Class Aliases

  • public class Aliases
    extends Object
    Holds collection aliases -- virtual collections that point to one or more other collections. We might add other types of aliases here some day. Immutable.
    • Field Detail

      • EMPTY

        public static final Aliases EMPTY
        An empty, minimal Aliases primarily used to support the non-cloud solr use cases. Not normally useful in cloud situations where the version of the node needs to be tracked even if all aliases are removed. The -1 version makes it subordinate to any real version, and furthermore we never "set" this EMPTY instance into ZK.
    • Method Detail

      • fromJSON

        public static Aliases fromJSON​(byte[] bytes,
                                       int zNodeVersion)
        Create an instance from the JSON bytes read from zookeeper. Generally this should only be done by a ZkStateReader.
        bytes - The bytes read via a getData request to zookeeper (possibly null)
        zNodeVersion - the version of the data in zookeeper that this instance corresponds to
        A new immutable Aliases object
      • toJSON

        public byte[] toJSON()
        Serialize our state.
      • getZNodeVersion

        public int getZNodeVersion()
      • getCollectionAliasMap

        public Map<String,​String> getCollectionAliasMap()
        Get a map similar to the JSON data as stored in zookeeper. Callers may prefer use of getCollectionAliasListMap() instead, if collection names will be iterated.
        an unmodifiable Map of collection aliases mapped to a comma delimited string of the collection(s) the alias maps to. Does not return null.
      • getCollectionAliasListMap

        public Map<String,​List<String>> getCollectionAliasListMap()
        Get a fully parsed map of collection aliases.
        an unmodifiable Map of collection aliases mapped to a list of the collection(s) the alias maps to. Does not return null.
      • getCollectionAliasProperties

        public Map<String,​String> getCollectionAliasProperties​(String alias)
        Returns an unmodifiable Map of properties for a given alias. This method will never return null.
        alias - the name of an alias also found as a key in getCollectionAliasListMap()
        The properties for the alias (possibly empty).
      • resolveAliases

        public List<String> resolveAliases​(String aliasName)
        List the collections associated with a particular alias. One level of alias indirection is supported (alias to alias to collection). Such indirection may be deprecated in the future, use with caution.
        An unmodifiable list of collections names that the input alias name maps to. If there are none, the input is returned.
      • hasAlias

        public boolean hasAlias​(String aliasName)
        Returns true if an alias is defined, false otherwise.
      • isRoutedAlias

        public boolean isRoutedAlias​(String aliasName)
        Returns true if an alias exists and is a routed alias, false otherwise.
      • resolveSimpleAlias

        public String resolveSimpleAlias​(String aliasName)
                                  throws IllegalArgumentException
        Resolve an alias that points to a single collection. One level of alias indirection is supported.
        aliasName - alias name
        original name if there's no such alias, or a resolved name. If an alias points to more than 1 collection (directly or indirectly) an exception is thrown
        IllegalArgumentException - if either direct or indirect alias points to more than 1 name.
      • resolveAliasesGivenAliasMap

        public static List<String> resolveAliasesGivenAliasMap​(Map<String,​List<String>> collectionAliasListMap,
                                                               String aliasName)
        NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • cloneWithCollectionAlias

        public Aliases cloneWithCollectionAlias​(String alias,
                                                String collections)
        Creates a new Aliases instance with the same data as the current one but with a modification based on the parameters.

        Note that the state in zookeeper is unaffected by this method and the change must still be persisted via ZkStateReader.AliasesManager.applyModificationAndExportToZk(UnaryOperator)

        alias - the alias to update, must not be null
        collections - the comma separated list of collections for the alias, null to remove the alias
      • cloneWithRename

        public Aliases cloneWithRename​(String before,
                                       String after)
        Rename an alias. This performs a "deep rename", which changes also the second-level alias lists. Renaming routed aliases is not supported.

        Note that the state in zookeeper is unaffected by this method and the change must still be persisted via ZkStateReader.AliasesManager.applyModificationAndExportToZk(UnaryOperator)

        before - previous alias name, must not be null
        after - new alias name. If this is null then it's equivalent to calling cloneWithCollectionAlias(String, String) with the second argument set to null, ie. removing an alias.
        new instance with the renamed alias
        IllegalArgumentException - when either before or after is empty, or the before name is a routed alias
      • cloneWithCollectionAliasProperties

        public Aliases cloneWithCollectionAliasProperties​(String alias,
                                                          String propertiesKey,
                                                          String propertiesValue)
        Set the value for some properties on a collection alias. This is done by creating a new Aliases instance with the same data as the current one but with a modification based on the parameters.

        Note that the state in zookeeper is unaffected by this method and the change must still be persisted via ZkStateReader.AliasesManager.applyModificationAndExportToZk(UnaryOperator)

        alias - the alias to update
        propertiesKey - the key for the properties
        propertiesValue - the properties to add/replace, null to remove the key.
        An immutable copy of the aliases with the new properties.
      • cloneWithCollectionAliasProperties

        public Aliases cloneWithCollectionAliasProperties​(String alias,
                                                          Map<String,​String> properties)
        Set the values for some properties keys on a collection alias. This is done by creating a new Aliases instance with the same data as the current one but with a modification based on the parameters.

        Note that the state in zookeeper is unaffected by this method and the change must still be persisted via ZkStateReader.AliasesManager.applyModificationAndExportToZk(UnaryOperator)

        alias - the alias to update
        properties - the properties to add/replace, null values in the map will remove the key.
        An immutable copy of the aliases with the new properties.