Class RenameFieldTransformer

  • public class RenameFieldTransformer
    extends DocTransformer
    Return a field with a name that is different that what is indexed
    solr 4.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • RenameFieldTransformer

        public RenameFieldTransformer​(String from,
                                      String to,
                                      boolean copy)
    • Method Detail

      • getExtraRequestFields

        public String[] getExtraRequestFields()
        Description copied from class: DocTransformer
        When a transformer needs access to fields that are not automatically derived from the input fields names, this option lets us explicitly say the field names that we hope will be in the SolrDocument. These fields will be requested from the SolrIndexSearcher but may or may not be returned in the final QueryResponseWriter
        getExtraRequestFields in class DocTransformer
        a list of extra lucene fields