Class FieldType

    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldType

        public FieldType()
    • Method Detail

      • isTokenized

        public boolean isTokenized()
        Returns true if fields of this type should be tokenized
      • isMultiValued

        public boolean isMultiValued()
        Returns true if fields can have multiple values
      • hasProperty

        protected boolean hasProperty​(int p)
        Check if a property is set
      • isPointField

        public boolean isPointField()
      • isUtf8Field

        public boolean isUtf8Field()
      • useDocValuesAsStored

        public boolean useDocValuesAsStored()
        Returns true if the fields' docValues should be used for obtaining stored value
      • multiValuedFieldCache

        public boolean multiValuedFieldCache()
        Returns true if a single field value of this type has multiple logical values for the purposes of faceting, sorting, etc. Text fields normally return true since each token/word is a logical value.
      • init

        protected void init​(IndexSchema schema,
                            Map<String,​String> args)
        subclasses should initialize themselves with the args provided and remove valid arguments. leftover arguments will cause an exception. Common boolean properties have already been handled.
      • write

        public boolean write​(org.apache.solr.common.IteratorWriter.ItemWriter itemWriter)
      • restrictProps

        protected void restrictProps​(int props)
        :TODO: document this method
      • getTypeName

        public String getTypeName()
        The Name of this FieldType as specified in the schema file
      • createField

        public org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField createField​(SchemaField field,
                                                                  Object value)
        Used for adding a document when a field needs to be created from a type and a string.

        By default, the indexed value is the same as the stored value (taken from toInternal()). Having a different representation for external, internal, and indexed would present quite a few problems given the current Lucene architecture. An analyzer for adding docs would need to translate internal->indexed while an analyzer for querying would need to translate external->indexed.

        The only other alternative to having internal==indexed would be to have internal==external. In this case, toInternal should convert to the indexed representation, toExternal() should do nothing, and createField() should *not* call toInternal, but use the external value and set tokenized=true to get Lucene to convert to the internal(indexed) form. :TODO: clean up and clarify this explanation.

        See Also:
      • createField

        protected org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField createField​(String name,
                                                                     String val,
                                                                     org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableFieldType type)
        Create the field from native Lucene parts. Mostly intended for use by FieldTypes outputing multiple Fields per SchemaField
        name - The name of the field
        val - The _internal_ value to index
        type - FieldType
        the IndexableField.
      • toExternal

        public String toExternal​(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField f)
        Convert the stored-field format to an external (string, human readable) value
        See Also:
      • toObject

        public Object toObject​(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField f)
        Convert the stored-field format to an external object.
        solr 1.3
        See Also:
      • toObject

        public Object toObject​(SchemaField sf,
                               org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef term)
      • indexedToReadable

        public String indexedToReadable​(String indexedForm)
        Given an indexed term, return the human readable representation
      • indexedToReadable

        public org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRef indexedToReadable​(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef input,
                                                                 org.apache.lucene.util.CharsRefBuilder output)
        Given an indexed term, append the human readable representation
      • storedToReadable

        public String storedToReadable​(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField f)
        Given the stored field, return the human readable representation
      • storedToIndexed

        public String storedToIndexed​(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField f)
        Given the stored field, return the indexed form
      • readableToIndexed

        public String readableToIndexed​(String val)
        Given the readable value, return the term value that will match it.
      • readableToIndexed

        public void readableToIndexed​(CharSequence val,
                                      org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRefBuilder result)
        Given the readable value, return the term value that will match it. This method will modify the size and length of the result parameter and write from offset 0
      • setIsExplicitQueryAnalyzer

        public void setIsExplicitQueryAnalyzer​(boolean isExplicitQueryAnalyzer)
      • isExplicitQueryAnalyzer

        public boolean isExplicitQueryAnalyzer()
      • setIsExplicitAnalyzer

        public void setIsExplicitAnalyzer​(boolean explicitAnalyzer)
      • isExplicitAnalyzer

        public boolean isExplicitAnalyzer()
      • getClassArg

        public String getClassArg()
        the string used to specify the concrete class name in a serialized representation: the class arg. If the concrete class name was not specified via a class arg, returns getClass().getName().
      • getPrefixQuery

        public getPrefixQuery​(QParser parser,
                                                             SchemaField sf,
                                                             String termStr)
        Returns a Query instance for doing prefix searches on this field type. Also, other QueryParser implementations may have different semantics.

        Sub-classes should override this method to provide their own range query implementation.

        parser - the QParser calling the method
        sf - the schema field
        termStr - the term string for prefix query, if blank then this query should match all docs with this field
        a Query instance to perform prefix search
      • getUninversionType

        public abstract UninvertingReader.Type getUninversionType​(SchemaField sf)
        If DocValues is not enabled for a field, but it's indexed, docvalues can be constructed on the fly (uninverted, aka fieldcache) on the first request to sort, facet, etc. This specifies the structure to use.

        This method will not be used if the field is (effectively) uninvertible="false"

        sf - field instance
        type to uninvert, or null (to disallow uninversion for the field)
        See Also:
      • getIndexAnalyzer

        public org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer getIndexAnalyzer()
        Returns the Analyzer to be used when indexing fields of this type.

        This method may be called many times, at any time.

        See Also:
      • getQueryAnalyzer

        public org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer getQueryAnalyzer()
        Returns the Analyzer to be used when searching fields of this type.

        This method may be called many times, at any time.

        See Also:
      • supportsAnalyzers

        protected boolean supportsAnalyzers()
        Returns true if this type supports index and query analyzers, false otherwise.
      • getSimilarity

        public getSimilarity()
        Gets the Similarity used when scoring fields of this type

        The default implementation returns null, which means this type has no custom similarity associated with it.

        NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • getSimilarityFactory

        public SimilarityFactory getSimilarityFactory()
        Gets the factory for the Similarity used when scoring fields of this type

        The default implementation returns null, which means this type has no custom similarity factory associated with it.

        NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • getNumberType

        public NumberType getNumberType()
        Return the numeric type of this field, or null if this field is not a numeric field.
      • setSimilarity

        public void setSimilarity​(SimilarityFactory similarityFactory)
        Sets the Similarity used when scoring fields of this type
        NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • getPostingsFormat

        public String getPostingsFormat()
      • getDocValuesFormat

        public final String getDocValuesFormat()
      • getSortField

        protected static getSortField​(SchemaField field,
                                                                         boolean reverse,
                                                                         Object missingLow,
                                                                         Object missingHigh)
        A Helper utility method for use by subclasses.

        This method deals with:

        • SchemaField.checkSortability()
        • Creating a SortField on field with the specified reverse & sortType
        • Setting the SortField.setMissingValue(java.lang.Object) to missingLow or missingHigh as appropriate based on the value of reverse and the sortMissingFirst & sortMissingLast properties of the field
        field - The SchemaField to sort on. May use sortMissingFirst or sortMissingLast or neither.
        sortType - The sort Type of the underlying values in the field
        reverse - True if natural order of the sortType should be reversed
        missingLow - The missingValue to be used if the other params indicate that docs w/o values should sort as "low" as possible.
        missingHigh - The missingValue to be used if the other params indicate that docs w/o values should sort as "high" as possible.
        See Also:
        getSortedSetSortField(org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField,, boolean, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
      • getSortedNumericSortField

        protected static getSortedNumericSortField​(SchemaField field,
                                                                                      boolean reverse,
                                                                                      Object missingLow,
                                                                                      Object missingHigh)
        Same as getSortField(org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField, boolean) but using SortedNumericSortField.
      • getValueSource

        public org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource getValueSource​(SchemaField field,
                                                                             QParser parser)
        called to get the default value source (normally, from the Lucene FieldCache.)
      • getDefaultMultiValueSelectorForSort

        public FieldType.MultiValueSelector getDefaultMultiValueSelectorForSort​(SchemaField field,
                                                                                boolean reverse)
        Method for indicating which FieldType.MultiValueSelector (if any) should be used when sorting on a multivalued field of this type for the specified direction (asc/desc). The default implementation returns null (for all inputs).
        field - The SchemaField (of this type) in question
        reverse - false if this is an ascending sort, true if this is a descending sort.
        the implicit selector to use for this direction, or null if implicit sorting on the specified direction is not supported and should return an error.
        See Also:
      • treatUnboundedRangeAsExistence

        protected boolean treatUnboundedRangeAsExistence​(SchemaField field)
        Returns whether an unbounded range query should be treated the same as an existence query for the given field type.
        field - the schema field
        whether unbounded range and existence are equivalent for the given field type.
      • getSpecializedRangeQuery

        protected getSpecializedRangeQuery​(QParser parser,
                                                                          SchemaField field,
                                                                          String part1,
                                                                          String part2,
                                                                          boolean minInclusive,
                                                                          boolean maxInclusive)
        Returns a Query instance for doing range searches on this field type. SolrQueryParser currently passes part1 and part2 as null if they are '*' respectively. minInclusive and maxInclusive are both true currently by SolrQueryParser but that may change in the future. Also, other QueryParser implementations may have different semantics.

        Sub-classes should override this method to provide their own range query implementation. They should strive to handle nulls in part1 and/or part2 as well as unequal minInclusive and maxInclusive parameters gracefully.

        This method does not, and should not, check for or handle existence queries, please look at getRangeQuery(, org.apache.solr.schema.SchemaField, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, boolean) for that logic.

        parser - the QParser calling the method
        field - the schema field
        part1 - the lower boundary of the range, nulls are allowed.
        part2 - the upper boundary of the range, nulls are allowed
        minInclusive - whether the minimum of the range is inclusive or not
        maxInclusive - whether the maximum of the range is inclusive or not
        a Query instance to perform range search according to given parameters
      • getSpecializedExistenceQuery

        protected getSpecializedExistenceQuery​(QParser parser,
                                                                              SchemaField field)
        Returns a Query instance for doing existence searches for a field without certain options, such as docValues or norms.

        This method can be overridden to implement specialized existence logic for fieldTypes. The default query returned is an unbounded range query.

        parser - The QParser calling the method
        field - The SchemaField of the field to search
        The Query instance.
      • getFieldQuery

        public getFieldQuery​(QParser parser,
                                                            SchemaField field,
                                                            String externalVal)
        Returns a Query instance for doing searches against a field.
        parser - The QParser calling the method
        field - The SchemaField of the field to search
        externalVal - The String representation of the value to search
        The Query instance. This implementation returns a TermQuery but overriding queries may not
      • getFieldTermQuery

        public getFieldTermQuery​(QParser parser,
                                                                SchemaField field,
                                                                String externalVal)
        Returns a Query instance for doing a single term search against a field. This term will not be analyzed before searching.
        parser - The QParser calling the method
        field - The SchemaField of the field to search
        externalVal - The String representation of the term value to search
        The Query instance.
      • getSetQuery

        public getSetQuery​(QParser parser,
                                                          SchemaField field,
                                                          Collection<String> externalVals)
        WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • getRewriteMethod

        public getRewriteMethod​(QParser parser,
                                                                                      SchemaField field)
        Expert: Returns the rewrite method for multiterm queries such as wildcards.
        parser - The QParser calling the method
        field - The SchemaField of the field to search
        A suitable rewrite method for rewriting multi-term queries to primitive queries.
      • checkSchemaField

        public void checkSchemaField​(SchemaField field)
        Check's SchemaField instances constructed using this field type to ensure that they are valid.

        This method is called by the SchemaField constructor to check that its initialization does not violate any fundamental requirements of the FieldType. Subclasses may choose to throw a SolrException if invariants are violated by the SchemaField.

      • checkSupportsDocValues

        protected void checkSupportsDocValues()
        Called by checkSchemaField(SchemaField) if the field has docValues. By default none do.
      • getNamedPropertyValues

        public org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getNamedPropertyValues​(boolean showDefaults)
        Get a map of property name -> value for this field type.
        showDefaults - if true, include default properties.
      • getNonFieldPropertyArgs

        protected Map<String,​String> getNonFieldPropertyArgs()
        Returns args to this field type that aren't standard field properties
      • getAnalyzerProperties

        protected static org.apache.solr.common.util.SimpleOrderedMap<Object> getAnalyzerProperties​(org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)
        Returns a description of the given analyzer, by either reporting the Analyzer class name (and optionally luceneMatchVersion) if it's not a TokenizerChain, or if it is, querying each analysis factory for its name and args.
      • toNativeType

        public Object toNativeType​(Object val)
        Converts any Object to a java Object native to this field type
      • marshalSortValue

        public Object marshalSortValue​(Object value)
        Convert a value used by the FieldComparator for this FieldType's SortField into a marshalable value for distributed sorting.
      • marshalStringSortValue

        protected static Object marshalStringSortValue​(Object value)
        Marshals a string-based field value.
      • unmarshalStringSortValue

        protected static Object unmarshalStringSortValue​(Object value)
        Unmarshals a string-based field value.
      • marshalBase64SortValue

        protected static Object marshalBase64SortValue​(Object value)
        Marshals a binary field value.
      • unmarshalBase64SortValue

        protected static Object unmarshalBase64SortValue​(Object value)
        Unmarshals a binary field value.