AdminHandlersProxy |
Static methods to proxy calls to an Admin (GET) API to other nodes in the cluster and return a combined response
AutoscalingHistoryHandler |
This handler makes it easier to retrieve a history of autoscaling events from the .system
BaseHandlerApiSupport |
This is a utility class to provide an easy mapping of request handlers which support multiple commands
to the V2 API format (core admin api, collections api).
ClusterStatus |
CollectionHandlerApi |
CollectionsHandler |
ColStatus |
Report low-level details of collection.
ConfigSetsHandler |
ConfigSetsHandlerApi |
ContainerPluginsApi |
CoreAdminHandler |
CoreAdminHandlerApi |
HealthCheckHandler |
Health Check Handler for reporting the health of a specific node.
IndexSizeEstimator |
Estimates the raw size of all uncompressed indexed data by scanning term, docValues and
stored fields data.
IndexSizeEstimator.Estimate |
IndexSizeEstimator.Item |
IndexSizeEstimator.ItemPriorityQueue |
IndexSizeEstimator.MapWriterSummaryStatistics |
InfoHandler |
LoggingHandler |
A request handler to show which loggers are registered and allows you to set them
LukeRequestHandler |
This handler exposes the internal lucene index.
MetricsCollectorHandler |
Handler to collect and aggregate metric reports.
MetricsHandler |
Request handler to return metrics
MetricsHistoryHandler |
Collects metrics from all nodes in the system on a regular basis in a background thread.
PluginInfoHandler |
PropertiesRequestHandler |
SecurityConfHandler |
SecurityConfHandler.SecurityConfig |
Object to hold security.json as nested Map<String,Object> and optionally its version.
SecurityConfHandlerLocal |
Security Configuration Handler which works on standalone local files
SecurityConfHandlerZk |
Security Configuration Handler which works with Zookeeper
SegmentsInfoRequestHandler |
This handler exposes information about last commit generation segments
ShowFileRequestHandler |
This handler uses the RawResponseWriter to give client access to
files inside ${solr.home}/conf
SolrEnvironment |
It is possible to define an environment code when starting Solr, through
-Dsolr.environment=prod|stage|test|dev or by setting the cluster property "environment".
SolrInfoMBeanHandler |
A request handler that provides info about all
registered SolrInfoMBeans.
SystemInfoHandler |
This handler returns system info
ThreadDumpHandler |
ZookeeperInfoHandler |
Zookeeper Info
ZookeeperReadAPI |
Exposes the content of the Zookeeper
This is an expert feature that exposes the data inside the back end zookeeper.This API may change or
be removed in future versions.
ZookeeperStatusHandler |
Zookeeper Status handler, talks to ZK using sockets and four-letter words