Package org.apache.solr.handler.admin.api
V2 API implementations for "admin" APIs.
Class Summary Class Description AddReplicaProperty V2 API for adding a property to a collection replicaAdminAPIBase A common parent for "admin" (i.e.AliasProperty V2 APIs for managing and inspecting properties for collection aliasesAllCoresStatusAPI V2 API for retrieving status information for all cores on the receiving node.BackupAPIBase Base class that facilitates reuse of common validation logic for collection-backup APIs.BalanceReplicas V2 API for balancing the replicas that already exist across a set of nodes.BalanceShardUnique V2 API implementation for insuring that a particular property is distributed evenly amongst the physical nodes comprising a collection.CancelTaskAPI V2 API for cancelling a currently running "task".CollectionProperty V2 API implementations for modifying collection-level properties.CollectionStatusAPI V2 API for displaying basic information about a single collection.CoreAdminAPIBase A common parent for admin Core Jersey-based APIs.CoreReplicationAPI V2 APIs for inspecting and replicating indicesCoreReplicationAPI.FileListResponse Response forCoreReplicationAPI.fetchFileList(long)
.CoreReplicationAPI.FileMetaData Contained inCoreReplicationAPI.FileListResponse
, this holds metadata from a file for an indexCoreReplicationAPI.IndexVersionResponse Response forCoreReplicationAPI.fetchIndexVersion()
.CoreSnapshot V2 API for Creating, Listing, and Deleting Core Snapshots.CreateAliasAPI V2 API for creating an aliasCreateAliasAPI.CategoryRoutedAliasProperties CreateAliasAPI.CreateAliasRequestBody CreateAliasAPI.RoutedAliasProperties CreateAliasAPI.TimeRoutedAliasProperties CreateCollection V2 API for creating a SolrCLoud collectionCreateCollectionBackup V2 API for creating a new "backup" of a specified collectionCreateCollectionSnapshot V2 API implementation for creating a collection-level snapshot.CreateCoreAPI V2 API for creating a new core on the receiving node.CreateCoreBackup CreateReplica V2 API implementation for adding a new replica to an existing shard.CreateShard V2 API for creating a new shard in a collection.DeleteAlias DeleteCollection V2 API for deleting collections.DeleteCollectionBackup V2 API definitions for collection-backup deletion.DeleteCollectionSnapshot V2 API impl for Deleting Collection Snapshots.DeleteNode V2 API for deleting all replicas of all collections in one node.DeleteReplica V2 APIs for deleting one or more existing replicas from one or more shards.DeleteReplicaProperty V2 API implementation for removing a property from a collection replicaDeleteShard V2 API implementation for deleting a particular shard from its collection.ForceLeader V2 API implementation for triggering a leader election on a particular collection and shard.GetAuthenticationConfigAPI V2 API for fetching the authentication section from Solr's security.json configuration.GetAuthorizationConfigAPI V2 API for fetching the authorization section of Solr's security.json configuration.GetBlobInfoAPI V2 APIs for fetching blob(s) and their metadataGetConfigAPI V2 APIs for retrieving some or all configuration relevant to a particular collection (or core).GetNodeCommandStatus Implementation of V2 API interfaceGetNodeCommandStatusApi
for checking the status of a core-level asynchronous command.GetSchema GetSchemaFieldAPI GetSchemaFieldAPI
contains the V2 APIs for all field related endpoint which are /fields /fields/{fieldName} /copyfields /dynamicfields /dynamicfields/{fieldName} /fieldtypes /fieldtypes/{fieldTypeName}GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaGetDynamicFieldInfoResponse GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaGetFieldInfoResponse GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaGetFieldTypeInfoResponse GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaListCopyFieldsResponse GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaListDynamicFieldsResponse GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaListFieldsResponse GetSchemaFieldAPI.SchemaListFieldTypesResponse InstallCoreData V2 API implementation of the "Install Core Data" Core-Admin APIInstallShardData V2 API implementation allowing users to import offline-constructed index into a shard.ListActiveTasksAPI V2 API for listing any currently running "tasks".ListAliases V2 API implementation for listing and inspecting collection aliasesListCollectionBackups V2 API implementations for collection-backup "listing".ListCollections V2 API for listing collections.ListCollectionSnapshotsAPI V2 API for Listing Collection Snapshots.ListCollectionSnapshotsAPI.ListSnapshotsResponse The Response forListCollectionSnapshotsAPI
MergeIndexes Implementation of V2 API interfaceMergeIndexesApi
for merging one or more indexes to another index.MigrateDocsAPI V2 API for migrating docs from one collection to another.MigrateReplicas V2 API for migrating replicas from a set of nodes to another set of nodes.ModifyBasicAuthConfigAPI V2 API to modify configuration for Solr'sBasicAuthPlugin
ModifyCollectionAPI V2 API for modifying collections.ModifyConfigComponentAPI V2 APIs for creating, updating, or deleting individual components in a collection configuration.ModifyMultiPluginAuthConfigAPI V2 API to modify configuration options for theMultiAuthPlugin
.ModifyNoAuthPluginSecurityConfigAPI V2 API for POST requests received when no authentication plugin is active.ModifyNoAuthzPluginSecurityConfigAPI V2 API for POST requests received when no authorization plugin is active.ModifyParamSetAPI V2 APIs for creating, modifying, or deleting paramsets.ModifyRuleBasedAuthConfigAPI V2 API to modify configuration options for theRuleBasedAuthorizationPlugin
.MoreLikeThisAPI V2 API for performing a more like this request to a solr collection.MoveReplicaAPI V2 API for moving a collection replica to a different physical node.NodeHealthAPI V2 API for checking the health of the receiving node.NodeLoggingAPI V2 APIs for getting or setting log levels on an individual node.NodeLoggingAPI.ListLevelsResponse Response format for the 'GET /api/node/logging/levels' API.NodeLoggingAPI.LoggingResponse Generic logging response that includes the name of the log watcher (e.g.NodeLoggingAPI.LogLevelChange A user-requested modification in the level that a specified logger reports at.NodeLoggingAPI.LogLevelInfo Representation of a single logger and its current state.NodeLoggingAPI.LogMessageInfo Metadata about the log messages returned by the 'GET /api/node/logging/messages' APINodeLoggingAPI.LogMessagesResponse Response format for the 'GET /api/node/logging/messages' API.NodeLoggingAPI.SetThresholdRequestBody The request body for the 'PUT /api/node/logging/messages/threshold' API.NodePropertiesAPI V2 API for listing system properties for each node.NodeSystemInfoAPI V2 API for getting "system" information from the receiving node.NodeThreadsAPI V2 API for triggering a thread dump on the receiving node.OverseerOperationAPI V2 API for triggering a node to rejoin leader election for the 'overseer' role.PrepareCoreRecoveryAPI Internal V2 API used to prepare a core for recovery.RealTimeGetAPI V2 API for fetching the latest (possibly uncommitted) version of one or more documents.RebalanceLeadersAPI V2 API for balancing shard leaders in a collection across nodes.RejoinLeaderElectionAPI V2 API for triggering a core to rejoin leader election for the shard it constitutes.ReloadCollectionAPI V2 API implementation for reloading collections.ReloadCore V2 API implementation for reloading an individual core.RenameCollection V2 API implementation to "rename" an existing collectionRenameCore V2 API for renaming an existing Solr core.RenameCoreAPI V2 API for renaming an existing Solr core.RenameCoreAPI.RenameCorePayload ReplaceNode V2 API for recreating replicas in one node (the source) on another node(s) (the target).ReplicationAPIBase A common parent for "replication" (i.e.RequestApplyCoreUpdatesAPI Internal V2 API used to apply updates to a core.RequestBufferUpdatesAPI Internal V2 API used to start update-buffering on the specified core.RequestCoreRecoveryAPI Internal V2 API triggering recovery on a core.RequestSyncShardAPI Internal V2 API used to request a core sync with its shard leader.RestoreCollectionAPI V2 API for restoring data into a collectionRestoreCollectionAPI.RestoreCollectionRequestBody Request body for the v2 "restore collection" API.RestoreCore V2 API implementation for restoring a previously taken backup to a coreSchemaBulkModifyAPI V2 APIs for creating, updating, or deleting individual components in a collection's schema.SingleCoreStatusAPI V2 API for checking the status of a specific core.SnapshotBackupAPI V2 endpoint for Backup API used for User-Managed clusters and Single-Node Installation.SnapshotBackupAPI.BackupReplicationRequestBody SnapshotBackupAPI.BackupReplicationResponse SplitCoreAPI V2 API for splitting a single core into multiple piecesSplitCoreAPI.SplitCorePayload SplitShardAPI V2 API for splitting an existing shard up into multiple pieces.SwapCores SyncShard V2 API implementation for triggering a shard-sync operation within a particular collection and shard.UnloadCore V2 API implementation for unloading a Solr core.UpdateAPI All v2 APIs that share a prefix of /updateUploadBlobAPI V2 API for uploading blobs into Solr's .system blobstoreV2NodeLoggingAPI V2 API for getting log levels on an individual node. -
Exception Summary Exception Description CoreAdminAPIBase.CoreAdminAPIBaseException Helper RuntimeException to allow passing checked exceptions to the caller of the handle method.