Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.solr.handler.component Package Description Classes for dealing with ZooKeeper when operating in SolrCloud Package related to internal implementations of the SolrCloud collections apiorg.apache.solr.core Core classes implementing Solr internals and the management ofSolrCore
sorg.apache.solr.handler Concrete implementations ofSolrRequestHandler
org.apache.solr.handler.admin.api V2 API implementations for "admin" SearchComponent
implementations for use inSearchHandler
org.apache.solr.request APIs and classes for dealing with Solr requestsorg.apache.solr.response API and implementations ofQueryResponseWriter
for formatting Solr request APIs and classes for parsing and processing search APIs and classes for the JSON Facet Internal classes used to implement distributed result Internal classes used to implement distributed result Internal classes used to implement distributed result Internal classes used to implement distributed result APIs and classes for transforming result grouping results into the appropriate response APIs and Classes implementing the Stats component used for document frequency APIs and classes used by theSpellCheckComponent
org.apache.solr.util Common utility classes used throughout Solr -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description HttpShardHandler HttpShardHandlerFactory ShardHandlerFactory -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description HttpShardHandlerFactory ShardHandler ShardHandlerFactory -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.core Class Description SearchComponent TODO!ShardHandlerFactory -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.handler Class Description SearchHandler Refer SOLR-281 -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.handler.admin.api Class Description ActiveTasksListHandler Handles request for listing all active cancellable tasksQueryCancellationHandler Handles requests for query cancellation for cancellable queries -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.handler.component Class Description FacetComponent.DistribFieldFacet This API is experimental and subject to changeFacetComponent.FacetBase This API is experimental and subject to changeFacetComponent.FacetContext Encapsulates facet ranges and facet queries such that their parameters are parsed and cached for efficient re-use.FacetComponent.FacetInfo This class is used exclusively for merging results from each shard in a distributed facet request.FacetComponent.FieldFacet This API is experimental and subject to changeFacetComponent.QueryFacet This API is experimental and subject to changeFacetComponent.ShardFacetCount This API is experimental and subject to changeHighlightComponent.HighlightMethod HttpShardHandlerFactory IterativeMergeStrategy.CallBack MergeStrategy The MergeStrategy class defines custom merge logic for distributed searches.PhrasesIdentificationComponent.Phrase Model the data known about a single (candidate) Phrase -- which may or may not be indexedPhrasesIdentificationComponent.PhrasesContextData Simple container for all request options and data this component needs to store in the Request ContextPivotFacet Models a single instance of a "pivot" specified by aFacetParams.FACET_PIVOT
param, which may contain multiple nested fields.PivotFacetField Models a single field somewhere in a hierarchy of fields as part of a pivot facet.PivotFacetFieldValueCollection Emcapsulates a collection ofPivotFacetValue
s associated with aPivotFacetField
withs pecial tracking of aPivotFacetValue
corrisponding to thenull
value whenFacetParams.FACET_MISSING
is used.PivotFacetValue Models a single (value, count) pair that will exist in the collection of values for aPivotFacetField
parent.QueryElevationComponent.ElevatingQuery Query triggering elevation.QueryElevationComponent.Elevation Elevation of some documents in search results, with potential exclusion of others.QueryElevationComponent.ElevationBuilder Builds anQueryElevationComponent.Elevation
.QueryElevationComponent.ElevationProvider Provides the elevations defined for queries.QueryElevationComponent.InitializationExceptionCause QueryElevationComponent.TrieSubsetMatcher Matches a potentially large collection of subsets with a trie implementation.QueryElevationComponent.TrieSubsetMatcher.Builder RangeFacetRequest Encapsulates a single facet.range request along with all its parameters.RangeFacetRequest.FacetRange Represents a single facet range (or gap) for which the count is to be calculatedRealTimeGetComponent.Resolution Lookup strategy for some methods on this class.ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.SearchComponent TODO!ShardDoc ShardHandler ShardHandlerFactory ShardRequest ShardResponse SpatialHeatmapFacets.HeatmapFacet StatsField Models all of the information associated with a singleStatsParams.STATS_FIELD
instance.StatsField.HllOptions Helper Struct for parsing and encapsulating all of the options relaed to building aHLL
StatsField.Stat An enumeration representing the sumer set of all possible stat values that can be computed.StatsValues StatsValue defines the interface for the collection of statistical values about fields and facets.TaskManagementHandler Abstract class which serves as the root of all task managing handlers -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.request Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.StatsField Models all of the information associated with a singleStatsParams.STATS_FIELD
instance.StatsValues StatsValue defines the interface for the collection of statistical values about fields and facets. -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.response Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future. -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description MergeStrategy The MergeStrategy class defines custom merge logic for distributed searches.ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future. -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.SearchComponent TODO!ShardRequest -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.ShardRequest -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.ShardRequest -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.ShardRequest -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future. -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future. -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.ShardRequest ShardResponse -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.spelling Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.ShardRequest SpellCheckMergeData -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.component used by org.apache.solr.util Class Description ResponseBuilder This class is experimental and will be changing in the future.ShardDoc ShardResponse