Class AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger

  • public class AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger
    extends Object
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger

        public AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger​(SolrQueryRequest queryReq)
    • Method Detail

      • isAtomicUpdate

        public static boolean isAtomicUpdate​(AddUpdateCommand cmd)
        Utility method that examines the SolrInputDocument in an AddUpdateCommand and returns true if the documents contains atomic update instructions.
      • merge

        public SolrInputDocument merge​(SolrInputDocument fromDoc,
                                       SolrInputDocument toDoc)
        Merges the fromDoc into the toDoc using the atomic update syntax.
        fromDoc - SolrInputDocument which will merged into the toDoc
        toDoc - the final SolrInputDocument that will be mutated with the values from the fromDoc atomic commands
        toDoc with mutated values
      • isSupportedFieldForInPlaceUpdate

        public static boolean isSupportedFieldForInPlaceUpdate​(SchemaField schemaField)
        Given a schema field, return whether or not such a field is supported for an in-place update. Note: If an update command has updates to only supported fields (and _version_ is also supported), only then is such an update command executed as an in-place update.
      • computeInPlaceUpdatableFields

        public static Set<String> computeInPlaceUpdatableFields​(AddUpdateCommand cmd)
                                                         throws IOException
        Given an add update command, compute a list of fields that can be updated in-place. If there is even a single field in the update that cannot be updated in-place, the entire update cannot be executed in-place (and empty set will be returned in that case).
        Return a set of fields that can be in-place updated.
      • isDerivedFromDoc

        public static boolean isDerivedFromDoc​(SolrInputDocument fullDoc,
                                               SolrInputDocument partialDoc)
        fullDoc - the full doc to be compared against
        partialDoc - the sub document to be tested
        whether partialDoc is derived from fullDoc
      • getFieldFromHierarchy

        public static SolrInputField getFieldFromHierarchy​(SolrInputDocument completeHierarchy,
                                                           String fieldPath)
        completeHierarchy - SolrInputDocument that represents the nested document hierarchy from its root
        fieldPath - the path to fetch, separated by a '/' e.g. /children/grandChildren
        the SolrInputField of fieldPath
      • doInPlaceUpdateMerge

        public boolean doInPlaceUpdateMerge​(AddUpdateCommand cmd,
                                            Set<String> updatedFields)
                                     throws IOException
        Given an AddUpdateCommand containing update operations (e.g. set, inc), merge and resolve the operations into a partial document that can be used for indexing the in-place updates. The AddUpdateCommand is modified to contain the partial document (instead of the original document which contained the update operations) and also the prevVersion that this in-place update depends on. Note: updatedFields passed into the method can be changed, i.e. the version field can be added to the set.
        If in-place update cannot succeed, e.g. if the old document is deleted recently, then false is returned. A false return indicates that this update can be re-tried as a full atomic update. Returns true if the in-place update succeeds.
      • mergeChildDoc

        public SolrInputDocument mergeChildDoc​(SolrInputDocument sdoc,
                                               SolrInputDocument oldDocWithChildren,
                                               SolrInputDocument sdocWithChildren)
        Merges an Atomic Update inside a document hierarchy
        sdoc - the doc containing update instructions
        oldDocWithChildren - the doc (children included) before the update
        sdocWithChildren - the updated doc prior to the update (children included)
        root doc (children included) after update
      • updateDocInSif

        public SolrInputDocument updateDocInSif​(SolrInputField updateSif,
                                                SolrInputDocument cmdDocWChildren,
                                                SolrInputDocument updateDoc)
        updateSif - the SolrInputField to update its values
        cmdDocWChildren - the doc to insert/set inside updateSif
        updateDoc - the document that was sent as part of the Add Update Command
        updated SolrInputDocument