Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.solr.handler.admin Package Description Classes for managing Replica placement strategy when operating in SolrCloud Core classes implementing Solr internals and the management ofSolrCore
sorg.apache.solr.handler.admin SolrRequestHandler
implementations for powering he Solr Admin UI -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.admin used by Class Description CoreAdminHandler.Invocable used by the INVOKE action of core admin handler -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.admin used by org.apache.solr.core Class Description AutoscalingHistoryHandler This handler makes it easier to retrieve a history of autoscaling events from the .system collection.CollectionsHandler ConfigSetsHandler ASolrRequestHandler
for ConfigSets API requests.CoreAdminHandler HealthCheckHandler Health Check Handler for reporting the health of a specific node.InfoHandler MetricsCollectorHandler Handler to collect and aggregate metric reports.MetricsHandler Request handler to return metricsMetricsHistoryHandler Collects metrics from all nodes in the system on a regular basis in a background thread.SecurityConfHandler -
Classes in org.apache.solr.handler.admin used by org.apache.solr.handler.admin Class Description BaseHandlerApiSupport This is a utility class to provide an easy mapping of request handlers which support multiple commands to the V2 API format (core admin api, collections api).BaseHandlerApiSupport.ApiCommand CollectionsHandler CollectionsHandler.CollectionOperation ConfigSetsHandler ASolrRequestHandler
for ConfigSets API requests.ContainerPluginsApi.Edit ContainerPluginsApi.Read CoreAdminHandler IndexSizeEstimator.Estimate IndexSizeEstimator.Item LoggingHandler A request handler to show which loggers are registered and allows you to set themMetricsHandler Request handler to return metricsMetricsHistoryHandler.Cmd MetricsHistoryHandler.Format PropertiesRequestHandler SecurityConfHandler SecurityConfHandler.SecurityConfig Object to hold security.json as nestedMap<String,Object>
and optionally its version.SolrEnvironment It is possible to define an environment code when starting Solr, through -Dsolr.environment=prod|stage|test|dev or by setting the cluster property "environment".SystemInfoHandler This handler returns system infoThreadDumpHandler