Classes for dealing with ZooKeeper when operating in SolrCloud mode.
Interface Summary Interface Description ClusterSingleton Intended for components that should be enabled only one instance per cluster.DistributedCollectionLockFactory DistributedConfigSetLockFactory DistributedLock A lock that can be used across cluster nodes.Overseer.Message OverseerMessageHandler Interface for processing messages received by anOverseerTaskProcessor
OverseerMessageHandler.Lock OverseerTaskProcessor.OverseerMessageHandlerSelector An interface to determine whichOverseerMessageHandler
handles a given message.RecoveryStrategy.RecoveryListener -
Class Summary Class Description ActionThrottle ActiveReplicaWatcher Watch for replicas to becomeReplica.State.ACTIVE
.CloudDescriptor SolrCloud metadata attached to aCoreDescriptor
.CloudUtil ConfigSetApiLockFactory This class implements a higher level locking abstraction for the Config Set API using lower level read and write locks.ConfigSetCmds This class contains methods dealing with Config Sets and called for Config Set API execution, called from theOverseerConfigSetMessageHandler
or fromDistributedCollectionConfigSetCommandRunner.runConfigSetCommand(org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse, org.apache.solr.handler.admin.ConfigSetsHandler.ConfigSetOperation, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>, long)
depending on whether Collection and Config Set APIs are Overseer based or distributed.DistributedApiAsyncTracker Class holding the implementation required for tracking asynchronous Collection API (or other) tasks when the Collection API is distributed.DistributedClusterStateUpdater Gives access to distributed cluster state update methods and allows code to inquire whether distributed state update is enabled.DistributedClusterStateUpdater.StateChangeRecorder Class handling the distributed updates of collection's Zookeeper filesstate.json
based on multiple updates applied to a single collection (as is sometimes done by *Cmd classes implementing the Collection API commands).DistributedMap A distributed map.DistributedMultiLock A lock as acquired for running a single API command (Collection or Config Set or anything else in the future).ElectionContext LeaderElector Leader Election process.LockTree This is a utility class that offers fine grained locking for various Collection Operations This class is designed for single threaded operation.Overseer Cluster leader.Overseer.OverseerThread OverseerCollectionConfigSetProcessor AnOverseerTaskProcessor
that handles: 1) collection-related Overseer messages 2) configset-related Overseer messagesOverseerConfigSetMessageHandler AOverseerMessageHandler
that handles ConfigSets API related overseer messages.OverseerNodePrioritizer Responsible for prioritization of Overseer nodes, for example with the ADDROLE collection command.OverseerSolrResponse OverseerSolrResponseSerializer OverseerTaskProcessor A generic processor run in the Overseer, used for handling items added to a distributed work queue.OverseerTaskQueue AZkDistributedQueue
augmented with helper methods specific to the overseer task queues.OverseerTaskQueue.QueueEvent RecoveringCoreTermWatcher Start recovery of a core if its term is less than leader's termRecoveryStrategy This class may change in future and customisations are not supported between versions in terms of API or back compat behaviour.RecoveryStrategy.Builder RefreshCollectionMessage Refresh the Cluster State for a given collectionReplicateFromLeader SizeLimitedDistributedMap A size limited distributed map maintained in zk.SolrZkServer Stats Used to hold statistics about some SolrCloud operations.Stats.FailedOp Stats.Stat SyncStrategy ZkCLI ZkConfigSetService SolrCloud Zookeeper ConfigSetService impl.ZkController Handle ZooKeeper interactions.ZkDistributedCollectionLockFactory A distributed lock implementation using Zookeeper "directory" nodes created within a collection znode hierarchy, for use with the distributed Collection API implementation.ZkDistributedConfigSetLockFactory A distributed lock implementation using Zookeeper "directory" nodes created within a collection znode hierarchy, for use with the distributed Collection API implementation.ZkDistributedQueue A ZK-based distributed queue.ZkDistributedQueueFactory Implementation ofDistributedQueueFactory
that uses ZooKeeper.ZkShardTerms Class used for interact with a ZK term node.ZkSolrResourceLoader ResourceLoader that works with ZooKeeper.ZkSolrResourceLoader.ZkByteArrayInputStream -
Enum Summary Enum Description ClusterSingleton.State DistributedClusterStateUpdater.MutatingCommand Naming of enum instances are the mutator object name (e.g. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ZkController.NotInClusterStateException Thrown during pre register process if the replica is not present in clusterstateZkController.ResourceModifiedInZkException