All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description ArraysDSL ArraysDSL.ArrayGeneratorBuilder<T> BaseBenchState The type Base bench state.BooleansDSL CloudIndexing CloudIndexing.BenchState DatesDSL A Class for creating Date Sources that will produce Dates based on the number of milliseconds since epochDistribution The enum Distribution.Docs A tool to generate controlled random data for a benchmark.DoublesDSL A Class for creating Double Sources that will produce doubles within a set interval and will shrink within this domain.FilterCache FilterCache.BenchState FloatsDSL A Class for creating Float Sources that will produce floats within a set interval and will shrink within this domain.IntegersDSL The type Integers dsl.JsonFaceting A benchmark to experiment with the performance of json faceting.JsonFaceting.BenchState JsonFaceting.BenchState.ThreadState LazyGen<T> The type Lazy gen.Lists ListsDSL A Class for creating List Sources that will produce List objects of either fixed or bounded size.ListsDSL.ListGeneratorBuilder<T> ListGeneratorBuilder enables the creation of Sources for Lists of fixed and bounded size, where no Collector is specified.ListsDSL.TypedListGeneratorBuilder<T> TypedListGeneratorBuilder enables the creation of Sources for Lists of fixed and bounded size, where the Collector is fixed.LongsDSL A Class for creating Long Sources that will produce Longs within a set interval and will shrink within this domain.Maps The type Maps.MapsDSL A Class for creating Map Sources that will produce Map objects of either fixed or bounded size.MapsDSL.MapGeneratorBuilder<K,V> MapGeneratorBuilder enables the creation of Sources for Maps of fixed and bounded size, where no Collector is specified.MiniClusterState The base class for Solr JMH benchmarks that operate against aMiniSolrCloudCluster
.MiniClusterState.MiniClusterBenchState The type Mini cluster bench state.MultiString The interface Multi string.NamedListGen NumericSearch NumericSearch.BenchState QueryResponseWriters QueryResponseWriters.BenchState RandomDataHistogram The type Random data histogram.RandomDataHistogram.Bucket The type Bucket.RandomDataHistogram.Counts The type Counts.SimpleSearch SimpleSearch.BenchState SolrGen<T> The type Solr gen.SolrGenerate The type Solr generate.SolrRandomnessSource The interface Solr randomness source.SolrStartup A simple JMH benchmark that attempts to measure approximate Solr startup behavior by measuringJettySolrRunner.start()
SolrStartup.PerThreadState SourceDSL The type Source dsl.SplittableRandomGenerator Extension ofjava.util.SplittableRandom
to implementRandomGenerator
.StreamingSearch StreamingSearch.BenchState StringsDSL The type Strings dsl.StringsDSL.RealisticUnicodeGeneratorBuilder The type Realistic unicode generator builder.StringsDSL.StringGeneratorBuilder The type String generator builder.StringsDSL.WordListGeneratorBuilder The type Word list generator builder.Tracker The type Tracker.