaxData |
MaxCollector.StringMaxCollector |
MaxCollector.StringMaxCollector.MaxData |
MaxFunction |
A reduction function which returns the maximum value of the given expression.
MeanFunction |
A reduction function which returns the mean of the values of the given expression.
MedianCalculator |
Only used for testing.
MedianFunction |
A reduction function which returns the median value of the given expression.
MergingReductionCollectionManager |
MinCollector<T extends ReductionData> |
Collector of min values.
MinCollector.DoubleMinCollector |
MinCollector.DoubleMinCollector.MinData |
MinCollector.FloatMinCollector |
MinCollector.FloatMinCollector.MinData |
MinCollector.IntMinCollector |
MinCollector.IntMinCollector.MinData |
MinCollector.LongMinCollector |
MinCollector.LongMinCollector.MinData |
MinCollector.StringMinCollector |
MinCollector.StringMinCollector.MinData |
MinFunction |
A reduction function which returns the minumum value of the given expression.
MissingFunction |
A reduction function which returns the number of documents for which the given expression does
not exist.
MultFunction |
An multiplication mapping function.
NegateFunction |
A negation mapping function.
OldAnalyticsParams |
Specifies the format of the old olap-style analytics requests.
OldAnalyticsParams.FieldFacetParamParser |
OldAnalyticsParams.RangeFacetParamParser |
OldAnalyticsRequestConverter |
Converts Analytics Requests in the old olap-style format to the new format.
OrdinalCalculator |
Calculates ordinals of a comparable list by placing them in the correct positions in the list.
OrdinalFunction |
A reduction function which returns the given ordinal of the sorted values of the given
PercentileFunction |
A reduction function which returns the given percentile of the sorted values of the given
PivotFacet |
A facet that takes in multiple ValueFacet expressions and does analytics calculations over each
dimension given.
PivotNode<T> |
Representation of one layer of a Pivot Facet.
PivotNode.PivotBranch<T> |
A pivot node that has pivot children.
PivotNode.PivotBranch.PivotDataPair<T> |
PivotNode.PivotLeaf |
A pivot node that has no pivot children.
PowerFunction |
A power mapping function.
QueryFacet |
A facet that breaks down the data by additional Solr Queries.
RangeFacet |
A facet that groups data by a discrete set of ranges.
ReductionCheckedDataReader<A> |
Abstract class to manage the reading and application of data from a DataInput stream.
ReductionCheckedDataReservation<A,E> |
ReductionCheckedDataWriter<C> |
Abstract class to manage the extraction and writing of data to a DataOutput stream.
ReductionCollectionManager |
The manager of reduction collection.
ReductionCollectionManager.ReductionDataCollection |
Holds the collection of ReductionData that will be updated together.
ReductionData |
ReductionDataArrayReader<A> |
Abstract class to manage the reading and application of array data from a DataInput
ReductionDataArrayReservation<A,E> |
ReductionDataArrayWriter<C> |
Abstract class to manage the extraction and writing of array data to a DataOutput stream.
ReductionDataCollector<T extends ReductionData> |
ReductionDataReader<A> |
Abstract class to manage the reading and application of data from a DataInput stream.
ReductionDataReservation<A,E> |
ReductionDataWriter<E> |
Abstract public class to manage the extraction and writing of data to a DataOutput
ReductionFunction |
A function that reduces the values of a mapping expression, field or constant.
RemoveFunction |
ReplaceFunction |
SortableFacet |
A facet that can be sorted by either the facet value or an expression value.
SortableFacet.FacetBucket |
SortableFacet.FacetSortSpecification |
Specifies how to sort the buckets of a sortable facet.
SortedListCollector<T extends Comparable<T>> |
Collector of sorted lists.
SortedListCollector.SortedDoubleListCollector |
SortedListCollector.SortedFloatListCollector |
SortedListCollector.SortedIntListCollector |
SortedListCollector.SortedListData<D extends Comparable<D>> |
SortedListCollector.SortedLongListCollector |
SortedListCollector.SortedStringListCollector |
StreamingFacet |
A facet that is collected during the streaming phase of the AnalyticsDriver .
StringArrayReservation |
StringCastFunction |
StringCheckedDataReader |
StringCheckedDataWriter |
StringCheckedReservation |
StringDataArrayReader |
StringDataArrayWriter |
StringDataReader |
StringDataWriter |
StringField |
An analytics wrapper for a single-valued StrField with DocValues enabled.
StringMultiField |
An analytics wrapper for a multi-valued StrField with DocValues enabled.
StringReservation |
StringValue |
A single-valued analytics value that can be represented as a string.
StringValue.AbstractStringValue |
StringValue.CastingStringValue |
An interface that represents all of the types a StringValue should be able to cast to.
StringValueStream |
A multi-valued analytics value that can be represented as a String.
StringValueStream.AbstractStringValueStream |
StringValueStream.CastingStringValueStream |
An interface that represents all of the types a StringValueStream should be able to
cast to.
SubtractFunction |
A subtraction mapping function.
SumCollector |
SumCollector.SumData |
SumFunction |
A reduction function which returns the sum of the values of the given expression.
TimeExceededStubException |
TopFunction |
A top mapping function, returning the highest value found.
UniqueCollector<T> |
Collects the number of unique values that exist for the given parameter.
UniqueCollector.UniqueData<T> |
UniqueCollector.UniqueDoubleCollector |
UniqueCollector.UniqueFloatCollector |
UniqueCollector.UniqueIntCollector |
UniqueCollector.UniqueLongCollector |
UniqueCollector.UniqueStringCollector |
UniqueFunction |
A reduction function which returns the number of unique values of the given expression.
ValueFacet |
A facet that breaks up data by the values of a mapping expression or field.