Package org.apache.solr.handler
Concrete implementations of
Interface Summary Interface Description AnalysisRequestHandlerBase.TokenTrackingAttribute This is anAttribute
used to track the positions of tokens in the analysis chain.NestedRequestHandler An interface for RequestHandlers need to handle all paths under its registered pathReplicationHandler.PollListener -
Class Summary Class Description AnalysisRequestHandlerBase A base class for all analysis request handlers.AnalysisRequestHandlerBase.AnalysisContext Serves as the context of an analysis process.AnalysisRequestHandlerBase.ListBasedTokenStream TokenStream that iterates over a list of pre-existing TokensAnalysisRequestHandlerBase.TokenTrackingAttributeImpl Implementation ofAnalysisRequestHandlerBase.TokenTrackingAttribute
.AnalyzeEvaluator BlobHandler CalciteJDBCStream Used with o.a.s.Handler.SQLHandler.CatStream CdcrParams CdcrReplicator Deprecated. since 8.6CdcrRequestHandler Deprecated. since 8.6ClassifyStream The classify expression retrieves a model trained by the train expression and uses it to classify documents from a stream Syntax: classif(model(...), anyStream(...), field="body")ContentStreamHandlerBase Shares common code between various handlers that manipulateContentStream
objects.ContentStreamLoader Load aContentStream
into SolrDocumentAnalysisRequestHandler An analysis handler that provides a breakdown of the analysis process of provided documents.DumpRequestHandler ExportHandler ExportHandler.ExportHandlerStreamFactory FieldAnalysisRequestHandler Provides the ability to specify multiple field types and field names in the same request.GraphHandler Solr Request Handler for graph traversal with streaming functions that responds with GraphML markup.GraphHandler.DummyErrorStream GraphHandler.TimerStream HaversineMetersEvaluator HaversineMetersEvaluator.HaversineDistance IndexFetcher Provides functionality of downloading changed index files as well as config files and a timer for scheduling fetches from the master.IndexFetcher.CompareResult IndexFetcher.IndexFetchResult MoreLikeThisHandler Solr MoreLikeThis -- Return similar documents either based on a single document or based on posted text.MoreLikeThisHandler.InterestingTerm MoreLikeThisHandler.MoreLikeThisHelper Helper class for MoreLikeThis that can be called from other request handlersNotFoundRequestHandler Does nothing other than showing a 404 messagePingRequestHandler Ping Request Handler for reporting SolrCore health to a Load Balancer.RealTimeGetHandler ReplicationHandler A Handler which provides a REST API for replication and serves replication requests from Slaves.RequestHandlerBase RequestHandlerUtils Common helper functions for RequestHandlersRestoreCore SchemaHandler SnapShooter Provides functionality equivalent to the snapshooter scriptSolrConfigHandler SolrDefaultStreamFactory A default collection of mappings, used to convert strings into stream expressions.SQLHandler StandardRequestHandler Deprecated. StreamHandler Solr Request Handler for streaming data.StreamHandler.DaemonCollectionStream StreamHandler.DaemonResponseStream StreamHandler.DummyErrorStream StreamHandler.ExpressibleHolder StreamHandler.TimerStream UpdateRequestHandler UpdateHandler that uses content-type to pick the right LoaderUpdateRequestHandlerApi -
Enum Summary Enum Description CdcrParams.BufferState The possible states of the CDCR bufferCdcrParams.CdcrAction The actions supported by the CDCR APICdcrParams.ProcessState The possible states of the CDCR processPingRequestHandler.ACTIONS -
Exception Summary Exception Description CdcrReplicator.CdcrReplicatorException Exception to catch update request issues with the target cluster.