Class CpuAllowedLimit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CpuAllowedLimit
    extends Object
    implements org.apache.lucene.index.QueryTimeout
    Enforces a CPU-time based timeout on a given SolrQueryRequest, as specified by the cpuAllowed query parameter.

    Since this class uses ThreadCpuTimer it is irrevocably lock-hostile and can never be exposed to multiple threads, even if guarded by synchronization. Normally this is attached to objects ultimately held by a ThreadLocal in SolrRequestInfo to provide safe usage on the assumption that such objects are not shared to other threads.

    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • CpuAllowedLimit

        public CpuAllowedLimit​(SolrQueryRequest req)
        Create an object to represent a CPU time limit for the current request. NOTE: this implementation will attempt to obtain an existing thread CPU time monitor, created when SolrRequestInfo.getThreadCpuTimer() is initialized.
        req - solr request with a cpuAllowed parameter
    • Method Detail

      • shouldExit

        public boolean shouldExit()
        Return true if usage has exceeded the limit.
        Specified by:
        shouldExit in interface org.apache.lucene.index.QueryTimeout