Package org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response
Convenience classes for dealing with various types of Solr responses.
Class Summary Class Description AnalysisResponseBase A base class for all analysis responses.AnalysisResponseBase.AnalysisPhase A phase in the analysis process.AnalysisResponseBase.TokenInfo Holds all information of a token as part of an analysis phase.Cluster This class represents a cluster of Solr Docs .ClusteringResponse Encapsulates responses from ClusteringComponentCollectionAdminResponse ConfigSetAdminResponse No special handling at this time.ConfigSetAdminResponse.List CoreAdminResponse DelegationTokenResponse Delegation Token responsesDelegationTokenResponse.Cancel DelegationTokenResponse.Get DelegationTokenResponse.JsonMapResponseParser ResponseParser for JsonMaps.DelegationTokenResponse.Renew DocumentAnalysisResponse A response that is returned by processing theDocumentAnalysisRequest
.DocumentAnalysisResponse.DocumentAnalysis An analysis process breakdown of a document.DocumentAnalysisResponse.FieldAnalysis An analysis process breakdown for a specific field.FacetField A utility class to hold the facet response.FacetField.Count FieldAnalysisResponse A response that is returned by processing theFieldAnalysisRequest
.FieldAnalysisResponse.Analysis The analysis of a field.FieldStatsInfo Holds stats infoGroup Represents a group.GroupCommand This class represents the result of a group command.GroupResponse Overall grouping result.HealthCheckResponse IntervalFacet Objects of this class will contain the result of all the intervals defined for a specific field.IntervalFacet.Count Holds counts for facet intervals defined in a fieldLukeResponse This is an incomplete representation of the data returned from LukeLukeResponse.FieldInfo LukeResponse.FieldTypeInfo PivotField QueryResponse RangeFacet<B,G> Represents a range facet resultRangeFacet.Count RangeFacet.Currency RangeFacet.Date RangeFacet.Numeric SimpleSolrResponse SolrPingResponse SolrResponseBase SpellCheckResponse Encapsulates responses from SpellCheckComponentSpellCheckResponse.Collation SpellCheckResponse.Correction SpellCheckResponse.Suggestion SuggesterResponse Encapsulates responses from the Suggester ComponentSuggestion This class models a Suggestion coming from Solr Suggest Component.TermsResponse Encapsulates responses from TermsComponentTermsResponse.Term UpdateResponse TODO -- mostly a stub until we have a defined output formatV2Response -
Enum Summary Enum Description RequestStatusState Represents the state of an asynchronous request.