Class ManagedWordSetResource

    • Method Detail

      • getWordSet

        public Set<String> getWordSet()
        Returns the set of words in this managed word set.
      • getIgnoreCase

        public boolean getIgnoreCase()
        Returns the boolean value of the IGNORE_CASE_INIT_ARG init arg, or the default value (false) if it has not been specified
      • getIgnoreCase

        public boolean getIgnoreCase​(org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList<?> initArgs)
        Returns the boolean value of the IGNORE_CASE_INIT_ARG init arg, or the default value (false) if it has not been specified
      • onManagedDataLoadedFromStorage

        protected void onManagedDataLoadedFromStorage​(org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList<?> initArgs,
                                                      Object data)
                                               throws org.apache.solr.common.SolrException
        Invoked when loading data from storage to initialize the list of words managed by this instance. A load of the data can happen many times throughout the life cycle of this object.
        Specified by:
        onManagedDataLoadedFromStorage in class ManagedResource
      • doGet

        public void doGet​(BaseSolrResource endpoint,
                          String childId)
        Implements the GET request to provide the list of words to the client. Alternatively, if a specific word is requested, then it is returned or a 404 is raised, indicating that the requested word does not exist.
        Specified by:
        doGet in class ManagedResource