AbstractDefaultValueUpdateProcessorFactory |
Base class that can be extended by any
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory designed to add a default value
to the document in an AddUpdateCommand when that field is not
already specified.
AtomicUpdateDocumentMerger |
CdcrUpdateProcessor |
ClassificationUpdateProcessorFactory.Algorithm |
ClassificationUpdateProcessorParams |
DistributedUpdateProcessor |
DistributedUpdateProcessor.DistribPhase |
Values this processor supports for the DISTRIB_UPDATE_PARAM .
DistributedZkUpdateProcessor |
DistributingUpdateProcessorFactory |
A marker interface for denoting that a factory is responsible for handling
distributed communication of updates across a SolrCloud cluster.
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor |
Reusable base class for UpdateProcessors that will consider
AddUpdateCommands and mutate the values associated with configured
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor.FieldNameSelector |
Interface for identifying which fields should be mutated
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory |
Base class for implementing Factories for FieldMutatingUpdateProcessors and
FieldMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory.SelectorParams |
FieldValueMutatingUpdateProcessor |
Abstract subclass of FieldMutatingUpdateProcessor for implementing
UpdateProcessors that will mutate all individual values of a selected
field independently
FieldValueSubsetUpdateProcessorFactory |
Base class for processors that want to mutate selected fields to only
keep a subset of the original values.
MD5Signature |
ParseNumericFieldUpdateProcessorFactory |
Abstract base class for numeric parsing update processor factories.
Signature |
SimpleUpdateProcessorFactory |
A base class for writing a very simple UpdateProcessor without worrying too much about the API.
TemplateUpdateProcessorFactory.Resolved |
UpdateRequestProcessor |
This is a good place for subclassed update handlers to process the document before it is
UpdateRequestProcessorChain |
Manages a chain of UpdateRequestProcessorFactories.
UpdateRequestProcessorChain.ProcessorInfo |
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory |
A factory to generate an UpdateRequestProcessor for each request.
UpdateRequestProcessorFactory.RunAlways |
A marker interface for UpdateRequestProcessorFactory implementations indicating that
the factory should be used even if the update.distrib parameter would otherwise cause
it to not be run.